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Iran calls on world to stand up to Trump, save nuclear deal


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11 hours ago, dragonballz said:

uh  i not understand ,iran wants you to stand with them  and ezzra stated they cannot be trusted ,they are brutal ,they have sleeper terror cells ,has mercenary proxy armies , support hezboolah and hamas , wants to destroy israel and kill all us citizens  . 
That is everything to do with the topic at hand except your post which says and means nothing

"they have sleeper terror cells" "and kill all us citizens "  Sound like you're conflating the bogeymen with some facts that are hardly threatening to the world but only to the region. A region in which Iran is hardly the only nasty player. And in fact finds many of them arrayed against it.



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37 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

"they have sleeper terror cells" "and kill all us citizens "  Sound like you're conflating the bogeymen with some facts that are hardly threatening to the world but only to the region. A region in which Iran is hardly the only nasty player. And in fact finds many of them arrayed against it.




Not that I subscribe to the other poster's hyperbole version, but neither to your nothing-to-see-here one. The "sleeper cell" thing is based, I think, originated from the words of some IRGC commander a couple years back or so. There was an Iranian operation disrupted earlier this year, in Germany. And that botched affair in Bangkok. Just a few examples, there were other international instances in which Iranian involvement (directly or by proxy) was suspected or implicated. Regionally, Iran is obviously far more active with regard to such activities.





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13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

"they have sleeper terror cells" "and kill all us citizens "  Sound like you're conflating the bogeymen with some facts that are hardly threatening to the world but only to the region. A region in which Iran is hardly the only nasty player. And in fact finds many of them arrayed against it.



this is about iran not others in the region . The fact that they fund world terrorism and parade in their streets shouting death to all americans while burning the american flag , state  openly and clearly their intent is to destroy israel with nuclear bombs seems to have escaped you 

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19 minutes ago, dragonballz said:

this is about iran not others in the region . The fact that they fund world terrorism and parade in their streets shouting death to all americans while burning the american flag , state  openly and clearly their intent is to destroy israel with nuclear bombs seems to have escaped you 

Given that 99.99 percent of Islamist terrorism is Sunni inspired, your claim is ridiculous. And that's some threat, shouting death to all Americans. Clearly proof of Iranian strength and not the opposite. Yes, their intent is to destroy Israel with Nuclear bombs and be destroyed by Israeli nuclear bombs in return. You are an amazing strategist and clearly part lemming.

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Yet another European company gets cold feet over Iran:


Peugeot Maker Halts Iran Expansion, Yielding to U.S. Sanctions



And Iran raises the stakes:


Iran to inform IAEA of start of process to boost uranium enrichment capacity: ISNA



Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei orders country's atomic energy body to prepare for uranium enrichment capacity upgrade



If I understand correctly, this is still within the parameters of the JCPOA (aka the "Iran Deal"), if not a particularly good omen.

Edited by Morch
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On 6/4/2018 at 6:30 AM, ezzra said:

Iran can be trusted as far as you can throw them, their brutal expenditures  ambambitions in to many countries around the region and sleeper terror cells and many other countries are well known, Iran uses mercenary proxy army of other nations recruits to do their dirty job, Iran finance and support Hezbollah and Hamas, both terrorist entities, Iran does not recognize Israel right to exist and call for it's destruction and total annihilations and such mad bunch of zalot Mullahs should not possess nukes....

The USA is hardly trust worthy either.

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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Given that 99.99 percent of Islamist terrorism is Sunni inspired, your claim is ridiculous. And that's some threat, shouting death to all Americans. Clearly proof of Iranian strength and not the opposite. Yes, their intent is to destroy Israel with Nuclear bombs and be destroyed by Israeli nuclear bombs in return. You are an amazing strategist and clearly part lemming.

Ok i bow to your superior wisdom and concede that iran is not a terrorist country , is not a threat to israel , is not a threat to syria and all countries in the middle east . they love americans and love to have some more dollars they do not want a nuclear bomb and in fact is less of a threat to world peace than lichtenstein . Sorry for being so wrong .allahu akbar

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3 hours ago, dragonballz said:

this is about iran not others in the region . The fact that they fund world terrorism and parade in their streets shouting death to all americans while burning the american flag , state  openly and clearly their intent is to destroy israel with nuclear bombs seems to have escaped you 

>>state  openly and clearly their intent is to destroy israel with nuclear bombs seems to have escaped you 

...that's not true. Can you provide links for that please.


