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Foreign businessmen claim Bt12m valuables, cash stolen


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On 5/26/2018 at 2:37 PM, notasmartassknowitallfarag said:

Why have they got 28 Rolex watches? 


Why are they leaving them in an easy to open unsecured place? 


Who knew they were staying there and what attracted the burglar     specifically to them in the first place? 


For me, it’s an insurance scam or sheer stupidty. 

As we have found from a recent problem with a high ranking government official, those who have an accumulation of fine Rolex watches also are well versed in providing illogical, inexplicable and just plain intelligence insulting excuses as to why they have them.


I will credit these guys as having the wit to provide their story soon after the event, not months later.

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