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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

A common European army would be good.
That would greatly prevent the danger of an intra-European war.
Thanks to the EU, since the end of World War II, there has been peace within Europe (except for the collapse of Yugoslavia).
EU member states could save a shitload of money by jointly developing and using the same defense systems.

cyprus ???????

ukraine ?????????????


not eu- but europe


turkey - kurds kinda similar



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2 hours ago, vogie said:

In fear of becoming to sound like Lloyd Grosman (excuse spelling), lets look at the evidence, would I be correct in saying that the people had their vote 2 years ago, would I be also correct in saying that the country as a whole voted to leave the EU. So that must in conclusion mean that if there was to be another vote it would not be a peoples vote, purely on the understanding that the leavers are quite happy with the vote they had two years ago, it would be infact a remainers vote or a losers vote, take your pick.

Totally wrong 27-28 % of the country?=UK as a whole voted to leave.37% of the electorate voted leave.

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55 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I think the only who deserves to be called “naive” is the person claiming that a country will not protect its borders. How many countries do you know that do not erect and police borders? And Wasn’t that exactly one key issue of you Brexiteers, to control your borders? And wasn’t the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland one key issue (and prime target for attacks) during the troubles? And wasn’t it the creation of the EU that enabled opening that border? And now you wanna tell us that actually no one wants borders? 


I guess that fantasy must come from the same cloud cuckoo land in which Brexit is the easiest deal in history. 


How many countries do you know that do not erect and police borders?





san marino




bunch of countries in the pacific





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The Tories have made such a mess out of Brexit that it is becoming quite a sweet deal for the EU: trade as before, no more British influence in Brussels, financial contributions as before, “level playing field” so no trade deals between UK and rest of the world that are much different from EU deals, EU agencies relocating to Paris/Amsterdam, financial services partially relocating...
Any other advantages for the EU27 that I forgot?

Brexit just keeps on giving!

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23 minutes ago, adammike said:

Totally wrong 27-28 % of the country?=UK as a whole voted to leave.37% of the electorate voted leave.

that is a rather strange way of calculating results of a vote


one computes on the basis of those who  voted

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7 minutes ago, Johnyo said:

The Tories have made such a mess out of Brexit that it is becoming quite a sweet deal for the EU: trade as before, no more British influence in Brussels, financial contributions as before, “level playing field” so no trade deals between UK and rest of the world that are much different from EU deals, EU agencies relocating to Paris/Amsterdam, financial services partially relocating...
Any other advantages for the EU27 that I forgot?

Brexit just keeps on giving!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Tories have made a  mess out of UK, still enjoys massive support though - beats me


Brexit just keeps on giving you say - can agree with that

had I been a remainer I would say, yes - better stop it now before its too late

had I been a leaver I would say, yes - better leave asap before we give away too much



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48 minutes ago, rixalex said:

There are many ways to control a country's borders, and how "hard" a border is, is the prerogative of the two countries involved. In this case, both countries have stated that in no circumstances do they want to have a hard border. So yes, if Britain just left tomorrow with a no deal, the reality is, people on all sides would have their minds sharpened to come up with a solution in ways they haven't been so far, otherwise, what exactly is the EU going to do? Set up its own hard border? Please, get real.

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Ireland would setup the hard border, of course, to not risk getting fined for not controlling the EU external borders. So, before you’re telling someone to “get real”, you better do that yourself: As long as Ireland is an EU member, it is not just “two countries involved” but the EU (incl. Ireland) and the UK. And the EU, fortunately, takes protecting the single market seriously, as we can see with the EU fining the UK 2bn over letting in illegal Chinese goods ( https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/08/uk-faces-2bn-fine-over-chinese-imports-scam-say-eu-anti-fraud-investigators). 


Of course, you can deny that, same as you denied that the UK would be worse and so many other things that everyone told you but you denying it. Your Brexit is a phantasy product built on phantasies. 

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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4 hours ago, AlexRich said:

There would be many problems for Italy. Debt in Euro and having to pay back with a deeply discounted Lira. It would be a disaster for them on a scale far worse than the UK. 

Freedom from dictatorship is rarely without cost. But still worthwhile.

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1 hour ago, vogie said:

What frame of mind do you think a remainer has to put an image up like that. Do you think it gives the impression that you are always so keen to project that remainers are intelligent, perleeeeaaase.


Not at all


However, the image posted does indeed reflect, and increasingly so, my view of many brexiteers. Innit?

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19 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Freedom from dictatorship is rarely without cost. But still worthwhile.

Italy’s problems are of their own making, they have borrowed too much and are suffering as a consequence ... they chose to join the Euro and agree to the fiscal guidelines. The EU did not force them into debt, they did. 

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8 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Not at all


However, the image posted does indeed reflect, and increasingly so, my view of many brexiteers. Innit?

I do not believe for one minute you actually mean that. You post to provoke sometimes, you are not stupid and you have more sense than believe such hogwash. However, again if we look at who is posting what, the nonsense posts do seem to eminate from the remainers, only a percentage, but not a small percentage. The majority of remainers do normally act with decorum, but you have in your crowd some that will post anything that will offend and it doesn't bother them, why, well quite possibly they are not as bright as you would like.

The balance of intelligence from your side is I'm afraid, not in your favour. ????

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Just now, nontabury said:

In the meantime a number of Conservative M.P’s have returned to their constituencies, to be told by their local officials, that they should follow the wish of their constituents and the country as a hold, and demand that T.May adheres to her promise to implement the electorates decision.

Brexiteer Fantasy Land.

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4 hours ago, Jack100 said:

Would it be naïve of me to think that after Brexit , if the  jolly French customs  man at the port or aiport has a bad day ( wine hangover )  - the Italian , German and Dutch papers will go to the top of his pile and the UK papers well ....will not . ?

Could well be, with the full backing of their Bureaucrats.

Will the British customs man receive the same backing should they decide to copy the French officials. 



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