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What Does Thailand’s 2019 Defense Budget Mean?


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What Does Thailand’s 2019 Defense Budget Mean?


It means there'll be plenty of arms for the post coup coup! Next in line to the trough will be well prepared in case this democracy thing doesn't work out.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand has had one of Southeast Asia’s highest levels of defense spending but has generally lagged behind the regional average percentage-wise in terms of government expenditures and GDP

This really is a straw man argument that Thailand's military spending lagged behind its neighbours. We can acknowledged that the biggest change in South East Asia geopolitical landscape has been the rise of China and its assertive stance on its South China Sea claims. Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia are directly challenging China's claims and have responded by enhancing their military might especially sea and air. Indonesia too has maritime disputes with Philippines and Vietnam and need to increase their military hardware. Singapore is a small city state with a standing army of only 50k and depend on its national serviceman and a powerful air and sea force to deter any aggression. Singapore learned a bitter lesson when Indonesia had ambition and started a confrontation war with some military excursions. Thailand meanwhile has relatively no history of war except some border skirmishes with Laos and Cambodia and has no China's threat. Increasing defense spending to keep in line with its neighbours is just a very poor excuse and no justification. 

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I think the question must be "If the Thai Army was to fight anyone, how effective would it be?" . Judging by their performance against Cambodia, not very well at all! As they choose not to join in many international military ventures (which would justify new and upgraded equipment) any measurement of their skills or efficiency will always be moot! I believe that any country bordering the LOS would easily overcome any resistance, the moral fibre of the male population is best measured by the number fleeing accident sites?



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One post asked where does all this money go I suggest a visit to a military town and see the vast quantity of new motor vehicles many 4 wheeled drive to quickly see how the money is used

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