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This is a S......C......A.......M - SCAM

And I doubt the guy running it is actually called Miles Thomas.

But to answer your point 'Miles':

No I am not bored.

What I actually am is, on the lookout for anyone scamming people.

Foreigners in Thailand have preious few rights as it is, and it p1sses me off seeing people playing on their vulnerability.

If you want to engage in a discussion on what it is that you are doing and exactly how money is made (including what part of the money you make), please feel free to do so. I'd love to start looking at your claims.

Meanwhile I advise everyone to remeber the following:

You need a work permit to provide any paid service from Thailand

If a deal seems too good to be true, it usually is... too good to be true

Over to you .. 'Miles'.

Oh and one more thing.

Your webpage has a link to Thaivisa.com

Did you ask permission to add this link or is it something you just added in the hope that it would give some semblence of respectability?

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I have a business in Thailand, businesses in Malaysia, Canada, the US etc. I choose to make my home in Kuala Lumpur at this particular junction. Have I lived in Thailand? Yes. Did I do online surveys on a beach like I described and make good cash? Yes.

I am not about to update my site to be working in Malaysia because guess what? As I point out in the very first sentence - Location is irrelivant to this system. :o


Your webpage has a link to Thaivisa.com

Did you ask permission to add this link or is it something you just added in the hope that it would give some semblence of respectability?

I have a business in Thailand, businesses in Malaysia, Canada, the US etc.

I like that etc bit!

I'm certain now that this guy is not called 'Miles Thomas" and I am developing strong suspicions that he might actually be called 'Walter Mitty"



Miles Thomas

#413-8623 Granville St.

Vancouver, British Columbia V6P5A2


Registered through: GoDaddy.com


Created on: 04-May-04

Expires on: 04-May-05

Last Updated on: 04-May-04

Administrative Contact:

Thomas, Miles [email protected]

#413-8623 Granville St.

Vancouver, British Columbia V6P5A2


6047648033 Fax --

Technical Contact:

Thomas, Miles [email protected]

#413-8623 Granville St.

Vancouver, British Columbia V6P5A2


6047648033 Fax --

Domain servers in listed order:





Whois Server Version 1.3



Whois Server: whois.godaddy.com

Referral URL: http://registrar.godaddy.com



Status: ACTIVE

Updated Date: 04-may-2004

Creation Date: 04-may-2004

Expiration Date: 04-may-2005

Copyright © 2000-2004 work-in-thailand.com. Hands off!

ONLY REGISTERED MAY 4th 2004 and NOT 2000

I have a business in Thailand, businesses in Malaysia, Canada, the US etc. I choose to make my home in Kuala Lumpur at this particular junction. Have I lived in Thailand? Yes. Did I do online surveys on a beach like I described and make good cash? Yes.

I am not about to update my site to be working in Malaysia because guess what? As I point out in the very first sentence - Location is irrelivant to this system. :o

Why do we need to pay money in order to get paid? If all these companies desperately want opinions, why is the individual hampered in his effort to convey these opinions by a $39.95 fee?

And if it is as easy as it sounds, then why isn't this known around the world?

I have a business in Thailand, businesses in Malaysia, Canada, the US etc.  I choose to make my home in Kuala Lumpur at this particular junction.  Have I lived in Thailand?  Yes.  Did I do online surveys on a beach like I described and make good cash?  Yes.

I am not about to update my site to be working in Malaysia because guess what?  As I point out in the very first sentence - Location is irrelivant to this system.  :o

Why do we need to pay money in order to get paid? If all these companies desperately want opinions, why is the individual hampered in his effort to convey these opinions by a $39.95 fee?

And if it is as easy as it sounds, then why isn't this known around the world?

Okay, I have a deal for you. You give me the information for free. We draw up a contract that says you get the forst $100 I make. Now, knowing how easy it is for me to make that $100, you certainly wouldn't turn this deal down. Or would you?


Guesthouse, you said:

You need a work permit to provide any paid service from Thailand.

Again I mention this ON MY WEBSITE and mentioned it again in this thread. get your head out of your ass and read my responses.

Please, if my website is directing users to online scams then where is your proof? You know nothing about these programs yet you spout off with your lame rhetoric claiming to know all about it. You seem incapable of providing any proof other than to trust your wise words of wisdom. Are you writing this from a bar stool in Pattaya?

The truth is this is not a scam in any way and they even provide a 90 day money back guarantee. But you know that too right? The websites I direct users to actually provide daily updated surveys and focus groups that pay $25-$150 each AND there is no limit to how many you can do per day. But knowing nothing about online surveys you have drawn your own conclusions, which is great. I applaud your blind wisdom.

The companies charge $35 for access to their database of available online surveys. This is not that unreasonable considering you would have to be really lazy not to make this cash back in the first hour. Obviously I get a tiny commision from this much like Thaivisa gets a commision on his affiliate programs.

