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Hemarroids for over 4 months


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Just had an episode myself. While a cream gave itching and burning relief, the specialist prescribed daflon 500mg to speed the shrinking. It seemed to help. A most uncomfortable week before I sought medical help, settled down reasonably quickly after I did and back to normal now three weeks after it started.

Edited by BoganInParasite
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Drastically increase your fiber intake is the best solution. In America a couple of daily doseages of metamucil would be in order. 


There is ginger tea from Hotta that has 2000mg of fiber which is tasty and is an easy way to increase Fiber. I drink two a day and throw in a liptons tea bag. Delicious. This Hotta product is not available everywhere. I buy it online from Lazada. 13 bags of 10 packages for about 1000 baht. 

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Not sure of your age, but get a colonoscopy.

I  thought I had hemorrhoids that ended being rectal cancer.

Doctor said, "yeah you had H but it masked some symptoms of the cancer."

Not being alarmist but check it out if you're over 40.



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11 minutes ago, gaff said:

Remove them is useless, they might come back quickly.


that's not quite right. It depends on the method of "removing". There are ways of operations and they will never come back. You have actually to remove the "ring" where all piles are connected. This will give you a happy life as long you live.

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3 hours ago, Proboscis said:

Imagine not going to a doctor with cancer? Then imagine calling up the doctor when you think you have cancer but refusing to go to him/her to show but only describing your syptoms? Now imagine phoning up a person who a) you don't know and b) is probably not medically qualified and asking him or her about something they cannot see? This is equivalent to what you are doing now. are you really crazy?


Go to a proctologist (yes, there is a speciality for this). There are a number of possible treatments, including:


- surgery (not very nice and it takes some time to heal - painful but in some cases necessary. Remember, if you think that the "roids" are a pain in the ####, try a fissure which can occur when a hemorrhoids splits.

- cryosurgery - this is where they use liquid gas to freeze the external hemorrhoid. Very effective but very difficult to find a qualified doctor who does this anywhere in the world, at least in my experience

- banding - I advise against doing this. It is when they band the external hemorrhoid and it goes gangrenous and falls out on its own. The actual banding is done under anaesthetic but the aftercare can be painful

- injecting - this in where they inject the internal part of the hemarrhoid with acid. Done without anaesthetic. Not as painful as it sounds and the pain afterwards is minimal. However, not very effective in my experience.


You must change your diet, make sure there is plenty of fibre so that you are not straining when you go to the toilet. Use the flusher provided beside most Thai toilets to keep the area clean and use the toilet tissue to keep it dry. There are some medications that can be used to shrink the hemarrhoid but usually rather ineffective. There are also some medicines too but with mixed results.


Good luck and go to a doctor!

nrs 2,3,4 are very poor advices. The remove the ring of connected piles is the only good advice

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Have you tried anal suppositories? DOPROPT is available from your friendly pharmasist along with many other brands. Just follow the instructions.

Simple and effective treatment usually, if there's no effect after a week or so by all means see a proctologist.


Edited by fantom
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Mate Seriously. A Johnny Giles problem and TVF???


Go see a doctor and get it checked properly and sorted out. I hope everything is okay and wish you the all the best.  


I cant wait to see the rest of this thread though. 

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I was brought up never to discuss medical problems.


its best to go along and have a private discussion with the doc- it could be an HPV infection, perhaps cancerous- you are asking a load of (shall we say not so highly educated in medical matters) people on a public forum ? Weird 

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