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How Do You Rate Baht Bus Drivers (in General)?


How do you rate BAHT BUS DRIVERS (in general)?  

108 members have voted

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Here we go again!!

In threads like this designed to bring out flaming of the baht bus driver there will always be sensationalist and one off experiences which should not blurr the overall picture of this transport system which provides a great service for tens of thousands of both Thais and foreigners.

Great mode of transport.............convenient plentyful and they do a brilliant job for a very low fare.

When in Patters which these days is about 4 months of the year I probably use them 3 or 4 times a day on average. ..I pay my fare am polite and go on my way.

I don`t have problems and I certainly think that the hate campaign against them which has been started in recent threads by a certain member is stupid and totaly distorts the facts and almost borders on some sort of paranoia against these workers...............maybe it is a baht bus fetish.........but very strange indeed.

Or maybe it`s just attention seeking, headline grabbing and providing siome sort of weird satisfaction.

And as for d*ickheads as previously mentioned...........a closer look nearer home may be pertinent.

Another user who only needs transport on the sex tourist circuit (between Beach Road and 3rd road).

I will ignore your inferences. It is nothing more than I would expect from you!

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Whoever voted "The creme de la creme, working class heros" must be married to one

My personal experiances of them is that the majority are very rude and take every opertunity to rip people off (not just tourists but Thai's aswell

In my 10 years of visiting and living in los I have only come across a hand full of drivers who are polite, with some refusing to take my money because he has picked up a group of tourists (one even forgot I was in the back and we both had a good laugh about that)

What annoys me most is when the missus comes home from work absolutly fuming because of some foul mouth thug, what choice do I have under no circumstances will I buy her a bike or let her take moto's

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Here we go again!!

In threads like this designed to bring out flaming of the baht bus driver there will always be sensationalist and one off experiences which should not blurr the overall picture of this transport system which provides a great service for tens of thousands of both Thais and foreigners.

Great mode of transport.............convenient plentyful and they do a brilliant job for a very low fare.

When in Patters which these days is about 4 months of the year I probably use them 3 or 4 times a day on average. ..I pay my fare am polite and go on my way.

I don`t have problems and I certainly think that the hate campaign against them which has been started in recent threads by a certain member is stupid and totaly distorts the facts and almost borders on some sort of paranoia against these workers...............maybe it is a baht bus fetish.........but very strange indeed.

Or maybe it`s just attention seeking, headline grabbing and providing siome sort of weird satisfaction.

And as for d*ickheads as previously mentioned...........a closer look nearer home may be pertinent.

Another user who only needs transport on the sex tourist circuit (between Beach Road and 3rd road).

I will ignore your inferences. It is nothing more than I would expect from you!

Excellent reply, explains exactly why you think the Baht bus system is so great. Not.

I repeat, I don't argue that the baht bus system should be demolished, just reduced to a third of what it is now and supplemented with proper metered taxis for those who either don't think riding in the back of a pickup is quaint or who live east of 2nd road. Why is that so difficult for you to accept?

Edited by Phil Conners
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Looking at the pole, it seams that we have a majority of voters that don’t

travel on this fine taxi system for more than a few times in a year

Amazing Tv.

The reason I voted they are Scum, lower than cockroaches.

Is because most taxi drivers around the world think twice about assaulting a passenger.

Because the law comes down very heavy on them for doing this to tourists.

But the baht bus drivers have no fear of this at all, other drivers even stop to help the baht bus driver out, violent or not. (ever seen that one)

Nasty violent pack animals

So yes they are 100% Top notch scum bags.

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As ever, polls and damned statistics can tell you whatever you want it to tell you.

But the way I look at it , so far 63 % reckon the drivers are either rough & bullies, or scum & lower than cockroaches. That's not exactly a vote of confidence.

Then we have 2 strange souls who think they are the "creme de la creme"

I wonder where the Fox voted :o

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I've spent plenty of time in Pattaya ... had one distasteful experience out of perhaps 1000 rides. (Had far more frequent issues with Taxis in BKK :D but still, all told, taxis in BKK are fine too :D

Some people just will never be really functional in a foriegn environment and will try and make Thailand like the 'home' they left :o

If you are talking about me, thats crap. I want Pattaya to more like BANGKOK in the sense of having more transport CHOICES and taxi meters, not like any of my homes in the US. It must be nice to feel superior for you zen embrace of a corrupt, violent, local MAFIA, but really, sometimes I really just need a taxi and there isn't one. I don't think that makes me dysfunctional for WANTING one.

Edited by Jingthing
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Here we go again!!

In threads like this designed to bring out flaming of the baht bus driver there will always be sensationalist and one off experiences which should not blurr the overall picture of this transport system which provides a great service for tens of thousands of both Thais and foreigners.

Great mode of transport.............convenient plentyful and they do a brilliant job for a very low fare.

When in Patters which these days is about 4 months of the year I probably use them 3 or 4 times a day on average. ..I pay my fare am polite and go on my way.

I don`t have problems and I certainly think that the hate campaign against them which has been started in recent threads by a certain member is stupid and totaly distorts the facts and almost borders on some sort of paranoia against these workers...............maybe it is a baht bus fetish.........but very strange indeed.

