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New York to sue Trump administration over family border separations - governor


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11 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

I made no such comparison but your leftist views would of course, blind you to that fact. I simple noted that another leftist blow-heart is wasting taxpayers money trying to impress leftist voters by filing a dead-on-arrival lawsuit against an administration that is doing the same thing 4 administrations did before, hoping to get it in front of a leftist judge (like they did in HI) only to waste more taxpayers money as it will then go to the SCOTUS who will overturn any decision that has to do with immigration because they have already ruled that the POTUS has broad powers when it comes to immigration.

Separating criminals from their children has been going on since the dawn of time. If you totally agree with this then you should rally all your friends to give back the tax cuts that my president gave you to help fund several housing projects as NY state prisons are full of criminals that have been legally separated from their children. :wai:

Of course you implied that claim, by saying the law suit is dead in the water. The only way for you to be sure of that is if your legal knowledge is greater than that of the person filing the suit.


As usual some insults, some nonsense comparisons, but thanks for the compliment of my leftist views.

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20 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

Separating criminals from their children

The immigrant parents seeking asylum in regard to the recent Mexican-US border crossings are not convicted criminals. Nor the court through constitutional due process found them as yet to be criminals that would establish the parent as incapable to care for the children nor a danger to the children.

In fact the forced separation of parents from their children more endangers the health and well-being of the children in violation of the very laws to protect the children from such abuse.

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23 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

The immigrant parents seeking asylum in regard to the recent Mexican-US border crossings are not convicted criminals. Nor the court through constitutional due process found them as yet to be criminals that would establish the parent as incapable to care for the children nor a danger to the children.

In fact the forced separation of parents from their children more endangers the health and well-being of the children in violation of the very laws to protect the children from such abuse.

No one is forcing the immigrants to enter illegally with their children, so if they didn't want to be separated, they shouldn't have crossed the border while the separation policy was in force.

I don't get why persons that willingly enter the US illegally, are given a pass. If it's against the law, either change the law, or accept it's a crime deserving of punishment.


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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No one is forcing the immigrants to enter illegally with their children, so if they didn't want to be separated, they shouldn't have crossed the border while the separation policy was in force.

I don't get why persons that willingly enter the US illegally, are given a pass. If it's against the law, either change the law, or accept it's a crime deserving of punishment.


It's a misdemeanor. As are jaywalkling and littering generally.

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36 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

No one is forcing the immigrants to enter illegally with their children, so if they didn't want to be separated, they shouldn't have crossed the border while the separation policy was in force.

I don't get why persons that willingly enter the US illegally, are given a pass. If it's against the law, either change the law, or accept it's a crime deserving of punishment.


So let the punishment fit the crime.


What other misdemeanor warrants forcibly removing children, caging then and then shipping them off to distan states?

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1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

So let the punishment fit the crime.


What other misdemeanor warrants forcibly removing children, caging then and then shipping them off to distan states?

And there we have it. Crossing the border illegally is LEGALLY a misdemeanor. So the Trump supporters would have it that if you drop litter or jaywalk then you should have your children taken off you even before you go to court to argue your case. Same same.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump doesn't need to read the constitution; he has well paid advisors that have done so.

And there we have the voice of reason.  :crazy:  A President does not need to read the constitution.


You can imagine inauguration day : "Mr President place your hand on the bible and swear to uphold the constitution.....that you have never read.....but don't worry we have smart people that have read it......even though they don't have to swear to uphold it....but maybe you could read it sometime....as you are now the custodian of it".


Simply nonsense thaibeachlovers.

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On 6/20/2018 at 8:55 AM, seajae said:

democrats are simply using whatever means possible to cause flack for trump, this is a total joke and makes the US look really stupid, civil war between the dems and the rest of the US because clinton lost, pretty pathetic really. All they are doing is showing everyone how p*ssed off they are and doing more for the illegals than the actual citizens


Your post causes me to guess that you don't keep up to date on the activities of the Trump administration.


