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About two years ago I was recommended a chriopractor in Bangkok by a personal trainer who I am no longer in contact with. It was miles out of town, but on the plus side, was only 500THB and included a crack in all the right places ?


Just wondering if anyone knows of a similar service for a similar price, but hopefully a bit more central?


I am looking for an actual chiro, not Thai massage which offers the same thing.


Many thanks 


Ask this in the medical forum (if not moved by a moderator).


Personally I use a Thai massuer - cheaper too.  Once you know them, you can tell them what you want done.  Look for one with the official training credentials - they will have them if they attended real training courses.  Most just learn by watching and 'experimenting' - the really good ones have been trained. 


But if you need the machine/s that Chiros use, then I understand.  If not then maybe try the massuers.  Years ago I used to have trouble after playing golf - now I play 3 times a week and no problems (except I cant play that well anymore ?)



There are both Chiropractors and Osteopaths in BKK.   Google Chiropractor Bangkok  and Osteopath Bangkok. Or PM me and i will supply details.  Unfortunately they are nothing like the price you want.  Both over 2,000 baht a treatment.  A very few Thai masseurs know how to do spinal manipulative adjustments but I have no idea how to find one.  I have tripped over them by accident over the years. 

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