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Insight: Sweden's far-right eyes election gains as gang violence rises


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On 6/26/2018 at 5:49 PM, BB1958 said:

We are not helping "economic" migrants importing them into ANY country.


Please do not take that statement as meaning they do not need help. THEY DO and WE SHOULD HELP THEM!!!

Please watch this and decide for yourself..... It will only take about 6 minutes to watch.

The internet HAS counterarguments - I have read them and NOT found them compelling ..




This video explains very well why first world countries accepting immigrants will not help, and can not help their problems. 

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4 hours ago, bushdoctor said:


This video explains very well why first world countries accepting immigrants will not help, and can not help their problems. 

Yes mate, in a VERY civil manner, it try's to offer a debating point.


Integrating people, whose cultures & traditions are diametrically opposed to their host country, rarely has a good outcome.


If we could find ways of helping them in their homeland(s), the casualties would be  restricted to arms manufactures and other "global elites" 


It too would reduce Chinese influence, as they tend to fully support those countries that are run by dictators, tortures, Junta's, fascists and any other form of distasteful government. Removing those governments is not easy either - For example, the US will NEVER succeed in North Korea, the Chinese (Govt.. Not the people) will make certain of that.


One day the beautiful Chinese people, will emerge as a democratic nation, we will have MUCH more of a chance when this happens.

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8 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

i did'nt mean that buddhist countries have less crime. 

i meant that immigrants from buddhist countries, that is immigrants to christian countries, make better immigrants , or at least immigrants who are less violent and less criminal, and even when they are involved in crime, it makes sense in a way, i.e., makes money, unlike the Muslim kind of violence, which doesn't makes sense even in criminal sense.

So gang violence, including murder, for example, by Lao and Cambodians in the US is sort of understandable, presumably you have the same view of criminal acts carried out by Muslim heritage people in Sweden.

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On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 8:00 AM, mokwit said:

They dump them in ghettos because for all their virtue signalling the Swedes don't really want them in their neigbourhoods/their daughters school. Check out those nice waterfront suburbs the Swedish elite live in - not an immigrant in sight and the police would be along sharpish if there was. Hypocrites.


Funny how the Liberals are back pedaling on immigration now that it is recognised as unpopular - anybody would think they actually had no real principles and were slimy flip flopping political eels only interested in saying anything to get voted in. What happened to their "humanity" and their "compassion" now idiotic immigration policies are seen to be vote losers? Now advancing policy changes that they denigrated as "racist". Hypocrites.


I LMAO at this

"Who's responsible for this ?" "That would be the politicians !" LMAO

Excellent VDO. The people that actually support and enable illegal immigration probably never have anything to do with illegal immigrants in THEIR neighbourhoods, and they certainly don't like it when confronted with the reality.

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On 6/26/2018 at 11:00 AM, FreddieRoyle said:

No idea why they get repeatedly called "far right". Looking after native Swedes as a priority should be common sense for any political party. The age of the loony left in Sweden is drawing to a end(thankfully) but I fear the damage inflicted is way too severe already. 

 Good luck Sweden Democrats. This will be fun.

To me it's not even a righ-left thing.  Some of the leftist policies like higher taxes that get reinvested in society are quite defensible.  I lived in Finland for 3 years and spent a lot of time in Sweden for work also in the 1990s, and it was a lovely country at that time.  But why can't you have that with Singapore-style "draconian" criminal laws that ensure crime does not pay?  

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On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 4:39 PM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

all this long article without mentioning even once the one word that everybody are so afraid of even mentioning  - MUSLIMS.


If sweden's 500,000 immigrants were from thailand or other buddhist country, i don't think they 

would be responsible to so much violent crime, or criminal violence, or whatever those muslims

are doing, even if it does'nt make any economic or even criminal sense .

"What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration? Chatham House 2017 survey of more than 10,000 people from 10 European states. respondents were given the following statement: ‘All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped’. They were then asked to what extent did they agree or disagree with this statement "



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1 hour ago, Opl said:

"What Do Europeans Think About Muslim Immigration? Chatham House 2017 survey of more than 10,000 people from 10 European states. respondents were given the following statement: ‘All further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped’. They were then asked to what extent did they agree or disagree with this statement "



The votes reflect the likely age demographics of TV, as do other polls of similar outcomes. Perhaps a more useful link for gaining insight into refugee issues...



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25 minutes ago, simple1 said:

The votes reflect the likely demographics of TV, as do other polls of similar outcomes. Perhaps a more useful link for gaining insight into refugee issues...




The whole Chathamhouse site is worth exploring.

The 2007 Survey results I shared gives  a good idea of the European Parliament 2019 élections to come.

People are expecting/ demanding actions on these issues, whatever their insight into the situation         

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3 minutes ago, Opl said:


The whole Chathamhouse site is worth exploring.

The 2007 Survey results I shared gives  a good idea of the European Parliament 2019 élections to come.

People are expecting/ demanding actions on these issues, whatever their insight of the situation         

Agree, though extremely unlikely for an EU countries wide solution due to the Visegrad countries and a few others. On a more upbeat note looks as through the EU will go ahead on baseline agreements, initial funding agreed, to get the ball rolling among cooperating countries.