Or maybe it`s just attention seeking, headline grabbing and providing siome sort of weird satisfaction.

And as for d*ickheads as previously mentioned...........a closer look nearer home may be pertinent.

Another user who only needs transport on the sex tourist circuit (between Beach Road and 3rd road).

I will ignore your inferences. It is nothing more than I would expect from you!

Excellent reply, explains exactly why you think the Baht bus system is so great. Not.

I repeat, I don't argue that the baht bus system should be demolished, just reduced to a third of what it is now and supplemented with proper metered taxis for those who either don't think riding in the back of a pickup is quaint or who live east of 2nd road. Why is that so difficult for you to accept?

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As ever, polls and damned statistics can tell you whatever you want it to tell you.

But the way I look at it , so far 63 % reckon the drivers are either rough & bullies, or scum & lower than cockroaches. That's not exactly a vote of confidence.

Then we have 2 strange souls who think they are the "creme de la creme"

I wonder where the Fox voted :o

..............Why would it bother you where I voted?.............but for your information it was not creme de la creme. :D

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Clearly, you would be certifiable to really BELIEVE they are the creme de la creme. People who vote that way disagree that they are scum and want to balance the results. Thats cool. Maybe THEY are the ones with the baht bus driver FETISH, wink wink nod nod. Some folks like it rough with lots of baseball bats ...

Edited by Jingthing
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Here we go again!!

In threads like this designed to bring out flaming of the baht bus driver there will always be sensationalist and one off experiences which should not blurr the overall picture of this transport system which provides a great service for tens of thousands of both Thais and foreigners.

Great mode of transport.............convenient plentyful and they do a brilliant job for a very low fare.

When in Patters which these days is about 4 months of the year I probably use them 3 or 4 times a day on average. ..I pay my fare am polite and go on my way.

I don`t have problems and I certainly think that the hate campaign against them which has been started in recent threads by a certain member is stupid and totaly distorts the facts and almost borders on some sort of paranoia against these workers...............maybe it is a baht bus fetish.........but very strange indeed.

Or maybe it`s just attention seeking, headline grabbing and providing siome sort of weird satisfaction.

And as for d*ickheads as previously mentioned...........a closer look nearer home may be pertinent.

Another user who only needs transport on the sex tourist circuit (between Beach Road and 3rd road).

I will ignore your inferences. It is nothing more than I would expect from you!

Excellent reply, explains exactly why you think the Baht bus system is so great. Not.

I repeat, I don't argue that the baht bus system should be demolished, just reduced to a third of what it is now and supplemented with proper metered taxis for those who either don't think riding in the back of a pickup is quaint or who live east of 2nd road. Why is that so difficult for you to accept?

Reduce the baht bus system by two thirds...........it won`t happen :lol:

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Certifiable? Nah depends on your experience I've had some who really lovely lads/ladies. Are there some bad ones, oh I'm sure which prob ruin the rep of the really hardworking ones. We always remember the bad ones, but the ones who do their job in efficient and kind way sadly go forgotten.

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As ever, polls and damned statistics can tell you whatever you want it to tell you.

But the way I look at it , so far 63 % reckon the drivers are either rough & bullies, or scum & lower than cockroaches. That's not exactly a vote of confidence.

Then we have 2 strange souls who think they are the "creme de la creme"

I wonder where the Fox voted :o

Percentages??...............funny thing percentages.......teke this one in this poll 73.46% of the voters so far do not agree with jingthing that the drivers are Scum as he called them.

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You are just trying to spin it, and I don't blame you.

The results clearly show the baht bus drivers as a general group are reviled.

Well YOU have certainly reviled (abused) them..........that`s plain to see from your postings on here.

To reiterate: Baht bus drivers (both ladies and men) do a fantastic job in transporting both Thai people, being workers or otherwise, tourists and local farang residents by providing a cheap efficient mode of transport which works in Pattaya.

I doubt anyone of us would want to do such a job having to put up with drunks, problems with foreign languages and people who abuse them because they see this as a way to getting a different transport system which will meet the needs of a few, but not the needs of the vast majority of people who wish to travel in and around Pattaya.

As far as Spin is concerned I`ll be having a spin or two in baht busses shortly :o

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Funny how FEW people seem to need the taxi meters in Bangkok. Last time I looked, they are all over Bangkok and usually with passengers!


BTW, lady baht bus drivers are very rare, and you know it. Trying to make me look like a lady basher is very clever of you, but it is BS. I have actually never seen a lady baht bus driver, I trust that you have. I will grant you that men are usually better at baseball batting than women.

I can't even conceive of not realizing there is a big demand for taxi meters in Pattaya. For example, all those more remote hotels in the Cliff hill area. Those people are stuck negotiating a ripoff baht bus taxi every time they come or go. Please name to me another major international beach resort city in the world that doesn't have taxis?

The baht buses serve a purpose, that is true, but that purpose should STOP when it becomes (as it has) a totally controlling CORRUPT mafia that serves to repress any other public transport choices.

