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44 foreigners arrested in ongoing tourist police crackdowns


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10 hours ago, JAG said:

Nothing faux about it. I said that I agreed with your  description. I just find it intriguing, and rather distasteful that you consider you can judge others, and more so that you appear to look forward to them being excluded.

Being negatively generalized about based on your race and national origin isn't much fun, is it? Don't like it? Stop doing it to others. Want to clean up the expat pool? Tend to your own end of the swamp and stop pointing fingers. Cuz if you want to know the truth, I think in many ways a guy from Lagos trying to better his life by teaching English without a work permit and who respects the culture and is making a contribution ought to be more welcome here than the dyspeptic, pot-bellied, chain smoking, alky, Thai-bashing, TB and VD spreading, lady boy chasing, skint, self-pitying woe-is-me-I've-been-marginalized economic refugee,  skinhead, football hooligan, I'm-God's-gift-to-Thai-tourism types so in evidence on this forum.

Edited by Gecko123
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34 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Being negatively generalized about based on your race and national origin isn't much fun, is it? Don't like it? Stop doing it to others. Want to clean up the expat pool? Tend to your own end of the swamp and stop pointing fingers. Cuz if you want to know the truth, I think in many ways a guy from Lagos trying to better his life by teaching English without a work permit and who respects the culture and is making a contribution ought to be more welcome here than the dyspeptic, pot-bellied, chain smoking, alky, Thai-bashing, TB and VD spreading, lady boy chasing, skint, self-pitying woe-is-me-I've-been-marginalized economic refugee,  skinhead, football hooligan, I'm-God's-gift-to-Thai-tourism types so in evidence on this forum.

Thank you for absolutely confirming the point which I made.


Now, you offered me some gratuitous advice - well thank you. Perhaps I can, in turn, offer you some. Read posts when people comment on what you say. In that way, you may understand what they are saying, and not need to let rip with your rant (which says far more about you than it does about those who you attempt to describe).


Incidentally, I have no objection to anyone from Lagos trying to better themselves. Nor have I ever expressed a view on the racial aspect (which undoubtedly exists) of the current police campaign. In fact my view is rather probably the opposite of what you seem to surmise..

Edited by JAG
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23 hours ago, Get Real said:

They are targeting certain groups and people from certain countries, just out of the reason that they put this kind of illegal activities in regular play.

I am quite sure they check up other teachers too, but it might just be that they have thier visas and papers in order.

There are  thousands of  farangs working without permits.   If I  were in charge I can  get them in no time.  

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32 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

So what is your point?


My point was that Black are being targeted 

I didnt mean that in a racist way , meaning that all Blacks are bad .

I didnt mean that in a snowflake way , saying all Blacks are victim of racism

Its just that I have a Black/European friend who quite often gets stopped by police and has to show his PP ,whereas all my White friends never get stopped

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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

My point was that Black are being targeted 

I didnt mean that in a racist way , meaning that all Blacks are bad .

I didnt mean that in a snowflake way , saying all Blacks are victim of racism

Its just that I have a Black/European friend who quite often gets stopped by police and has to show his PP ,whereas all my White friends never get stopped

OK, I get it.

But good or bad that happens all over the world especially in the most civilized places the US being one of the largest contributors to Black man targeted stops.

My experience is the Thais are as racist as any place. And, obviously here white people are stopped/targeted everyday also for no reason just drive down Beach road today on a motorbike and find out.

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28 minutes ago, Petchou said:

There are  thousands of  farangs working without permits.   If I  were in charge I can  get them in no time.  

I have both heard and read that they accept volontary work from foreigners in the thai police force. I advise you to send you application to BJ directly. I am quite sure he will appreciate your participation..

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18 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Fleshing out a demographic for those who refuse to look in the mirror.

Please give us a profile of YOUR OWN demographic, I am sure many on this board would like to know what kind of farang you are.


P.S. There is nobody in Thai authority nodding approvingly at the "good farangs" that many consider themselves to be. Nobody is saying about you "ah yes, this is the kind of farang we welcome in Thailand". Sorry.

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19 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

OK, I get it.

But good or bad that happens all over the world especially in the most civilized places the US being one of the largest contributors to Black man targeted stops.

My experience is the Thais are as racist as any place.

