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Important, Letter of residency Aussie embassy


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The other day while getting a LER, letter of residency, I asked to talk to an Aussie consular staffer,  a  tall blond lady came to see me where I have asked her for a contact details to protest the high consular fees that us Aussie expats are forced to pay, last year, all consular fees has gone up steeply without any proportions or correlations to the CPI or cost of living increase either in OZ or other countries where such services are provided, case in point the LER, that has gone from 800 baht to 1,680 baht, increase of over 100%, I have tried to get an LER from the CW immigration dept. but I needed a 90 days reporting stamp and it will take 3 weeks to get it, since I just had a retirement permit done that option was out the window,

The lady was quite sympathetic and agreed that some of the fees are disproportionate and a heavy burden on many of the aged Aussies residing in the kingdom that need this kind of letter couple of times a year in particular that this LER take 2 minutes to issue,

She gave me an email address: [email protected] to send a feedback, suggestions, whining and complaints which I did and got a reply that they will look into it in 2 days,

It could be a waste of time, but for what it worth, if we do nothing than next year it go up and up again, but if enough of us Aussies will write to show displeasure and disapproval of those out of touch and exuberant fees, maybe just maybe someone over there will do something about it….


Edited by ezzra
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What can one say, how about this, but for starters it's called a Certificate of Residency ( CoR ), proof of address. 

You Guy's / Gal's are being done over big time in Bangkok

3 wks !!! OR Embassy - A joke

At the moment I'm on a ME "O" Marriage & it takes me 10 min & 500 bht at my local Immigration office 




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Agree with BEVUP. I'm on retirement extension & recently needed certificate to purchase new bike. 500 baht & few minutes at the local IO.

Why are you getting one at OZ embassy ?

Just wondering.

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18 minutes ago, jackdd said:

You just have to read his post, he explained it already

True, but one has to question why we up country can just walk in ( doesn't matter what visa / ect or what we just did at Immi prior ) & have one in 10 min.

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3 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

True, but one has to question why we up country can just walk in ( doesn't matter what visa / ect or what we just did at Immi prior ) & have one in 10 min.

You can also question why we up country have to mess with TM30 and TM28 and in Bangkok they don't care. Obviously every provice has its own rules

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1 hour ago, jackdd said:

You just have to read his post, he explained it already

"but I needed a 90 days reporting stamp and it will take 3 weeks to get it, since I just had a retirement permit done that option was out the window,"

Maybe someone can explain this to me.I will admit, I'm a bit slow sometimes. What 90 day reporting stamp ? When applying for a residency cert, I've applied for a few over the years, never mention of 90 day reporting. Yes, IO inspects passport, but 90 day reporting isn't stamped in passport. What has 90 day report got to do with applying for & receiving resident cert ?

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10 minutes ago, malt25 said:

"but I needed a 90 days reporting stamp and it will take 3 weeks to get it, since I just had a retirement permit done that option was out the window,"

Maybe someone can explain this to me.I will admit, I'm a bit slow sometimes. What 90 day reporting stamp ? When applying for a residency cert, I've applied for a few over the years, never mention of 90 day reporting. Yes, IO inspects passport, but 90 day reporting isn't stamped in passport. What has 90 day report got to do with applying for & receiving resident cert ?

Bangkok immigration will only give you a certificate of residence if you did a 90 day report there. So if for example you just arrived in Thailand today, the earliest date to get a certificate of residence from them is in 90 days plus the 3 weeks they need to process it. If you stay in Thailand with a multiple non-o or non-b (and don't do 90 day reports because you leave the country then) you can't get one. This does of course not make much sense, but that's the way it is in Bangkok

Edited by jackdd
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50 minutes ago, jackdd said:

If you stay in Thailand with a multiple non-o or non-b (and don't do 90 day reports because you leave the country then) you can't get one. This does of course not make much sense, but that's the way it is in Bangkok

Lucky I'm not there, as I wouldn't of been able to buy the car I have now in my name

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