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Wife Stolen Marriage Certificate


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My Thai wife has stolen/hidden my marriage certificate. Why would she do that? and how is it going to affect me in the future?

We have one kid, and live in Hong Kong. I have not let my kid go back to Thailand for 6 months now, for fear that she will not return. I have a pretty bad relationship with my wife, who is depressive - but wont seek medical help, though I have tried. Divorce is mentioned very regularly, but I'm not gonna let my kid go.

Cheers for any advice.

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My Thai wife has stolen/hidden my marriage certificate. Why would she do that? and how is it going to affect me in the future?

We have one kid, and live in Hong Kong. I have not let my kid go back to Thailand for 6 months now, for fear that she will not return. I have a pretty bad relationship with my wife, who is depressive - but wont seek medical help, though I have tried. Divorce is mentioned very regularly, but I'm not gonna let my kid go.

Cheers for any advice.

Was your marriage in Thailand or elsewhere? And does your child already have a passport, and if so what nationality?

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I suppose it depends wherre your marriage was, but I think you should be able to apply for a duplicate original from the amphur or relevant office in whatever country you were married. I would be tempted to do that quietly, wait, and see what happens.



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Assuming you were married in Thailand, there should be no probelms getting a duplicate from the Amphur in question. Get a friend or contact in Thailand, or failing that a local lawyer to obtain a duplicate. It shouldn't be a major problem.

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I replied to this in a duplicate thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=104508

To get a replacement wedding certificate is easy and inexpensive. You need to show your marriage registration paper to divorce.

Next time you’re in Thailand go to a police station and file a report that you lost the certificate. Costs maybe 10 or 20 Baht and takes about 20 minutes depending on the queue and how fast the cop writes.

Take the police report to the Umphur office where you married and ask for a replacement certificate.

They will issue a certified copy of your marriage registration papers (not a replacement certificate). Get a couple of extras made just in case. Costs maybe 20 Baht per certified copy and takes minutes as well.

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Thanks for the comments everyone.

Yes we were married in Thailand, and my child does have a Thai, and British passport.

I brought all my papers home over the Christmas holidays to sort out banking, bills and stuff. I made the mistake of not returning them to a safe place once my wife returned. And amonst my papers were personal papers including the aforesaid certificate. I still have'nt checked what other papers are missing, but I'm sure I'll find others once I check.

What I cant understand is why she would want to take the marriage certificate in the first place. She would know that I would be able to gat a copy from the amphur myself. i cant work out what she is planning that could put her in a more favourable position by having it.

Anyway I will not be going back to Thailand for a while, which is a great shame for my daughter.

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First of all I'm sorry to hear you are having these difficulties.

My advice is three fold. Firstly get your daughter's passport(s) locked away, peferably out of the home and then speak to a lawyer regarding getting a restraining order on your wife leaving HK with your child. This may include an order on the British/Thai Embassies to prevent them issuing new passports. As a note it is the Hague Convention allows you to control the movement of your child.

Secondly ecourage your wife to seek help, I'd suggest you both go for counciling to work this out, and if your wife won't go consider going yourself to help you have someone to discuss the problems and possible solutions with.

Finally, if you believe your wife's emotional health to be a threat to your daughter speak to your doctor about this and ask what help is available.

Trapping your wife in HK (and she might see it that way), might prevent your daughter going missing but my bet is it would have an immediate effect on your relationship and perhaps your wife's emotional health.

Tuff decisions, best of luck.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Knowing next to nothing, if that much, about Thailand, your wife, Hong Kong, etc. Could it be that she is depressed because Hong Kong is nothing like Thailand?

I knew a guy who went to New York. From Maui, of all places. Arrived at the airport, no joke, stepped outside, looked around at the cold weather, ugly concrete, cold people, grabbed a cab to another airport nearby that had the soonest flight back to Maui, and came back.

I don't imagine people in Thailand rush to Hong Kong as a fantasy vacation paradise.

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