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8 minutes ago, dexterm said:

>>state  openly and clearly their intent is to destroy israel with nuclear bombs seems to have escaped you 

...that's not true. Can you provide links for that please.



Ready your deflections and spins:



Our stance against Israel is the same stance we have always taken. #Israel is a malignant cancerous tumor in the West Asian region that has to be removed and eradicated: it is possible and it will happen



The Israeli Embassy's response would apply to yourself as well.


Merkel condemns Iran tweet but still backs nuclear deal



Israel Responds With 'Mean Girls' GIF After Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei's Nuclear Threats




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On 6/4/2018 at 4:19 AM, Morch said:






You do not speak for any "we", and there is no such imaginary, nonsensical imperative as you try to paint. Trump being Trump doesn't make China or Russia righteous. Of course, not "everybody" think Iran is "harmless", and it is untrue that everyone (again, that co-opting of "us") objects to sanctions laid on Iran.

We, as 'we' are against sanctions against Iran. We, as Britain, Europe, Russia and China don't want sanctions against Iran.

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3 hours ago, Morch said:


Ready your deflections and spins:




The Israeli Embassy's response would apply to yourself as well.


Merkel condemns Iran tweet but still backs nuclear deal



Israel Responds With 'Mean Girls' GIF After Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei's Nuclear Threats




Couldn't open your Washington Post link re Merkel...subscription??


The Newsweek link
"Khamenei sent out a series of bombastic tweets railing against Israel and the U.S. on Sunday in which Iran’s top leader said his Middle East neighbor is a “malignant cancerous tumor” in the region. In a speech Monday, Khamenei declared that any country firing a missile at Iran “will be hit by 10,” Reuters reported. "


The spin is all yours and the poster I was originally replying to before you jumped in. 


There is no mention of Iran firing nuclear missiles..perhaps you have forgotten..Israel is the only country in the region with nuclear weapons, to which the west has hypocritically turned a blind eye for decades, but is now ironically pursuing a witch hunt against Iran for trying to stick to the converse...a nuclear non proliferation agreement! 


I agree that Israel is a “malignant cancerous tumor” in the region, to the extent that the blatant European colonialist project should never have been inititated and encouraged by Britain in the first place. But Israeli citizens are here to stay and like Iran, I do not want to see any harm come to them. On the other hand, I am all for chemo-therapy on the political racist ideology that dominates Israel's politics..Zionism. 


Iran does not wish to destroy the Israeli people. That's a handy trope that Zionist apologists periodically drag out however many times it is debunked.


Iran wants, as I do too, the end of the racist supremacist ideology of Zionism that illegally occupies 4.5 million Palestinians under apartheid conditions. 


Khamenei said "Our stance against Israel is the same stance we have always taken."

And here is that stance.regime change in Israel. 


From the Washington Post
 “Wipe off the map,” in other words, has become easy shorthand for expressing revulsion at Iran’s anti-Israeli foreign policy. Certainly attention needs to be focused on that — and Iranian behavior in the region. But we’re going to award a Pinocchio to everyone — including ourselves — who has blithely repeated the phrase without putting it into context.



and from the Guardian
"Giving background to this week's controversy over remarks by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, a story mentioned his previous call for Israel to be "wiped off the pages of history" (Britain walks out of conference as Ahmadinejad calls Israel 'racist', 20 April, theguardian.com). The translation of the statement he made in 2005, at The World without Zionism conference in Tehran, has been the subject of dispute. A more literal translation is: "the regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time", and this is the translation we should have used (as noted in Corrections and clarifications, 28 July 2007)."

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16) You will not make changes to quoted material from other members posts, except for purposes of shortening the quoted post. This cannot be done in such a manner that it alters the context of the original post.





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As pointed out in my post, the deflections and spins were expected.


The first link provided leads to the tweet in question. Note that it refers to Israel. And does not mention Zionism. As per script, you simply ignored that and trudged on with your usual vehement propaganda.


As for Merkel's comment - it can easily be found on other venues. The WaPO free access depends on usage and location, hence another link provided.


If you wish to pretend that he focal point here was poster's hyperbole about "Iran firing nuclear missiles", rather than Iran's stance toward Israel - that's entirely up to you. In effect, it reads like irrelevant nitpicking nonsense. If anything, Khamenei's words are a fine reminder of the danger posed by Iran coming to possess such weapons.