Edited by Jingthing
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Funny how FEW people seem to need the taxi meters in Bangkok. Last time I looked, they are all over Bangkok and usually with passengers!

BTW, lady baht bus drivers are very rare, and you know it. Trying to make me look like a lady basher is very clever of you, but it is BS. I have actually never seen a lady baht bus driver, I trust that you have. I will grant you that men are usually better at baseball batting than women.

The baht buses serve a purpose, that is true, but that purpose should STOP when it becomes (as it has) a totally controlling CORRUPT mafia that serves to repress any other public transport choices.

Well jingthing you have never seen a lady baht bus driver, some but certainly not I (as I am more charitable) would question your eyesight........and you have this fixation for baseball bats.

So you have changed your mind again and you now want the baht busses stopped.....Another unbelievable U turn.

I must question with the greatest respect if you are sober?...if not I would suggest continuing your postings when you are, and then maybe you would post your postings in a more concise and directional manner.

And pray what on earth has Bangkok to do with this thread which you started?

May I remind you that we are talking about Pattaya.......it is no wonder that you are getting confused.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Pattaya Fox, I never said I want the baht buses stopped. You misread my comment is all. The meaning of the comment which I am surprised you didn't get is that the POWER of the baht bus mafia is totally out of control. That is what should be stopped, not the buses. Never changed my mind, and I can see you are just trying to troll me anyway.

Bangkok is relevant because it is a nearby big city in Thailand that has one of the most wonderful, affordable fleet of FAIR, AFFORDABLE taxi drivers in the entire world. So Thailand can do it in a big city. If you haven't noticed, Pattaya is also now a big city, whether you like it or not. Big cities need taxis. Thai big cities need taxis. Pattaya needs taxis. It is obvious to anyone who lives here and doesn't run a private vehicle.

Edited by Jingthing
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Pattaya Fox, I never said I want the baht buses stopped. You misread my comment is all. The meaning of the comment which I am surprised you didn't get is that the POWER of the baht bus mafia is totally out of control. That is what should be stopped, not the buses. Never changed my mind, and I can see you are just trying to troll me anyway.

Bangkok is relevant because it is a nearby big city in Thailand that has one of the most wonderful, affordable fleet of FAIR, AFFORDABLE taxi drivers in the entire world. So Thailand can do it in a big city. If you haven't noticed, Pattaya is also now a big city, whether you like it or not.

jingthing old chap....you are now struggling.....and as I said before I am a charitable sort of a bloke so I will not take advantage of your misguided postings any further safe to say a little advice. If you wish to promote a certain thing be it a product or a concept which in your case is the taxi meter in Pattaya, then the worst thing that you can do is to try to denigrate the market leader, in this case the baht bus.

I trust that upon reflection you will come to understand this :o

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Heaps of lady baht bus drivers and thats a fact. They normally have their lil ones with them too. :o

Another beach resort without taxi(s)? Answer = Phuket!!!! :D

I think its safe to say with the traffic and road conditions as they currently are - we won't be seeing a taxi service anytime soon. You may think its needed and desirable, but thats as far as it will go. :D Next time you have a baht bus ride, smile and make it known you appreciate the fine baht bus drivers of Pattaya and perhaps you might be surprised by the response you get back. :D

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but .. they're inconsiderate 84574rd5, just ask anyone who has to share the road with them. Why should I pretend for a second that I appreciate them?

Well thats most thai drivers in general if the truth be told. :D Perhaps courteous driver school for all thai drivers? :o

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If you ever see a lady baht bus driver, you could off her 500 baht.

do you think she would ask for 1000 after the ride. double pricing and all that.


Well thats most thai drivers in general if the truth be told. Perhaps courteous driver school for all thai drivers?

now we know your taking the piss brit.

Have a nice day

Beep beep

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I reckon that Beach Road should be cleared of all traffic at 6 a.m. next Sunday morning, and all the Pattaya baht Busses should lined up to create a ten meter channel across the road in the vicnity of the Royal Garden.

Then the Mayor, The Chief of police, local dignatories, Hotel proprietors, Bar owners, Ladyboys, Go-go girls, go-go boys, pasty faced TV members, pot bellied ageing farangs, Indian Tailors, crime victims, mafioso hitmen and other upstanding representatives of the community would all be invited to take up their positions on the roofs of the parked up vehicles..

The we get "The Fox" and "The Thing", both having been tanked up with beer all night, to stand outside Royal garden and face the beach.

At the combined "Beep beep" of a thousand baht buses, the two protagonists will start pissing.

Whoever pisses the furthest wins the argument and we can all go back to our computers and start a new thread on Baht Buses. :o

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I used motorcy taxis to get into and out of town (5 km approx) and then Baht busses around town for twelve years.

In all those years I never had a problem. Jump on jump off on the regular route : 10 Baht no arguements, if I had no coin the 10 Baht change to a twenty was always given no hassle.

I think, in the main, they are honest joes just earning a living but I wouldn't exactly call them the salt of the earth though. What taxi drivers, in all honesty, anywhere in the world can be so described? There is good and bad in all peoples, the proportions may change granted but the principle remains the same.

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