As for the link on my site to thaivisa. I seriously doubt the administrator cares or not whether I provide a link to thaivisa.com sending him free targetted traffic. If he does I will remove it, otherwise it is their for spidering purposes which I am sure Guesthouse can clarify further being the wise internet keyboard cowboy that he is.

Anyways once again my website really has nothing to do with Thailand guys. The concept you need to grasp is: 'demographic targeting'. Maybe you can even learn something here.

Anyways I have recieved several commisions from this thread alone so it appears as though thaivisa users are willing to try out the online surveys I am promoting (thanks). Maybe some of them will post here and enlighten you guys as to the legitimacy of this relatively new system. Until then I think I have answered all your questions more than once.

PS: My name really is Miles Thomas and that really is my correct address in Vancouver. I register all my domains with accurate info which is now required by ICAAN. Registering under a fake name is a great way to lose your domain.


Miles,your REAL address is a mail drop:

Mailboxes, Etc.

8623 Granville St.

Phone # 604-263-8777


Mail Boxes Etc., 8623 Granville St. (PH:604-263-8777, PH:604- 263-7796, or fax 604-261-8970)

Anyways once again my website really has nothing to do with Thailand guys.

You see where that whole argument breaks down, right? Shall i continue with a few more from your site?

"Work in Thailand"

"Quit your crappy 9-5 job and live and Work in Thailand Today..."

Does 'demographic targeting' mean lying? or scamming?, I'm not too sure.

Anyway mate, good luck to you, the reason we're all pizzed off is because we didn't think of it.


As Miles mentioned, several people from this forum appearantly signed up. I would love to know if there is any truth to that. If anyone out there signed up then please let us know about this survey thing.


Miles, quite seriously now, why don't you offer the traditional way of the customer paying $39 and then another way where you are entitled to the first $100 the customer makes and they pay nothing up front. Put the money in escrow. This would immediately end the massive doubt here.


I have contacted Google, they have already blocked this scammer to show his ads on Thailand related websites. So from this afternoon he will not show up any longer.



I myself have participated in online surveys. Never did it through Miles Thomas or his website but have done them and continue to get invitations for them in my e-mail. I forget where I signed up for them but I did not have to pay for it. Each one took about 20 minutes to complete and they are pretty boring. You must first go through a personal questionnaire to see if you are in the demographic group they are targeting and many times, I have been turned away from the survey for not being one they were looking for. It asked age, race, occupation, income, etc etc.

These surveys Mr Thomas informs us of I do not know. The ones I did were free to sign up but only paid between $4-5 USD per survey. So, in essence, I can concur that these do exist because I have done them. Haven't seen any for the kind of money which this man speaks of, but they are there.

As a side note, it took maybe 2-3 months for them to send me the money for them and it was in the form of a check.

Miles, quite seriously now, why don't you offer the traditional way of the customer paying $39 and then another way where you are entitled to the first $100 the customer makes and they pay nothing up front. Put the money in escrow. This would immediately end the massive doubt here.

Sigh. I am providing links to the survey comanies only I am NOT a provider. I have no way to make arrangements like you suggest and quite seriously don't think it warrants such shenanigans. If you think you will lose $34, or $34 is out of your budget then don't try it.

--snip ---

The surveys he mentions paying small commisions and I guarantee you the ones I have chosen are hand picked to payout much better than that. I made $50 last saturday watching upcoming movie trailors. Actually I dont have to guarantee any of these programs because the providers themselves guarantee them for 90 days. Happy or your money back. Payouts are every 30 days with all programs.

Anyways check it out yourself, or don't. I'm truly bored from scanning this thread just to see the same old tired responses. I'm clearly not wanted here. Good luck to anyone exploring the surveys. I can be emailed through my website.


I have no idea myself as to whether or not this is legitimate. If George is pulling your ad, then of course he should offer some proof. It does sound too good to be true, but you are correct in that it appears that no one here has any proof at all. Maybe we are all too cynical here at thaivisa.com?


i dont think he is a scammer in that he is trying to cheat anybody outright.

but he is probably making outrageous promises and claims that he can never fulfil, like any super slick salesman will do for the product he is selling, especially when you cant see the product, have to pay up first and only have the word of the oil oozing salesman/rep to go on.

he is dependant on the fallibility,greed,desire to make a quick and effortless buck and naivity of all of us human beings to provide him with an income.

he is a snake oil salesman, a three card trickster, and will probably find many takers.

but we at thai visa are stronger, right?

on the other thread about this "product", someone has replied saying that he signed up with mr. thomas, but could only get accepted by sites offering 2 dollars,and after completing the survey was told that they were unable to pay him. only people living in the usa or canada will be accepted onto the well paying surveys.


I can block ads on this site that I find not suitable. It has happened before with ads for time sharing etc. Thread closed, Mr. Miles ads and business will not be published on this site.


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