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7 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

And there we have the voice of reason.  :crazy:  A President does not need to read the constitution.


You can imagine inauguration day : "Mr President place your hand on the bible and swear to uphold the constitution.....that you have never read.....but don't worry we have smart people that have read it......even though they don't have to swear to uphold it....but maybe you could read it sometime....as you are now the custodian of it".


Simply nonsense thaibeachlovers.

It wasn't I that was claiming in a previous post that Trump had never read the constitution. I was responding to that post. However, thanks for pointing out that Trump must have read the constitution.

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58 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It wasn't I that was claiming in a previous post that Trump had never read the constitution. I was responding to that post. However, thanks for pointing out that Trump must have read the constitution.

Wrong again. I said he has not read it, you said he does not need to, I then posted what a truly ludicrous thing it is to say that a President does not need to read the constitution. You would justify ANYTHING Trump did. If he fell in a bath full of sh*t  when he climbed out you would say he smelt of roses....Sad!

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15 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Wrong again. I said he has not read it, you said he does not need to, I then posted what a truly ludicrous thing it is to say that a President does not need to read the constitution. You would justify ANYTHING Trump did. If he fell in a bath full of sh*t  when he climbed out you would say he smelt of roses....Sad!

Perhaps you can stop claiming to know what I would say about anything, as you have no idea.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Perhaps you can stop claiming to know what I would say about anything, as you have no idea.

?? What are you smoking tonight? Did you or did you not say...........


13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump doesn't need to read the constitution; he has well paid advisors that have done so.


So I am not claiming to know what you would say about anything, I am stating exactly what YOU said by quoting YOUR posts. Your Trump syndrome is almost full blown now, you can actually write something down and then blatantly deny you ever did it. Kelly Ann Conway would be proud of you.

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3 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

?? What are you smoking tonight? Did you or did you not say...........


So I am not claiming to know what you would say about anything, I am stating exactly what YOU said by quoting YOUR posts. Your Trump syndrome is almost full blown now, you can actually write something down and then blatantly deny you ever did it. Kelly Ann Conway would be proud of you.

LOL, you are the one saying "If he fell in a bath full of sh*t  when he climbed out you would say he smelt of roses". You are definitely claiming to know what I would say.

Link to where I ever said that about Trump or it never happened.

Perhaps you can stop attacking me, as the thread isn't about me, and write something to do with the OP. I will not be continuing this deflection any more.


I am looking forward to NY getting it's comeuppance when it tries to take this ridiculous case to the SCOTUS, as no way should the administration accept any verdict against it in a lower court. POTUS has constitutional authority over immigration.

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4 hours ago, watcharacters said:


Your post causes me to guess that you don't keep up to date on the activities of the Trump administration.


actually I read a quite a bit, I suggest all those saying that the law is on the side of these people look up where they are being caught. There are several crossing points these people can use so that they are not separated from their kids because they are doing it legally but instead they are entering the US illegally which is why their kids are being held separately. They are being held in the same places they were during obama's time but that doesnt suit the lefts stories so it is ignored. Try researching past presidencies and what happened with the kids, it is there but the left prefer to read left leaning papers and not listen to the truth, as I said, the left are pathetic, doesnt mean I support everything trump is doing but as I am not a us citizen I am able to look at everything with an open mind and see the truth of it as I am not pre disposed to accept either sides crap. I am really interested in seeing what happens over the next few months and exactly who it is facing charges


Edited by seajae
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15 minutes ago, seajae said:

actually I read a quite a bit, I suggest all those saying that the law is on the side of these people look up where they are being caught. There are several crossing points these people can use so that they are not separated from their kids because they are doing it legally but instead they are entering the US illegally which is why their kids are being held separately. They are being held in the same places they were during obama's time but that doesnt suit the lefts stories so it is ignored. Try researching past presidencies and what happened with the kids, it is there but the left prefer to read left leaning papers and not listen to the truth, as I said, the left are pathetic, doesnt mean I support everything trump is doing but as I am not a us citizen I am able to look at everything with an open mind and see the truth of it as I am not pre disposed to accept either sides crap. I am really interested in seeing what happens over the next few months and exactly who it is facing charges


"There are several crossing points these people can use so that they are not separated from their kids because they are doing it legally but instead they are entering the US illegally which is why their kids are being held separately. "


As you clearly don't know, immigration agents are routinely blocking undocumented immigrants from reaching those crossing points.