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3 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Agree, though extremely unlikely for an EU countries wide solution due to the Visegrad countries and a few others. On a more upbeat note looks as through the EU will go ahead on baseline agreements, initial funding agreed, to get the ball rolling among cooperating countries.



from your link : In order to definitively break the business model of the smugglers, thus preventing tragic loss of life, it is necessary to eliminate the incentive to embark on perilous journeys"

It starts with people wanting to go to Europe, whatever the reason, and don't get visas. Most of the time finally in search of the benefits of social protection they don't get in their home countries.

This is the incentive to embark.


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10 minutes ago, Opl said:

from your link : In order to definitively break the business model of the smugglers, thus preventing tragic loss of life, it is necessary to eliminate the incentive to embark on perilous journeys"

It starts with people wanting to go to Europe, whatever the reason, and don't get visas. Most of the time finally in search of the benefits of social protection they don't get in their home countries.

This is the incentive to embark.


The incentive you highlight would make a lot of sense from their POV. Cooperating EU members are seeking to establish asylum seeker processing centres in Africa to address this specific issue, though I would guess the centres would need some form of protection by NATO and local country forces. 


As you probably know the number of 'migrants' reaching EU external borders so far this year has significantly decreased (45K?), so EU are making good progress. On the other hand major issues outstanding to deport existing onshore rejected asylum seekers; again cooperating EU members are actively seeking solution/s that can be expected to be successfully enacted, at the same time comply to international law criteria.

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On 6/27/2018 at 11:03 AM, pedro01 said:





This has nothing to do with Hitler. Grow up for heaven's sake


Mass Immigration has caused issues in Sweden - these do not have to be resolved with gas chambers but people ARE looking for a resolution. This does not make them Nazis.


The immigration thing was a massive liberal experiment that was never done on the back of voters permission/referendum. 


They are trying to put the genie back in the bottle in Sweden by stifling free speech, a bit like they are trying to do in the UK right now - broadening the definition of hate crimes, having people turn in their neighbours, giving Islam a special status when it comes to free speech. So if you say something like "Islam is a facist ideology" - you can go to jail in Sweden. Say the same about any other religion and it's OK. (https://samnytt.se/71-ariga-denny-kallade-islam-for-fascistisk-ideologi-atalas-for-hets-mot-folkgrupp/) - It's almost as if the Swedish government is trying to create more hatred.


Immigrants are not happy, the conditions they live in are poor. Many of the locals are not happy. So of course a more right leaning party will get more votes. People do vote based on the impact the government will have on their own lives. That has still not been criminalized in Sweden yet.


So calm down, everything right of center is NOT Hitler...




Islam is the new Fascism. 

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On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 9:28 AM, simple1 said:

The incentive you highlight would make a lot of sense from their POV. Cooperating EU members are seeking to establish asylum seeker processing centres in Africa to address this specific issue, though I would guess the centres would need some form of protection by NATO and local country forces. 


As you probably know the number of 'migrants' reaching EU external borders so far this year has significantly decreased (45K?), so EU are making good progress. On the other hand major issues outstanding to deport existing onshore rejected asylum seekers; again cooperating EU members are actively seeking solution/s that can be expected to be successfully enacted, at the same time comply to international law criteria.


"  Member States have already pledged nearly 40,000 places following the Commission's call to resettle a further 50,000 refugees by May 2019."

To put these 50,000 refugees into perspective: More than sixteen times as many Africans (838,000 people) applied for asylum in the EU since 2012."


The number of illegal border crossings reported monthly by Frontex is just a indicator for how many people actually cross. The number of migrants arriving in the EU is thus higher.


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18 minutes ago, Opl said:


"  Member States have already pledged nearly 40,000 places following the Commission's call to resettle a further 50,000 refugees by May 2019."

To put these 50,000 refugees into perspective: More than sixteen times as many Africans (838,000 people) applied for asylum in the EU since 2012."


The number of illegal border crossings reported monthly by Frontex is just a indicator for how many people actually cross. The number of migrants arriving in the EU is thus higher.


Thanks for the link. One wonders how many applicants from the total of 838,000 quoted were granted refugee status, rejected, removed and so on. The article goes to show EU countries overall very slow response, infighting (only getting worse) and all the other complexities to be dealt with. I've always said IMO complacency was at the core of losing control of the 2015 surge. There is some progress, e.g. year to date onshore arrivals by sea down to 45k (end May), have to wait and see final figures. Still huge problems to overcome with collaborating on policy, funding etc - herding cats comes to mind.

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6 minutes ago, Expatthailover said:

The return of the blackshirt cowards and bullies to our streets to threaten and disrupt democracy and decency after over 70 years of the end of ww2 that rid us of these vile specimens

You mean jack booted uniformed street thugs like this lot?



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19 hours ago, Opl said:


"  Member States have already pledged nearly 40,000 places following the Commission's call to resettle a further 50,000 refugees by May 2019."

To put these 50,000 refugees into perspective: More than sixteen times as many Africans (838,000 people) applied for asylum in the EU since 2012."


The number of illegal border crossings reported monthly by Frontex is just a indicator for how many people actually cross. The number of migrants arriving in the EU is thus higher.


I've seen 17 million put as the number of refugees wanting to move to the west. I don't know if that is correct, but even 25% of that would not be possible to relocate to the west without a rebellion from the voters.

Whatever the actual situation, a conference of nations is needed to find a solution, but I doubt that is possible. As long as there are more people than jobs, migrants will look for work elsewhere, and with AI and robotics imminent, most western countries will have major problems of their own providing work/ income for citizens, even without bringing in large numbers of people that can't be employed.

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