Although the situstion in Thailand cannot be compared to Western Countries

Thailand doesnt have an ethnic African citizens and Africans can only get tourist visas for Thailand from their own Countries ,  they cannot get Thai visas from neighboring Countries . 

    So, Africans are more likely to be doing something illegal , hence the clampdown

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3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Being negatively generalized about based on your race and national origin isn't much fun, is it? Don't like it? Stop doing it to others. Want to clean up the expat pool? Tend to your own end of the swamp and stop pointing fingers. Cuz if you want to know the truth, I think in many ways a guy from Lagos trying to better his life by teaching English without a work permit and who respects the culture and is making a contribution ought to be more welcome here than the dyspeptic, pot-bellied, chain smoking, alky, Thai-bashing, TB and VD spreading, lady boy chasing, skint, self-pitying woe-is-me-I've-been-marginalized economic refugee,  skinhead, football hooligan, I'm-God's-gift-to-Thai-tourism types so in evidence on this forum.

AGAIN: Please give us a profile of YOUR OWN demographic, I am sure many on this board would like to know what kind of farang you are.

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7 minutes ago, Shouldhaveknownbetter said:

I got the impression he or she was not a farang.

I got the Impression he was a Brit by his English/colloquialism usage and had clearly spent time hanging around Pattaya or Nana otherwise how would he be able to profile as he does?

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7 minutes ago, JAG said:

Well from his recent "torrent" we can construe that he is fit, slim with flowing locks, does not drink or smoke, suffers from no disease, and is well enough insured to have no need of the government health system (in which foreigners pay for treatment.). He is obviously deeply immersed in Thai culture, and presumably, as he seems to abhor both ladyboys and women asexual (perhaps an assumption too far there!). He speaks the language fluently, is unaffected by indigestion and has no interest in football. As for race and age, a bit more difficult to judge, but probably white, well educated (although he does have some issues with syntax) and since he seems to despise many of the afflictions which come with age presumably younger than most on here...


Masterful! ?

What I find strage is that he rails against people he considers racist but judges people on their physical characteristics -  clearly he is Fattist (or more specifically pot bellyist) and judges people by their hair length - I mean isn't that like judging people by their ethnicity or skin colour? Are all people with short hair violent football hooligans, I mean its like saying all Africans are drug dealers or something like that. I mean let's face it that is quite some stereotyping he is into.


Edited by mokwit
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15 hours ago, sanemax said:

Can you not understand what I wrote or meant ?

I did not say that there are no Caucasians selling drugs or selling themselves .

What I said was that the Africans tend to congregate in one area, where they openly sell drugs to passers by and that is the reason why the authorities targeted that group .

   I have not heard of groups of Caucasians all congregating in one area and selling drugs / themselves and if they were to do that , the authorities would clamp down on that group as well .



Why are you posting nonsense? Where has it been written on the thread that anyone was targeted because they were hanging around selling drugs?

I don't see anything about a drug arrest. I see that four Nigerians were arrested for either not having a valid visa or overstaying.

Perhaps you assume that because many are pictured that they were all arrested.

No....it was a raid. So likely they took everyone, checked them all out and let the others go.

Caucasians congregate in one area and engage in prostitution. 

I repeat my earlier question.

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19 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

Enough with the faux indignation.  I think everybody here knows full well there is a lot of truth in what I wrote. It's been described adnauseum on these forums. If you and others want to pretend the shoe-string budget, anti-social, maladjusted, overweight, refusing to learn Thai, problem drinker, uninsured with chronic medical problems guy on a retirement visa doesn't exist, knock yourselves out.

It appears that you have a problem with older people living here unless they have a fat wallet, and your blatant "ageism" remarks are insulting to the majority of pensioners here. Most of these people have worked all their lives in order to live a reasonably happy retirement, which unfortunately is not possible in some of their home countries any more due to the high cost of living, and choose to live here because yes - the cost of living is a bit cheaper here. However, that does not give you the right to criticise them because they can't afford the cost of the ridiculously high insurance premiums,  and also what gives you the right to arrogantly assume that "everybody here knows full well there is a lot of truth in what I wrote. It's been described adnauseum on these forums." You are partly right in your second sentence - what you write is indeed nauseating - it is also insulting, and IMHO you should take your own advice that you quote in your final comment! 

Edited by sambum
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3 hours ago, JamJar said:

Why are you posting nonsense? Where has it been written on the thread that anyone was targeted because they were hanging around selling drugs?

