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Thai Gov’t monitoring online information


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Just now, Eligius said:

Good point, KiwiKiwi. Yes,  unfortunately it has to be said in general that not many Thai university lecturers are what we in the West would deem as real 'scholars'. That has certainly been my experience. And the ones who kowtow to Authority are the stupidest, most unprincipled of all.

That is possibly very true..


However extolling the West can sometimes over egg the pudding,don't you think?


Just ask Martin Heidegger.

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3 minutes ago, observer90210 said:




Now showing in a theater next to you and soon at your home if you misbehave ?

The problem is that the junta will not allow this film to be screened in Thai cinemas: one cinema in BKK tried it, and it was not allowed to be shown. And of course - eating a sandwich in public while reading 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' was deemed a politically subversive act.


So - yes - if we step out of line, we will get to know Big Brother up close and personal ....!


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Just now, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

One man's supposed fake and distorted is another man's real truth crying to be told.


You are right, my friend.

But holding a whole nation captive at gunpoint and decimating all the people's rights - is a pretty clear, black-and-white instance of what most decent, civilised people would condemn as utterly WRONG!

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Just now, Eligius said:

You are right, my friend.

But holding a whole nation captive at gunpoint and decimating all the people's rights - is a pretty clear, black-and-white instance of what most decent, civilised people would condemn as utterly WRONG!


I wasn't defending the system, as I'd hope you'd understand and know. I was simply pointing out how easy it is for those in power to label the truth as just the opposite.


Happens in Thailand. Happens a lot lately in the U.S. as well.


Now my friend, you have entered the "Twilight Zone" of "alternate facts and truths".



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46 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Yes, indeed! This is taken from a very good film on how most people are running around with blinkers on - not seeing the manipulated reality for what it really is.

God knows that Thailand is full-on Fantasy Land (all shiny veneer and pretense, but with a very dark hidden side ...).

Remember the subliminal advertising in the 1950ies ?.... created much uproar, was challenged, disqualified then banned but recently dug up and considered to some extent as a form of public manipulation and control..

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5 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Remember the subliminal advertising in the 1950ies that created much uproar, was challenged, disqualified, banned but recently dug up and was considered as a form of public manipulation and control..

Yes, indeed.

And in Thailand, the enforced brainwashing does not even need to be hidden - it is wham-bang in your face. Just go to a cinema and (I won't say more ...).


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44 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Right! That film, along with the all-time literary classics Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World, capture today's world perfectly.


But maybe we  will become redundant which might be even better with ......... another  Goodun


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26 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Yes, indeed.

And in Thailand, the enforced brainwashing does not even need to be hidden - it is wham-bang in your face. Just go to a cinema and (I won't say more ...).


stopped  going 10 years ago for that reason, maybe extreme, its the "forcing" I dont like

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40 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Yes, indeed.

And in Thailand, the enforced brainwashing does not even need to be hidden - it is wham-bang in your face. Just go to a cinema and (I won't say more ...).


Hmmm. The shame about it is that manipulating a population is surprisingly (and shamefully) easy, otherwise someone like Prayuth just wouldn't be able to do it, with or without his team of paid liars.


All you need is a population of averagely bright people (global mean = 100, Thai mean <= 90, so draw your own conclusions), with a small number of really bright people (>= 125) who have some training, and Bob's your uncle.


Not hard at all, and since it isn't hard, one must assume it's being done in most countries; certainly it is in US. UK, Russia etc etc (yes, even May and Trump can manage the process, which suggests how hard it must be). Even TV posters can be manipulated in surprising ways if you're prepared to be unethical, something the management knows about already.


Thailand is the most propagandized country I've ever seen or heard about outside of Africa, we should assume that all manner of wickedness is going on, to which the average Thai can only say 'huh?'. Just the way the ruling classes like it and want to keep it. Ignorance is bliss, and it isn't only Thais, who want to live in bliss, and are (after all) not numerous on these forums.



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1 hour ago, kannot said:

stopped  going [to the cinema] 10 years ago for that reason, maybe extreme, its the "forcing" I dont like

Right! It's the criminalising of daring to have a different viewpoint that I find so appalling ...

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1 hour ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Thailand is the most propagandized country I've ever seen or heard about outside of Africa ...


