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I would like to propose that any future rescue of people trapped underground in Thailand consist of TVF members.


The Thai Govt should post a topic in the General Forum asking for volunteers. I'm sure they'd get a huge response.


Once on site I imagine an initial meeting would be held and immediate action taken to establish a bar, complete with stools, and some eye candy, lots of beer Chang and unlimited cigarettes. Also a KFC and Macdonalds, maybe even a Pizza Hut and an internet connection.


Of course, all Thai nationals (except the eye candy and bar staff) would be banned.


Next up, tents with full aircon would be set up. The group would then split into their respective nationalities who would then demand their own bars, etc. Some would demand Thai streetfood vendors be allowed in.


A series of committees would then be established to ascertain the nature of the problem and discuss alternative strategies, online, via their smartphones of course. (Note: I suggest at this point a series of subforums be created in which to site said committees with a moderator assigned to each one).


Each subforum would then have a poll on the best ideas to carry out the rescue.


The problem with this of course is that members would comment across all committees (read subforums). So I propose that the member with the most likes in each subforum be elected poster of the month and head-up the respective committee.


In the meantime, the Thai Govt realise their mistake and call in the real experts, the rescue commences, albeit a couple of days late.


Some members, after a few days, suggest calling the families with offers of consolences without really being bothered about the chances of a rescue suceeding. Others post that they're probably dead anyway. Some others even query how they got so far into the cave if the couldn't cave dive?


The technical subforum gets itself into a right old tizzy with suggestions of inflatable tubes, rescue pods, questions on what to do with all the wee and poo, etc.


Then the discussion begins on which nationality the members would like to be the first to find those trapped and this is where it all kicks-off. A massive brawl ensues with members warning each other of their 'special forces' training, experience with firearms, etc before they all end up slapping each other and falling over drunk.


Two weeks later and it starts pi$$ing down again.


A poll is taken on whether the rescue attempt should be made and the conclusion is that everyone is dead and, as the mozzies are becoming a problem, everyone should pack up and go back to Pattaya.


Thing is, by this time, the actual rescue is concluded (hopefully) and all the Thai and foreign rescuers have gone home.


I look forward to a successful conclusion to this rescue effort.


Hats-off to all nationalities involved but especially to the Thai authorities for conducting a co-ordinated response.


Good luck bringing them home safely.

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Gawd if people on the forum shit you that much mate just don't tune in. Simple.  Call a wahbulance wah wah wah wah wah


You make a good point, but nothing is acted on by the experts in Chiang Rai without first consulting the TVs CCC, the cave consulting committee. All important extraction decisions must first go to this team. Only then can operations begin.


Grollies, you forgot to mention the esteemed members who were certain that the boys would have turned cannibal and eaten each other by day 7.


I would not like to be sitting near those guys when the bar runs out of salted peanuts.

7 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Grollies, you forgot to mention the esteemed members who were certain that the boys would have turned cannibal and eaten each other by day 7.


I would not like to be sitting near those guys when the bar runs out of salted peanuts.

I missed that one.

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