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Adsl In Chalong


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I have read the Broadband in NaiHard thread but wanted some more info.

Reliability and price are more important to me than downright speed.

I have a TOT phone line already at home.

I think I would be happy with 256kbs though 512 would be nicer. Anything faster is unnecessary.

I live in Chalong.

A friend suggested TTnT.

Anyone know their prices or if they are better/more reliable than TOT. (The nai harn thread mentioned TOT being poor - but didnt mention any other options except the Dee Oh card and Ipstar - both toooooo expensive for me)

Are there any other players worth looking at?

I dont want to spend much more than 500 baht a month to be honest


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DO card is 590 a month for a pretty good speed.. How thats looked on as expensive I dont know.. I used to pay 7500 + bandwidth charges back in the days before ADSL to IPStar..

TOT / TT&T all much of a muchness really.. The only standout better package is the CAT ADSL system but IIRC its 2600 baht per month and thats a lot more then DO.

If your only prepared to pay 500 ish baht just sign up for whatever ADSL your current line company offers and live with it..

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DO card is 590 a month for a pretty good speed.. How thats looked on as expensive I dont know.. I used to pay 7500 + bandwidth charges back in the days before ADSL to IPStar..

TOT / TT&T all much of a muchness really.. The only standout better package is the CAT ADSL system but IIRC its 2600 baht per month and thats a lot more then DO.

If your only prepared to pay 500 ish baht just sign up for whatever ADSL your current line company offers and live with it..

Thanks LivinLOS.

I thought the Dee-Ohh card was 16K to buy the card and then 500 a month?

Anyway, whilst it seems to get rave reports from K. Woody of the Phuket Gazette, i have no need for its mobile capabilities and i dont want to suffer the 16k !

good advice though about signing up for whatever. I've just signed on the dotted line for TTandT's service.

The reason i asked about reliability is that some friends of mine living in Land and House, Chalong, had the standard TOT package and it seemed to be down more than it was up. The TOT didnt seem overly bothered about fixing it either. I am assuming that is because they are a governmnet organisation (and i use the last word jokingly of course).

My neighbour has the TTandT and he reports that outages are very rare - only for essential maintenance. Which in my view is fair enough.

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I have TOT 256 k at 500 a month and it's OK (in Chalong) - had a problem once and they changed the router - since then getting 140k + download.

Thanks mate - thats what i needed to know.

Have ordered one and it gets turned on on Tuesday apparantly.


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DO card is 590 a month for a pretty good speed.. How thats looked on as expensive I dont know.. I used to pay 7500 + bandwidth charges back in the days before ADSL to IPStar..

TOT / TT&T all much of a muchness really.. The only standout better package is the CAT ADSL system but IIRC its 2600 baht per month and thats a lot more then DO.

If your only prepared to pay 500 ish baht just sign up for whatever ADSL your current line company offers and live with it..

Thanks LivinLOS.

I thought the Dee-Ohh card was 16K to buy the card and then 500 a month?

Anyway, whilst it seems to get rave reports from K. Woody of the Phuket Gazette, i have no need for its mobile capabilities and i dont want to suffer the 16k !

good advice though about signing up for whatever. I've just signed on the dotted line for TTandT's service.

The reason i asked about reliability is that some friends of mine living in Land and House, Chalong, had the standard TOT package and it seemed to be down more than it was up. The TOT didnt seem overly bothered about fixing it either. I am assuming that is because they are a governmnet organisation (and i use the last word jokingly of course).

My neighbour has the TTandT and he reports that outages are very rare - only for essential maintenance. Which in my view is fair enough.

Theres 2 De-O options.. An PCMCIA aircard for laptops at 16k purchase and 590 per month and a cheaper USB base station and phone thing for 4k purchase and same monthly.. The cheaper base station is not as fast as the aircard and tops out at around 256k real speeds I am told.. Still faster than my mates 2Mb ADSL line tho if true..

Also as you own the hardware in theory you could attempt a resale later..

My mate has HiNet on TT&T and has had hel_l with it.. I have had almost every line under the sun at one point or another.. Had struggles and good bits with all of them.. Thailand basically isnt able to provide consistent real service levels at any price I think.

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  • 1 month later...
Thailand basically isnt able to provide consistent real service levels at any price I think.

Aint that the truth !

Well i m on the TTnT box right now and so far so good. I ll keep ya posted.

Well i ve been on the TTnT 512mB box for a month now and i am please with the service.

It does what i wanted it to do so one cant complain.

I dont download great big files so no real need for a 1 gig service. Speed is adequate, though it does slow a lot at peak times.

I'm happy though

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I have heard CAT ADSL is the way to go, if you can get it

NOW ya tell me !

Well it's too late. I'm on the TTandT network and i find it acceptable. But that is because of course i m comparing it with what i had before - dial up.

I will probably find 512kb too slow in a couple of months

Such is life

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