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2 Rednecks

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Two rednecks were driving down a country road in a pickup truck. The old boy drivin' tells his buddy that there's a new gas station on down the road that gave away a CHANCE at free sex with every fill-up, and that he was gonna stop and fill 'er up.

So, they stop and get gas. The owner comes out, collects the money and Tells the old boy that he has a chance to win some free sex. All he has to do is guess the correct number between 1 and 10. After thinking a minute, the feller guesses "6."

The owner says "Man you almost won, the number was 7. Y'all come back!"

They drive off, and after a few minutes of silence, the driver's buddy says "You know what, I've been thinking about that free-sex deal, and it's crooked!!. No way you're gonna win. No matter what number you guess, that crook gonna say you're wrong."

The driver says "Naw, it ain't rigged. I know you can win."

"And just how the hel_l do you know that?"

The driver replies "My wife stopped in there twice last week, and she won both times.

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