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New immigration rules?????

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I went to immigration yesterday for a simple 90 day report and new re-entry visa.


Backstory:  I got a non-o A based on retirement two years ago. My last entry on that visa was May last year. Last December I traveled and the immigration officer gave me another year. I questioned it. He got a bit testy and said yes one year. Go.

So in March I went to do my 90 day at Buriram and again questioned the one year permission to stay and again how dare I question them. I gave you one year. Go!

Back to today. 90 day report and entry visa. 

WAIT!  Your visa expired 2 days ago. I reminded him of our last conversation. 

Big boss comes over. Everyone laughs. Not sure at what. Boss asked if I was married. I said yes. Why didn?t you bring wife?  No need to. 

That didn?t sit well. He said go get wife proof of funds in bank or income letter. I don?t have affidavit just letter from retirement. Ok bring it. See you Monday. I said no see you in an hour!

Back to immigration with wife and documents in 45 minutes. They were shocked. 

Without all of the details here is how it turned out:

Even though date in passport is wrong it is my responsibility. I was asked which visa number I put on my arrival card. I pointed to the number on the original visa. WRONG!  You must use the VISA number on the reentry VISA so it is definitely your fault!

So.....  overstay fine and stamp in passport. 1000 baht
60 day extension 1900 baht
Service fee 1000 baht no receipt for this one!

So I?ll do an extension in about 55 days. 

Just beware and check the dates and be more persistent than I was if there is an error. 

I was informed that a letter from the embassy is no longer sufficient proof of transfer of funds into Thailand. They want documents from the bank showing transfers of money into Thailand!  I said I would bring my bank book.  They said no they want to see something from the bank other than bank book that shows the money was sent here from overseas.  


I think the bank book shows that.  Ill go to the bank Monday and see what they can offer if anything.


Has anyone else had a similar experience?  


Others here have reportedly had to pay a special service fee because the money wasn't transferred monthly but quarterly.  Is this a new trend with immigration?


Also, it wasn't just one IO, but all 3 in the office were gathered together telling me the same thing!


Any info that you can share regarding this is greatly appreciated!

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Yes showed proof of income but the comment (as I was asking about when I come back for the extension) was that income does not matter, but the fact that the money is transferred here from elsewhere, and the money is being spent here. (Paraphrasing but this is the main point of what he had to say)  He also said that Foreigners that stay here need to prove that they are spending the money.

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Apparently they noticed the one year entry you go in December was an error when you went to the office this time.

You should only been stamped in to the date your re-entry permit expired.

You will still need a income letter from you embassy to apply for the extension.

Apparently they want copies of your bank book as a backup to what is on the letter. There is no written requirement for it to be shown and if does not have to be full amount shown on the letter since that is gross income.

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I do not recall any reports of immigration wanting more than the bank book as backup proof for a income affidavit.

Not sure what the bank could supply as proof since there could be a lot of transfers shown. The bank book shows they were transferred from abroad which should be more than enough.

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On 6/2/2018 at 12:16 PM, DepDavid said:

Service fee 1000 baht no receipt for this one!


Others here have reportedly had to pay a special service fee because the money wasn't transferred monthly but quarterly.  Is this a new trend with immigration?


Also, it wasn't just one IO, but all 3 in the office were gathered together telling me the same thing!


Any info that you can share regarding this is greatly appreciated!


The 3 guys were all gathered together to re-enforce the notion that what they were making up was true.  Later, they discuss how they will split the proceeds from the "special service fees" attained. 


Corruption is an ongoing issue with many offices and/or certain desks at some offices.  That's what the hassles all come down to - not whether your income is really genuine (or you really go to school for ED-extensions, or are really living with your wife for marriage-based extensions).  


In many of these cases, a "special service fee" - either paid directly, or via an agent, or through a school (for ED extensions) - is where the road leads.  For example, at many offices, they accept "agent processed" applications where the agents fake the money in the bank, and the "seasoning" requirement is waived - for a hefty-fee, of course.


If they reject your bank-book, which (if like mine) clearly indicates "FTT" for foreign transfers, then you are really dealing with a "special service fee" situation. 

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On 6/2/2018 at 10:57 AM, DepDavid said:

I am wondering though if there are others that have encountered issues with immigration wanting more than bank book



Jomtien ask for a bank statement from the bank, as well as the bank letter and copies of the bank book.

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