Trump keeps making it harder for people to seek asylum legally

"It’s legal to seek asylum at an official border crossing. But border agents are blocking people from getting that far.:"


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3 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

So, you are claiming to have lived with the man 24x7? Typical leftist BS claim.

I think the odds are with my claim taking into account all the reports from White House staffers that Trump cares to read absolutely nothing at all, he does not even read the two/three page executive orders that he signs in front of the camera's. I am not leftist, I am right wing, I just happen to see that Trump is a traitor and he is enabled and supported by people who are content with supporting the destruction of a once great country.

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27 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

supporting the destruction of a once great country.

Which part is the "destruction" part? The lowest unemployment in 40 yrs? The highest GDP since WWII? The fact that there are now more jobs than people looking for jobs? His 53% approval rating on the economy? Bringing back billions in USD from overseas? The clamp down on China stealing intellectual property from American companies? The massive rebuild of the US military? The meeting with NK to try and stave off a nuclear war?

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On 6/30/2018 at 12:20 AM, seajae said:

actually I read a quite a bit, I suggest all those saying that the law is on the side of these people look up where they are being caught. There are several crossing points these people can use so that they are not separated from their kids because they are doing it legally but instead they are entering the US illegally which is why their kids are being held separately. They are being held in the same places they were during obama's time but that doesnt suit the lefts stories so it is ignored. Try researching past presidencies and what happened with the kids, it is there but the left prefer to read left leaning papers and not listen to the truth, as I said, the left are pathetic, doesnt mean I support everything trump is doing but as I am not a us citizen I am able to look at everything with an open mind and see the truth of it as I am not pre disposed to accept either sides crap. I am really interested in seeing what happens over the next few months and exactly who it is facing charges


Ahhhh a Trump sympathizer. Masking their inherent prejudice with what they feel is a sense of fairness (I mean it all started with the Democrats so how can it be Trumps fault) but short on empathy and most importantly, facts.

There is no current American law that says that these children have to be separated from their family, only that children cannot be held in a federal prison. The problem has arisen with Trump and Sessions 'zero tolerance' policy that basically says that EVERYONE crossing the border (regardless of their status) are now subject to criminal prosecution. This was a concerted effort from Trump/Sessions to deter people from crossing the border,  hoping that separating families from their children would do the trick.

It has to some extend with reports that illegal immigration is down (although there are contending figures going either way) but lets not be fooled into guessing who created the specific problem of children being separated from their families. This is a Republican made problem pure and simple and Trump/Sessions specifically. They wanted all of this and they got it in spades.

If you need proof of this then look no further than the executive order he signed that instantly reversed the separation of the children.  If all he was doing was enforcing current laws enacted under previos administrations, how could he reverse it quite so easily? Why didn't he need to get the Democrats and congress involved? Why didn't it need to go to a Federal judge or the Supreme court? The answer is pretty simple; it wasn't 'current law', it was a consequence of a law, but only if you put every single person under criminal prosecution and through a federal court. This forced scenario was then played out by Trump as 'my hands are tied' and 'it was all the Democrats fault' before literally reversing the problem with one stroke of the pen.  

The Democrats are now also being blamed for being unwilling and unable to address immigration policy in congress but again the Republicans fail to mention that since Trump and the Republicans are not budging on matters such as the building/financing of the wall and the 'Dreamers' issue, Democrats are forced to block any initiative being suggested, even if there is a sensible one.

