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Election ‘11 months away’


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7 minutes ago, Eligius said:

I agree with much of what you say, KiwiKiwi. But as a fellow human being, I hate to see other human beings (especially those who have been deliberately kept uneducated, poor and ignorant from day one, to benefit the ruthlessly exploitative Masters) being robbed of even the most basic and fundamental human and civil rights that should be theirs. 


Yes, the system here is shockingly mediaeval / feudal - but I still loathe bullies and naturally side with those powerless people who are constantly being kicked in the teeth (and worse).


I am sure, knowing of your humane sympathies, that you are not a million miles away from my own position!


And you'd be right about that. Perhaps I'm just blowing smoke... but I am reminded of lemmings running headlong towards a cliff - for whatever reason.


Edited by KiwiKiwi
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Kiwikiwi, I think your idea that the same hagiography can't be believed anymore is a very interesting point and one I've considered quite a bit. I've seen it slip and slide all over the place and people desperately trying to reinvent it and shore it up from attacks that come from reason and evidence and historical fact and inference. And others eventually shedding it somehow. But religious convictions are difficult to shed. If Jesus Christ came to earth tomorrow, I'd probably still find reasons to remain an atheist!!!


The redshirt "Ta Sawang" (eyes opened) notion which, of course, has gone very quiet with the NCPO watching the peasants closely was quite clearly an expression of disbelief in the official and sanctified version of history. I think that, if there is an election, if the oppression is removed, if the relevant laws go into abeyance and disuse or even better become ridiculous and impossible to maintain, things might change. A long series of ifs...


But still the most optimistic statement on the situation that I've ever heard is from an old Northern  farmer who when pressed with the yellow position that the northerners were the backbone of the nation, but pretty stupid, buffaloes, uneducated. He replied: "Yeah, they're sort of right, we used to be stupid."


As for the middle classes - beyond redemption perhaps, but with luck and time their talismans will eventually become a trivial cult that other people don't have to worry about or consider.

Edited by tomta
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8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

I am truly at a loss to understand these people.


These 'pronouncements' do nothing but hurt their own cause.


If there isn't going to be an election anytime soon, better for them simply to say so; there will be a price to be paid but from their perspective it is probably better paid earlier rather than later. Alternatively, if there is going to be an election early next year, these vague, undefined suggestions of times simply roil opponents and undercut the limited credibility of a Junta already lacking credibility.


Are there not political people in the Junta who understand this? Why are they not being listened to?


This is political self-harm for no logical reason.


see: der Untergang

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