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Netanyahu to Macron: Nuclear deal will die, need to tackle Iran's 'aggression'


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2 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

While the opposition to the nuclear deal is sliding Iran back to its nuclear weapons development program, another nonnuclear country may be taking notice of North Korea's recent diplomatic successes with the US that places it on international par with the US all because of North Korea's nuclear weapon capability - Syria. President Assad according to unconfirmed reports plans to visit North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un.

North Korea has been shipping supplies to the Syrian government that could be used in the production of chemical weapons. https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/un-links-north-korea-to-syrias-chemical-weapons-programme

It wouldn't take too much of a leap of faith that Assad might pursue North Korean support for a nuclear weapon program that would place Syria as an equal with the US and Israel in terms of diplomacy:

“The DPRK government will as ever extend invariable support and encouragement to the righteous struggle of the Syrian government and people to smash the aggression moves of the U.S. imperialists and Zionists and defend the sovereignty, stability and territorial integrity of the country,” - Korean Central News Agency.

Note: A year after North Korea tested its first nuclear weapon, it was accused by the U.N. of helping to build a nuclear facility in the eastern Syrian province of Deir Ezzor that was destroyed Israel in 2007.




I seriously doubt Syria is currently capable of mounting such an effort and carrying it to fulfillment while concealing it from surveillance. This practically goes against all involved parties' interests (Israel, USA, Russia, Iran,Turkey and Saudi Arabia), and all keep an eye on things in Syria.


IMO, the previous effort was a one-shot thing. Chances of such efforts going undetected again are slim.

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I'm willing to bet that Benny the Thug is not planning to discuss the Israeli nuclear weapons!


With the Orange Muppet in the White House he sees he has clear reign to do as he pleases. His lobbying and the ridiculous 'lies' performance had The Donald drinking his kool aid as fast as possible.


A bad deal was better than no deal for most (other than Israel) and its no wonder the iranians are getting ready to scale things up again. If I was complying with something and an idiot moved the goal posts I would be pst off as well. Like them or not they have the same right as others to self-determination.

Edited by Psimbo
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