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Temples insist NBO money was for India trip, not graft


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Temples insist NBO money was for India trip, not graft

By Sayan Chucham 
The Nation



Photo courtesy of www.sbl.co.th


Three temples in Phichit province, that are among the 30 northern and central temples accused of involvement in embezzling from the National Buddhism Office (NBO) budget meant for temple development, are insisting on their innocence.


The police Counter-Corruption Division was investigating the three temples over suspicion of temple-fund graft.


But the temples insist that they had not paid a commission fee to a corrupt official. Rather, the Bt2 million wired to each temple’s bank account was for an NBO-sponsored field trip to India, which the temples then wired to the trip organisers accordingly, according to Wat Nong Tao in Bang Mun Nak, along with Wat Ton Chum Seang and Wat Thongthaiyaram, both in Taphan Hin district. 


Phra Kruwiwitthawatchai, the Wat Thongthaiyaram abbot, said his temple joined the field trip to India on the invitation of other senior monks and gave the temple’s bank account number information to the project’s organisers. 


After that Bt2 million budget was sent to the temple’s bank account on December 14, 2015 and the temple on the following day wired the entire amount to the project organisers to cover the trip expenses, the abbot said.


The temple’s monks and layman committee members also donated some money to the project’s fund-raising campaign to develop temples in India, he added.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30347389

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-06-11
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55 minutes ago, webfact said:

accused of involvement in embezzling from the National Buddhism Office (NBO) budget meant for temple development, are insisting on their innocence.

I guess that trip to India, was very developing for the temple.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

After that Bt2 million budget was sent to the temple’s bank account on December 14, 2015 and the temple on the following day wired the entire amount to the project organisers to cover the trip expenses, the abbot said.

obviously doesn't think a boondoggle at  other's expense is corruption; clearly he thinks it is quite OK 

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I truly hope there is no '' there thier'', the very essence of Thailand and its people, rest on these monks and the temples..its like telling a 4 year old '' Santa is not real''.!!!

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4 hours ago, YetAnother said:

After that Bt2 million budget was sent to the temple’s bank account on December 14, 2015 and the temple on the following day wired the entire amount to the project organisers to cover the trip expenses, the abbot said.

I can't see any mention of the trip having occured, it these past years...... which would prove the expense was real...........

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Quick question: Where does the N.O.B get its budget from? Thailand is (on paper) a secular country so I hope this nob doesn't get funded by taxpayers. ?


EDIT to add: According to Wikipedia, Thailand is "ambiguous" so perhaps that's how they get away with funding only 1 religion. (Not that I think any religions should get any state funding, anywhere, ever)

Edited by SABloke
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5 hours ago, SABloke said:

Where does the N.O.B get its budget from?

The Thai government via Thai taxpayers as NOB is a government agency.


As I recall, Thailand distributes funds to all recognized religions in Thailand. But as Buddhist account for about 95% of the Thai population, the NOB gets the large bulk of federal funds.

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