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Amid outrage over children, White House defends immigration policy


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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


I'm equating all criminals with the law. I also said robbery, financial crime etc etc. The sentence would reflect the use of violence or not. White collar crime is now punished severely especially in the US.


These 'asylum seekers" are often purely economic migrants willing to break the law and then hoping to wangle asylum if caught. Or don't you think they're criminals?

Asylum seekers are not criminals.

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1 minute ago, DM07 said:

Some might be- most of them are not!


Once they willingly commit a criminal act they become a criminal.


If they follow the correct procedure for applying for political asylum, they aren't. Enter illegally and they are.

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3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

I really wish some of you Trumpers would get a modicum of facts before you jump to the defense of your beloved leader. 

The immigration process is NOT legal as Trump administration decided to charge everyone crossing the border with illegal entry rather than as asylum seekers (which the vast majority are). Human rights organizations, including the United Nations, have argued that this violates international law as this allows his administration to charge them in criminal court rather than waiting to see if they qualify for asylum. Even with all this, however there is still no law that requires immigrant families to be separated, however because migrants who’ve been referred for criminal prosecution get sent to a federal jail and brought before a federal judge, that’s where the separation happens — because you can’t be kept with your children in federal jail. 

The ACLU won an early victory in its case in June when the federal government asked the judge to throw out the case about families being separated from their parents. The judge refused and in his ruling, he made it clear he believed that if the allegations against the administration were true, they might very well be unconstitutional — violating family integrity, which some courts have found is implicitly part of the Fifth Amendment’s guarantee of “liberty” without due process of law.

So no. It's nowhere near being '100% legal'.

and if you are confused about why this is all coming about and why you think they are all illegal immigrants, please refer to my post of earlier.

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24 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


I'm equating all criminals with the law. I also said robbery, financial crime etc etc. The sentence would reflect the use of violence or not. White collar crime is now punished severely especially in the US.


These 'asylum seekers" are often purely economic migrants willing to break the law and then hoping to wangle asylum if caught. Or don't you think they're criminals?

From the lawyer Trump defenders love to quote, Mr. Alan Dershowitz

"Nor is this policy justified by the observation that children are always separated from their parents when the parents are arrested for any crime. Most minor crimes, such as the ones at the border, are immediately bailable and the parent comes home...With the border cases, the child is immediately separated from the parent, and the parent may remain confined for long periods of time."


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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Hyperbolic, even by your standards!

Not at all, the poster I responded to defended the separation of children from their parents and caging them by claiming that it was 100% legal. So were the Nuremberg laws, a great difference in scale and consequence yes, but exactly the same principle and argument. Given that posters disposition to sweeping statements in defence of the more bizarre aspects of right wing US politics perhaps an element of hyperbole is not inappropriate?



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First of all, people are innocent until proven guilty.   Someone crossing the border still has to be legally adjudicated as a criminal.   


Second, the US courts go a long way toward trying to keep families together.   If there is any confusion take a look at the Joe & Theresa Giudice case.   Both were sentenced to prison.   He served his 40+ months in prison and she remained home with the children.   He was released and she then served her sentence.   


The Obama administration certainly separated families, but it was not the policy.   On occasions the father was deported first and the mother and the children held in detention as a family and later deported.   


Families should be kept together when possible, when not, children should not be separated from parents unless there is no alternative.   In this situation, there is an alternative.   


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7 hours ago, StreetCowboy said:

What Trump is saying is "I don't care about children, I don't care about civil liberties, I don't care about the law - and you could be next"  

He is saying 'I want my wall', that is what I need to stay here at the top.

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There is little hope. Watch this POS justifying what is happening. He even admits that the people crossing the border are committing a misdemeanor at around 7.5 mins. Trump has surrounded himself with sycophants like this. Wolf Blitzer tries way way to hard to appease this guy and to tell him what a great job all his men and women are doing. This man is exactly why the USA will never be great again. This guy is retiring from ICE and clearly looking for his next 'administration' job.



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On 6/19/2018 at 7:08 AM, BobBKK said:

I clearly get the 'control immigration' policy and the 'they should not bring them' argument but I am also clear that snatching children from their parents is child abuse and they should not be pawns in this. 


Control immigration but let a ray of compassion in when it's about children who are confused and cannot understand what's going on. America what has happened to you?

And what do you  purpose as a solution  ?? 

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4 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

DHS Secretary Nielsen needs to resign ASAP. And she should think twice before eating in any restaurant.



That reminds me of a funny thing a chef I used to work with would say:  "straight from my body to your plate."

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