There is no "witch hunt" against Iran. Iran breached signed agreements (NPT), and further understandings for years - hence the sanctions regime, and the JCPOA. The Iran Deal is not a testimony of Iran's innocence and goodwill, quite the opposite.


Your extreme, hateful, one-sided regarding Israel are public knowledge. And it is not surprising that you'll identify with the views of vile people such as Khemenei (while at the same time, claiming to be a great humanist etc.). Note again, that Khemenei's words did not apply the bogus differentiation you employ. Nor is it possible for Iran to carry out an attack differentiating the two. Waffle on.


Try as you might to hijack the topic as a platform for your standing agenda, the topic is Iran.

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43 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

We, as 'we' are against sanctions against Iran. We, as Britain, Europe, Russia and China don't want sanctions against Iran.


And yet, you do not speak for any "we". All the more so when the "we" was coupled with "on planet earth".


There are restrictions and sanctions in place, which have nothing to do with the US withdrawing from the JCPOA. Some of these are also enforced by the EU (and, I believe, the UK as well). So painting it as if "we" are all in favor of no such whatsoever is misleading.


Same goes for your nonsense comment about "everybody knows that Iran is harmless". That's just you trying to co-opt some imaginary wall-to-wall support for your propaganda.

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55 minutes ago, Morch said:




As pointed out in my post, the deflections and spins were expected.


The first link provided leads to the tweet in question. Note that it refers to Israel. And does not mention Zionism. As per script, you simply ignored that and trudged on with your usual vehement propaganda.


As for Merkel's comment - it can easily be found on other venues. The WaPO free access depends on usage and location, hence another link provided.


If you wish to pretend that he focal point here was poster's hyperbole about "Iran firing nuclear missiles", rather than Iran's stance toward Israel - that's entirely up to you. In effect, it reads like irrelevant nitpicking nonsense. If anything, Khamenei's words are a fine reminder of the danger posed by Iran coming to possess such weapons.


There is no "witch hunt" against Iran. Iran breached signed agreements (NPT), and further understandings for years - hence the sanctions regime, and the JCPOA. The Iran Deal is not a testimony of Iran's innocence and goodwill, quite the opposite.


Your extreme, hateful, one-sided regarding Israel are public knowledge. And it is not surprising that you'll identify with the views of vile people such as Khemenei (while at the same time, claiming to be a great humanist etc.). Note again, that Khemenei's words did not apply the bogus differentiation you employ. Nor is it possible for Iran to carry out an attack differentiating the two. Waffle on.


Try as you might to hijack the topic as a platform for your standing agenda, the topic is Iran.

>>As pointed out in my post, the deflections and spins were expected.
..well, maybe you just enjoy self fulfilling prophecies.


>>The first link provided leads to the tweet in question. Note that it refers to Israel. And does not mention Zionism.
..wrong! The tweet read #Israel, not the same thing. There's only so much you can say in a limited number of Tweet characters. Iran has no desire to kill 6.5 million Israeli Jews. That's madness (most of all because it's impossible with mutually assured self destruction). But they do want Israeli regime change.


>>If you wish to pretend that the focal point here was poster's hyperbole about "Iran firing nuclear missiles", rather than Iran's stance toward Israel
..no, that was a minor point. Clearly a conflated misrepresentation of Iran's missile program and its non existent nuclear weapons program. When the war starts the only one possibly firing nuclear missiles will be Israel killing millions of innocent civilians.


>>There is no "witch hunt" against Iran. 
..oh yes there is. Trump and Israel have been itching for a fight with Iran since Trump's Presidential campaign began, when its Sunni Muslim nations who are actually a threat to USA, not Iran. The electorate are just about to be led into another unnecessary war in the Middle East, and its all about protecting the apartheid state of Israel...same as last time. Hope the allies and the American people have more sense this time than to be suckered.


The Iran deal was working. If it collapses, it is the sole responsibility of the USA (they are the ones who have reneged on the agreement, not Iran) and the tail that wags the US dog.

