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Trump tells Kim a 'terrific relationship' beckons as summit begins


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Just now, CGW said:

You mean the ones that already have central banks & give full access to the corporations that run the world? (not the USA, America is only designated Policeman as they are the only country that could afford to be, after the UK passed the rein due to lack of taxpayers!) ?

Yes, NK doesnt have access to World markets and banks..............and look at the state of NK .

    Crying out for investment 

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Crying out for investment 

Undoubtedly, terms and conditions will be set by the same folks who have plundered the rest of the world no doubt?

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8 minutes ago, CGW said:

Undoubtedly, terms and conditions will be set by the same folks who have plundered the rest of the world no doubt?

Really , who will be investing in NK and what will the terms and conditions be ?

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


Right. I think he's working more than one angle here. Time for SK and Japan to step up.

Its time for NK to make peace with SK and for NK to have normal relations with their neighbours and so there will be no need for a high degree of arms and defence for all sides . 

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13 hours ago, sanemax said:

Now that NK have vowed to give up their quest for nuclear weapons , there is now no need for NK to face sanctions .

   Once it has been confirmed that NK have have given up their quest for nukes, all sanctions can be lifted .

  Trump has got NK to give up their quest for nukes and that is ALL that he wanted

Are you living in an alternative reality? First off, North Korea already has nukes. And nowhere have I seen that they have given them up.

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15 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Are you living in an alternative reality? First off, North Korea already has nukes. And nowhere have I seen that they have given them up.

Although NK do have Nukes , they dont have the ability to fire them any great distance , that is why they were  trying to build rockets , to fire their nukes .

  Nukes are quite useless , if you cannot fire them .

NK have agreed to denuclearise the Korean peninsula , which means they are willing to give up their nukes if everyone else does, in the region

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9 minutes ago, Rarebear said:

3.  Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.


Trump summit agreement point 3.

Let me repeat to you what sanemax wrote:

"Trump has got NK to give up their quest for nukes and that is ALL that he wanted"

That statement is false. Maybe he will get them to give up their nukes. But that hasn't happened yet.


And did you actually think about the import of what you cited? They are reaffirming.  In other words, nothing new.

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41 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Its time for NK to make peace with SK and for NK to have normal relations with their neighbours and so there will be no need for a high degree of arms and defence for all sides . 

That's a nice thought, but China's going to keep pushing and pushing. If the US pulls back even a little they'll have to step up IMO.

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:

That's a nice thought, but China's going to keep pushing and pushing. If the US pulls back even a little they'll have to step up IMO.

I am not sure what you mean :

What do you mean by "pushing and pushing" and "Step up" ?

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6 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Once again, you are mind-reading. No one knows what Kim is willing to do except Kim.

You are confusing "willing to do" with "willing to say".

Kim has signed agreements 

Trump has signed agreements .

Both Kim & Trump may go home and throw those agreements in the bin and ignore them .

   Although that is extremely unlikely because both USA & NK wanted those agreements .

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

I am not sure what you mean :

What do you mean by "pushing and pushing" and "Step up" ?


China's like a flesh eating bacteria, or The Borg. They will go too far. They just don't know any different. Korea and Japan both don't have particularly great realtaions with China and if they require defense they are going to have to carry more of the burden.

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North Korea offers a starkly different view of Singapore summit

North Korea made clear Wednesday it viewed the commitments that President Trump and ruler Kim Jong Un made about denuclearization and sanctions during their summit in strikingly different terms than the White House, suggesting trouble going forward.

After the two leaders signed a joint statement Tuesday that said North Korea would “work toward” denuclearization, the country’s official media said that Trump and Kim had the “shared recognition” that the process would be “step-by-step and simultaneous action,” language not in the leaders’ statement.


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1 minute ago, bristolboy said:

 the country’s official media said that Trump and Kim had the “shared recognition” that the process would be “step-by-step and simultaneous action,”


That's pretty close to what was said in the US press conference and subsequent interview of the president.

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Obviously, and remember Kim said very little indeed at the summit and what he said was very reserved compared to carnival barker big mouth "trump" ... so people were free to buy the massive exaggerations sold by "trump" because Kim just basically took the huge propaganda win of parity with a U.S. president with very little comment.