So no, this is not an Obama/Democrat problem and the media aren't forgetting what he did; they just know that Trumps version is a whole lot worse and is something that was actively pursued.  This whole immigration debacle could be easily sorted by the Republicans IF they really wanted to. But it doesn't serve their current interests or their political base to compromise on immigration as they know this is what stirs up the masses and keeps their base loyal to them. It's the oldest trick in the book; just tell a whole heap of lies and misinformation to distract the common man whilst systematically robbing the country for you and your billionaire cronies.

And you are all falling for it.


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14 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

'The lowest unemployment in 40 yrs?' - thank you Obama

'The highest GDP since WWII?' - again, thank you Obama.

'The fact that there are now more jobs than people looking for jobs?' - Yup, you guessed it, that'll be the O man again.

'His 53% approval rating on the economy?' - which is nice since he only has a 36% rating as a president - the lowest of the last 7 POTUS's.

'Bringing back billions in USD from overseas?' - proof please.

'The clamp down on China stealing intellectual property from American companies?' - trying to but the jury is still way out on that one

'The massive rebuild of the US military?' - give you that one. You can always trust the Republicans to put the military before the needs of their own people.

' The meeting with NK to try and stave off a nuclear war?' - pleeeeeeese. The guy played Trump like the fool he is, getting promises of everything without any commitment whatsoever. 'NK is now no longer a nuclear threat' - apart from all the nuclear bombs and stuff.

May want to review your "facts" about your "O"-man:



keep this link and check it every 12 months, especially after President Trump is re-elected in 2020. :wai:

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59 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

May want to review your "facts" about your "O"-man:



keep this link and check it every 12 months, especially after President Trump is re-elected in 2020. :wai:

There are three kinds of lies; lies, damned lies and statistics. 

We can all throw up various statistics on your beloved Trump but the undeniable fact is he inherited a thriving economy thanks to the many excellent policies of Obama who (unlike Trump) inherited probably the worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression but who managed to steady the ship and towards the end of his stewardship, saw the US return to some sense of former economic glory. 

I would have thought that all you Trumpers who do nothing but espouse the Orange one's economic record would be the first to admit that Obama did remarkably well since you seem to think that being a great POTUS is only about the economy.  Well by any crucial metrics like GDP, job creation, business investment and avoiding recessions, Obama isn't the only one as the economy does a lot better with Democrats in the White House than with Republicans. Just one fact should tell you this; Nine of the last 10 recessions have been under Republicans.

I quote directly from Forbes magazine - 'It is simply a fact that since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic administrations—than have Republican presidents. Ditto real GDP growth, 44% higher under Democratic presidents. On the flip side, unemployment has been 18% higher under GOP presidents.'

By hey, lets not let the facts get in the way of your adoration of Trump.


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20 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

That's funny given that your argument is an article written using statistics. ?

Well that's a cutting retort. Not sure how I'm going to come back from that one.

Oh, I know, how about addressing the points I have made using facts and figures. I'll even allow you to use some statistics. Too much trouble? Of course it is.

Arguing a point using logic and facts is not big with you Trumpers.  

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48 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Well that's a cutting retort.

I'm just enjoying the irony. According to you, statistics are the 3rd and worst kind of lie EXCEPT when they come from a Trump-Hater and then they're part of a  fact based report. ?

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1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

I'm just enjoying the irony. According to you, statistics are the 3rd and worst kind of lie EXCEPT when they come from a Trump-Hater and then they're part of a  fact based report. ?

Good to see you respect the Gallup organization's research.

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" Defendants in diapers? “We were representing a 3-year-old in court recently who had been separated from the parents. And the child — in the middle of the hearing — started climbing up on the table,” said Lindsay Toczylowski, executive director of Immigrant Defenders Law Center in Los Angeles. “It really highlighted the absurdity of what we’re doing with these kids.”



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