Edited by dexterm
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6 hours ago, Morch said:

Yet another European company gets cold feet over Iran:


Peugeot Maker Halts Iran Expansion, Yielding to U.S. Sanctions



And Iran raises the stakes:


Iran to inform IAEA of start of process to boost uranium enrichment capacity: ISNA



Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei orders country's atomic energy body to prepare for uranium enrichment capacity upgrade



If I understand correctly, this is still within the parameters of the JCPOA (aka the "Iran Deal"), if not a particularly good omen.

You must be delighted ?

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You can try to nitpick and twist things all you like - but bottom line, Khemenei's tweet does refer to Israel. That you wish to spin it otherwise, makes no difference whatsoever. It's you vs. facts again. And regardless of your nonsense, doubt most people interpret his words other than as they sound, or make allowances for the lame interpretations you dabble in, and rightly so. It would take holding extreme, vile views such as yours, in order to support such an Iranian version of regime change, or to treat it as anything but a direct threat to Israel. Far as I recall, you're pretty much against regime change notions when applied to, say, Iran.


Trying to spin things as a "witch hunt" against Iran, would require ignoring Iran's history of breaching agreements and violating understandings. The JCPOA was not put in place for no reason whatsoever. It was (or is) in place, precisely because of Iran's conduct. There was strong opposition to the Iran Deal in the US, which led Obama to advance things they way he did, and make do with that. You wish to make up another version, go ahead.


The same goes for your assertions as to which countries are a threat to the US. Iran was considered a threat to the US during Obama's term as well. And other than in your agenda driven hyperbolic posts, there is no war.


Doubt you'll find a post of mine supportive of Trump's withdrawal from the Iran Deal - barking up the wrong tree there.

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2 hours ago, Morch said:




As pointed out in my post, the deflections and spins were expected.


The first link provided leads to the tweet in question. Note that it refers to Israel. And does not mention Zionism. As per script, you simply ignored that and trudged on with your usual vehement propaganda.


As for Merkel's comment - it can easily be found on other venues. The WaPO free access depends on usage and location, hence another link provided.


If you wish to pretend that he focal point here was poster's hyperbole about "Iran firing nuclear missiles", rather than Iran's stance toward Israel - that's entirely up to you. In effect, it reads like irrelevant nitpicking nonsense. If anything, Khamenei's words are a fine reminder of the danger posed by Iran coming to possess such weapons.


There is no "witch hunt" against Iran. Iran breached signed agreements (NPT), and further understandings for years - hence the sanctions regime, and the JCPOA. The Iran Deal is not a testimony of Iran's innocence and goodwill, quite the opposite.


Your extreme, hateful, one-sided regarding Israel are public knowledge. And it is not surprising that you'll identify with the views of vile people such as Khemenei (while at the same time, claiming to be a great humanist etc.). Note again, that Khemenei's words did not apply the bogus differentiation you employ. Nor is it possible for Iran to carry out an attack differentiating the two. Waffle on.


Try as you might to hijack the topic as a platform for your standing agenda, the topic is Iran.

The topic is about American bully boy tactics. I may need to explain this to the next American I come across.

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6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

You must be delighted ?


You must be trolling.

Find a post where I commented favorably on the Trump administration withdrawing from the Iran Deal. You may also try and waste your time finding posts of mine strongly opposed to the Iran

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2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

The topic is about American bully boy tactics. I may need to explain this to the next American I come across.


You may want to have a better grasp of things, before attempting to "explain" them.

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


You must be trolling.

Find a post where I commented favorably on the Trump administration withdrawing from the Iran Deal. You may also try and waste your time finding posts of mine strongly opposed to the Iran

Don't try and be clever; you're not quick enough. Read your post and the links. You clearly glorify Trumps action and the resulting responses.

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Just now, Grouse said:

Don't try and be clever; you're not quick enough. Read your post and the links. You clearly glorify Trumps action and the resulting responses.


Disregarding your petty insults...Clearly how?


There was a lot of high talk about how Europe will stand up to the new sanctions laid by Trump's administration. My point of view on this was somewhat more skeptical. Despite this tough stance, several major European companies (for example Maersk, Tota and now, PSA) acted differently.


My position was that while Trump's move was wrong, and things could have been better handled working within the framework of the agreement - the new sanctions would be more effective than some were willing to believe. There is no endorsement of Trump's policies involved, and obviously, no "glorification" other than in your mind.


Similarly, there was nothing said to such effect regarding Iran's statements on resuming enrichment. If anything, it was commented upon as still being within the framework of the JCPOA, and described as a "bad omen".


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