I've not lived in Africa, but Thailand is the most ridiculously, overtly, ludicrously, childishly, dementedly propagandized (to a literally pathological degree) country I have ever visited or lived in.


Psychologists, sociologists and psychiatrists really need to study this country (objectively - not viewed through 'politically correct' lenses) - not least what happened (it was staggering, unbelievable, unprecedented) on a national scale a year or so ago. TOTAL conformism ...




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55 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Indeed, I understand, I too have commitments that I care about.


Perhaps it's an age thing, that's possible, but I grow weary of the interminable defending of the indefensible in Thailand by many people who frankly, seem incapable of telling the difference between their backsides and their elbows. And don't they get irritated when shown the unfathomable stupidity of their positions, so off they go, whining to the mods and gawd knows who else about the bad men who are bringing TV into disrepute by not thinking the same as they do. As if having staff who cheat on their gold handicaps and act like some kind of Marshall Dillon of Dodge City somehow doesn't bring TV into disrepute. Check the internet if you don't believe... These are things that badly need to change if Thaivisa is to survive in any useful form; by the way, I heard a rumour about a sale recently, though that's gone quiet lately..


The answer is education, If the Thai people understood how manipulated their behaviour is, and how deep that manipulation goes, and if they had even a handful of self-respect instead of the indoctrinated sense of face that they do have, they would kick this current bunch of ruffians out and make sure that no army officer ever again has the gall to take over their elected government, and I don't give a fig what the barstool brigade have to say on that subject, they should just focus on getting fat and dying of a respectable heart attack.


Education is the key, and to educate one has to explain.

#1: The white man's burden? They know best. It's easy enough to condemn the "natives", but it really rankles when a fellow white man challenges them! Incidentally, what riles them the most is when you take the mickey out of them - I think because it brings it home to them just how ridiculous they are.


#2: Education is the key. The current education system is designed to keep the people ignorant, and essentially uninformed. Modern media, with it's almost total reach to young people, and its lack of accountability to the established order, is changing that. It is informing people. Yes most of it is wittering on about what they ate for breakfast, but a small amount is genuinely informative, and that small amount will be an engine for change. That's why the old guard are trying to gain control of it. They have left it too late. The Chinese have managed to impose controls, but they were in at the start. Their Thai counterparts have left it too late, the ship has sailed and they can't swim fast enough to catch it.


This society is in transition. The junta managed the recent physical transition well (they had had plenty of time to prepare and let's face it b*gg*r all else to do). But people's views, enthusiasms for establishment concerns, and respect for the established order have changed with that transition.

Because of social media informing them. It is like a snowball rolling down hill, slow and small at first, but gathering speed and size as it goes, until it becomes an avalanche - not a metaphor that I ever thought I would apply to Thailand but there you go!


The only way to avoid that avalanche is for the establishment to change, to become more open, relevant and responsive to the needs and wishes of their people. To stop telling them what to say and think, and to start listening to what they say, and think. They aren't that nimble, they can't and won't do it. It will finish them. The old white men from #1 will be left crying into their beer.


For my money the main issue is can that change be accomplished without great violence? I think Bangkok will be messy, there will certainly be blood and snot on the walls of the corridors of power. I hope that the rest of the country will primarily be spectators

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14 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Gen Prawit Wongsuwan has instructed responsible units to monitor online information and bring those who spread false information deemed a threat to national security, to justice. 

 I guess this means that we TV commentards have to 'watch' out? :shock1:

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5 hours ago, lamyai3 said:

Only to a point. This is the sort of thing that goes down the food chain and keeps the people in their place (the culture of kicking dogs is alive and well here). But the powers that be crave international approval and recognition and know how ugly things would turn if they started trying to enact these ridiculous laws on foreigners. 

I like to think you are right - but sadly, I fear that Western governments are so lacking in a moral base or ethical principles these days that they would barely kick up any fuss at all if one of us were imprisoned or heavily fined for something we had said online in Thailand.


I can imagine the British authorities, for example, saying something like: 'We are in contact with the British person who has broken Thai law and made it clear that there is little we can do when a British subject does not respect the laws of the country in which he or she is resident. We have spoken to the Thai authorities and expressed our concern.

Meanwhile, we have sealed an excellent trade deal with Thailand ....'

That is the Realpolitik of today's conscienceless world of 'leaders', I am afraid.

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