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Trump tells Kim a 'terrific relationship' beckons as summit begins


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4 minutes ago, Rarebear said:

He said, "if this didn't happen you could have lost 20 million maybe 30 million....... " This being the agreement to denuclearize. 

OK, so Jingthing was misquoting Trump and also accusing him of exaggerating

Trump didnt say " I personally saved 30-40 million people today" 

Interesting how many of the people who accuse Trump of lying , are prone to not telling the truth themselves

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3 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

I thought the play date went well. Donald showed Kim his special toy truck, They had some sit down colouring in time. They talked about their toys they have at home, but only Donald is allowed to keep his. And there is going to be another play date at Donald house.

*Nonsense post needs to be removed*

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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

You think a meeting between the President of the United States and the leader of a small impoverished nation is a good thing? You're right. It's a great propaganda victory for Kim. There's a reason Heads of State don't do the preliminary work but only come in at the end to sign. They're knowledgeable enough to know that things can go south and they don't want to be stuck with the blame.  Except Trump. Trump has now put himself into a position where there is immense pressure on him to put a positive spin on whatever follows this meeting. Not smart. But great for Kim who has now appeared on the center of the world stage.

They are talking.  Kim has committed to denuclearize Korea.  Putting a bad spin on this is really difficult. 


Even Joe Lunchbox is going to figure this one out.  Trump has done something every other President has wanted to do but hadn't figured out how. 

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24 minutes ago, sanemax said:

OK, so Jingthing was misquoting Trump and also accusing him of exaggerating

Trump didnt say " I personally saved 30-40 million people today" 

Interesting how many of the people who accuse Trump of lying , are prone to not telling the truth themselves

So you didn't even watch the press conference and are accusing JT of lying about something said in it.  I suggest you watch the link below, beginning at 33:07 when he says "This is really an honour for me to be doing this, because potentially you could have lost 30, 40, 50 million people" and then tell us who is lying, JT or your fellow Trump supporter.  



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7 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

So you didn't even watch the press conference and are accusing JT of lying about something said in it.  I suggest you watch the link below, beginning at 33:07 when he says "This is really an honour for me to be doing this, because potentially you could have lost 30, 40, 50 million people" and then tell us who is lying, JT or your fellow Trump supporter.  



DId Trump take credit or did he say he was part of the process and even include Otto the American kid who the N Koreans killed?

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1 hour ago, Rarebear said:

Who cares.  The world is a little bit less tense tonight.  Peace is a little bit closer.  If it works great.  If not at least the guy tried.  If Kim wants a MacDonald's or an NBA Franchise give him one.  Samsung will pay for it under the table.  Isn't Kim staying close to the seven floors of Whores?  Why not smile with so many Thai women so close.

Seven Floors?
You mean the Orchard Towers?
Then you facts are wrong.
It has only 4 Floors.

Furthermore, there are not so many Thai women there, most of them are from the Philippines.
Not that wrong or inaccurate information will lead to wrong action decisions.

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Talking about bits from Trump's press conference, I found this one the most telling (starts 0:35):



"I may be wrong, I mean I may stand before you in six months and say, 'Hey I was wrong,'" said Trump, before adding, "I don't know that I'll ever admit that, but I'll find some kind of an excuse."


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Even if President Trump brought about heaven on earth, the hard-core haters would still be claiming that he hadn't provided the angels with enough space to park their haloes or had banned the heavenly choir from using gender-neutral bathrooms, or something.


And I'm not talking about some of the dimmer bulbs on this forum, but the rapidly self-destructing mainstream media. The best The Guardian could do was to say it was "a global exercise in damage limitation of Donald Trump", as though right-thinking people had persuaded Kim Jong Un to try to calm down a madman.


It's too silly for words; the only bright side is that the remnants of the mainstream media is destroying itself in an accelerating spiral.

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29 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Seven Floors?
You mean the Orchard Towers?
Then you facts are wrong.
It has only 4 Floors.