It's also interesting that Kim was cheered as a rock star on the streets of Singapore (which was really weird and really wrong considering he's a brutal murderous dictator) but "trump" didn't even bother trying that.

Would "trump" have been cheered there? 

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Just now, lannarebirth said:


That's pretty close to what was said in the US press conference and subsequent interview of the president.

Really, I didn't read any where of Trump talking about gradual step by step denuclearization with easing of sanctions at each step. I must have missed that. Can you point me to your source(s)?

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5 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Really, I didn't read any where of Trump talking about gradual step by step denuclearization with easing of sanctions at each step. I must have missed that. Can you point me to your source(s)?


What I have read does not include an easing of sanctions at each step but much further into the denuclearization process. First steps I have read about from the NK side is closing/disabling/destroying? warhead research center and blowing up a missile launch site. I assume these are not the only ones of each that they have. Maybe that's in response to the exercise suspension, I do not know. No one has copied me on any of this.

Edited by lannarebirth
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20 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Well, give us your solution.


What do you do, in general terms, with an adversary with whom you disagree about almost everything? Do you attempt to sit down with them and talk, or do the opposite and ostracize them? Which approach do you think is more likely to quickly lead to violence?


That was a rather amusing comment considering your expressed view on issues related to the "religion o peace".

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2 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

No matter if it works out, no matter if you like or not Trump, but one must admit,  he has gone much further with North Korea, then all his distinguished and sometimes arrogant, predecessors in office

This is only because you clearly don't know the history of agreements with North Korea. 

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1 minute ago, observer90210 said:

And you clearly did not vote for Trump.

But I clearly do know more about the history of nuclear agreements with North Korea than do you. Which is relevant to the topic at hand. Unlike who I may have not voted for.

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Just now, bristolboy said:

But I clearly do know more about the history of nuclear agreements with North Korea than do you. Which is relevant to the topic at hand. Unlike who I may have not voted for.

I am sure you do and welcome to my troll ignore list.

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And you clearly did not vote for Trump.
Irrelevant. Two other times similar agreements even more specific were made and both times broken by NK. The main difference this time is the PR top leaders meeting. Of course as long as they are talking and not bombing that's a good thing. But reaching full NK denuclearization according to the US definition in reality is a far into the future pipe dream at this time.

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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Kim has not broken any agreements with the USA

February 29, 2012: Following a Feb. 23-24 meeting between the United States and North Korea in Beijing, the two countries announce in separate statements an agreement by North Korea to suspend operations at its Yongbyon uranium enrichment plant, invite IAEA inspectors to monitor the suspension, and implement moratoriums on nuclear and long-range missile tests.  The United States says that it would provide North Korea 240,000 metric tons of food aid under strict monitoring...

 Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs Peter Lavoy tells the House Armed Services Committee that the United States has suspended arrangements to deliver food aid to North Korea under a Feb. 29 agreement due to the North’s announced satellite launch.



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12 hours ago, Rarebear said:

Does the USA only talk or deal with nice guys?  Shaw of Iran?  Stalin?  It is a start to making the world safer.  I believe you are letting your personal dislike get in the way of the greater good which is the business interests of the Korean and Chinese markets.  Peace and stability of the Korean peninsula and China means more American goods sold less spent on defense and less taxes and less risk of total annihilation of the human species.  


There's talking, and then there the spectacle which this meeting was.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

February 29, 2012: Following a Feb. 23-24 meeting between the United States and North Korea in Beijing, the two countries announce in separate statements an agreement by North Korea to suspend operations at its Yongbyon uranium enrichment plant, invite IAEA inspectors to monitor the suspension, and implement moratoriums on nuclear and long-range missile tests.  The United States says that it would provide North Korea 240,000 metric tons of food aid under strict monitoring...

 Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs Peter Lavoy tells the House Armed Services Committee that the United States has suspended arrangements to deliver food aid to North Korea under a Feb. 29 agreement due to the North’s announced satellite launch.



We are talking abort that in the other thread .

Just in case you cannot remember .

NK sent a weather satellite into space , this was considered by the U.S to violate the terms, the food wasnt delivered and the agreement fell apart .

     You wrote that in a reply to me , in the other thread

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