I don't see anything about a drug arrest. I see that four Nigerians were arrested for either not having a valid visa or overstaying.

Perhaps you assume that because many are pictured that they were all arrested.

No....it was a raid. So likely they took everyone, checked them all out and let the others go.

Caucasians congregate in one area and engage in prostitution. 

I repeat my earlier question.

This thread is about the "on-going" crackdown on foreigners breaking the law .

The previous crack-downs involved African drug dealers and prostitutes on the streets around Nana plaza .

   That I what I was referring to  , although the OP is about overstayers, its part of the same crackdown as the previous raids .

   I am not aware of any groups of Caucasian females all congregating in one area engaging in prostitution

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I read these stupid comments that are suggesting the immigration  police are only targeting certain groups ,  and shake my head, they are targeting criminals and over stayers  ,  any over stayers , so the racist blab blab blab is a waste of breath , but some people ,like to use it , for I believe , there own agenda.  or because they have nothing better to say. I ask you what happens in your own country , with over stayers and criminals who come it ,to your country , or do they get a pat on the head , and can stay .

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On 6/1/2018 at 3:44 PM, sanemax said:

The RTP have stated that they are targeting Africans .(the name "operation Black Eagle , wasnt a coincidence)

I did also state that the targeting of Africans is part of the general clampdown on criminals , along with visa overstayers and illegal workers .

   Please do not accuse me of "playing the race card" or "political correctness" , I am in favour of Africans being targeted , as many are up to no good

well said.

maybe if they see white farangs hanging around Sukhumit selling drugs they will call it 'operation white hawk'


but i would suggest most from Europe,US,Eng,Aus.. come here after good planning and having funds to live without working...

NOT just roll into Thailand and must to scrounging a dodgy living, cant afford to keep up the visa, needing begging and generally being a pest to Thais and foreiner


I dont think its racist to say these people getting busted are the ones from the same  countries we see all the time, who are in a desperate way to earn money and will do anything for a few baht


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I get well pxxxxx off when people shout about racism in these cases. 
The majority of the arrests are black, Indian or Pakistani.
if these are the people braking the laws, then arrest them, its irrelevant what nationality they are, they are in the wrong.
its a pity other countries DONT arrest people through fear of being dubbed racist, the West would be a better place. The racism card is used far too much to protect or excuse illegality in many western countries. 
You can't do this in England the Pakistan's are protected and free to abuse the law of the .

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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On 6/1/2018 at 1:33 PM, Father Fintan Stack said:

They've admitted to targeting blacks and racial profiling.


Picking the lowest hanging fruit, and those lowest in the food chain that cannot defend themselves.


Just a sideshow to distract the simple minded away from the real criminality rife in this country. 

One by one, step by step.............Targeting Africans, racial profiling, if it works keep it up, next target all the ED Visa folks that never see inside a classroom...........I think only full time students should be allowed an Education Visa.

Edited by TunnelRat69
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On 6/1/2018 at 10:42 AM, Essecola said:

They arent going to arrest any caucasian teachers it looks like

Maybe so far they haven't found any who is liable for overstay or illegal entry. They don't do favors or discounts to anyone, that's for sure!

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Who's working illegally at schools then? 


   The mind boggles and some highly qualified teachers might get some cold feet now.....?

Edited by jenny2017
Corrected the Spellchecker
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18 minutes ago, Italian guy said:

Maybe so far they haven't found any who is liable for overstay or illegal entry. They don't do favors or discounts to anyone, that's for sure!

They do favors for certain people with connections. I know a school that's so protected that nobody would come and check. They are all trainers but work as full-time teachers.


How fair is that to those who had to leave because they didn't get another waiver? And to people who studied for a Diploma, or similar to be legal? 


If a trainer or a teacher's assistant is making more money than a qualified teacher, there's got to be something wrong. 

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5 hours ago, Italian guy said:

Maybe so far they haven't found any who is liable for overstay or illegal entry. They don't do favors or discounts to anyone, that's for sure!

What I meant was it is basically common knowledge right now that if you are caucasian, you can more or less work as an English teacher freely with no work permit. Its harder to get visas etc, but once ur in it's fine. The authorities dont want to give the thai employers, the schools, a hard time unless the teachers with no permit are african or indian. The above is just my personal observation and opinion. 

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