Furthermore, there are not so many Thai women there, most of them are from the Philippines.
Not that wrong or inaccurate information will lead to wrong action decisions.

I bow to your expertise

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Little I used to be a rocket man is extremely wealthy but what good is it living in a shit hole? 

Like any young man he wants to be able to see the world except he can now do it as the leader of NK. AND all on the states dime. He has stars in his eyes. 

There is no reason for him TO KEEP NK as backward inbred nation any longer. 

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19 minutes ago, opalred said:

his realty show goes on

anyone with half a brain would understand

will china the world number one power let the usa near there back door 

would you let a mad dog in your back  gate/? 

The USA have military bases in South Korea and Japan , and have had them there for 50 or so years .

   I cannot really make sense of your post , what you mean

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Talking about bits from Trump's press conference, I found this one the most telling (starts 0:35):

"I may be wrong, I mean I may stand before you in six months and say, 'Hey I was wrong,'" said Trump, before adding, "I don't know that I'll ever admit that, but I'll find some kind of an excuse."

Yeah I noticed that too. Also the tone of his voice when muttering human rights at one point. You could tell he does not care about human rights at all in NK, China, or indeed in the US for the many groups he has demonized.

He does care a lot about crowd size though. Now he has a new yuge crowd to crow about. The fantasy not dead people the 30 or 40 million that Mr. Only I can do it has supposedly saved.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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45 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

Even if President Trump brought about heaven on earth, the hard-core haters would still be claiming that he hadn't provided the angels with enough space to park their haloes or had banned the heavenly choir from using gender-neutral bathrooms, or something.


And I'm not talking about some of the dimmer bulbs on this forum, but the rapidly self-destructing mainstream media. The best The Guardian could do was to say it was "a global exercise in damage limitation of Donald Trump", as though right-thinking people had persuaded Kim Jong Un to try to calm down a madman.


It's too silly for words; the only bright side is that the remnants of the mainstream media is destroying itself in an accelerating spiral.

If the MSM is a mere remnant of itself maybe you can tell us which media souces has taken its place?


PS. As a man-child supporter you really reeeeeeeally should refrain from calling anyone a dim bulb.

Edited by Becker
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Just now, Becker said:

If the MSM is a mere remnant of itself maybe you can tell us which media souces has taken its place?

The internet.


Most people -- those of less than retirement age, anyway -- have given up on the old media and prefer to get their information from a variety of online sources.

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Don't much care about the summit, but CNN's frantic efforts to make it look bad by digging out every Trump hating feminist they've had in their repertoire spewing their butt hurt hate out is quite entertaining. Squel, piggies, squeal! ?

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30 minutes ago, RickBradford said:

The internet.


Most people -- those of less than retirement age, anyway -- have given up on the old media and prefer to get their information from a variety of online sources.

Many of them located in Macedonia.

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31 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

Trump haters have missed the elephant in the room. 


After today why would Kim keep NK AS an oppressed backward nation.?? Nobody is coming after them 

The war is over that was very clear when he crossed the border. 

Time for peace so trump haters you got to look past trump! And grow up!! 

Because if 2 thinga characterizes the Kim dynasty mentality, it's trust of outsiders and hatred of oppression.


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3 minutes ago, candide said:

 Nice try! ????

No other President has managed a meeting with the leader of North Korea let alone a commitment to denuclearize.  It is a whole lot better than 8 years of being afraid and watching atomic tests and missiles fly over Japan.  You don't think trying to make the world safer is a good idea?

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10 hours ago, ravip said:

Even with all the criticisms aimed at Trump, he has achieved something others could not.

What? That he just gave credibility to a despot and has provided a means for Russia and China to loosen sanctions?

Trump has gotten nothing from this except  given  the North Korean regime  legitimacy. I agree with the  diplomats and the former national security  personnel going back to Reagan & Bush the elder: This was a bad decision.

This was a scripted event all done to manipulate  the public image of two  awful people.

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