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Asking a Thai girl out


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not necessarily so. I used to chat to this 7-11 girl as she initiated all our chats. when I asked her out I found out her mother was interested and had sent her daughter to scout me out......lol. 

Bet that made you feel young!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ask her for Line. That's how it's done. You don't have to make a date there at her work while she is under scrutiny and someone might "gossip her." Asking for Line is a lower risk threshold, and if she doesn't like you, it saves face for everyone. She simply doesn't answer you in Line. This is the preferred method, as I understand it. 

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On August 11, 2018 at 3:14 AM, smotherb said:

I have been both young and old in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. I have many women friends. I like women; not just for sex, but as people. Women seem to notice that and they talk to me.  I believe women seek compatibility, a soul mate, in a relationship. Part of that compatibility may be age, but it also extends to shared values, common interests, admirable traits and deeds; not to mention the more basic of attractions; such as looks, personality, humor, the ability to dance; yes, and even being good at sex. I have known many May-December relationships between Southeast Asian (Thai, Viet, Pina) ladies and Westerner men which have lasted and are not based on money.

This sounds like one of those "how to be successful with women" instructional books I read as a teenager in the 80's. Love it.

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1 hour ago, Dick Crank said:

This sounds like one of those "how to be successful with women" instructional books I read as a teenager in the 80's. Love it.

Well, sometimes you do have to go back to basics. Communication certainly helps, especially with women.

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  • 4 months later...

I kicked the door wide open as I invited my "now" wife back in the days AND her family.

I wanted to give the the Lake Restaurant in Khon Kaen (dunno the Name) a go. 


We ended up in a small night market in Cheng Yuen (about 40 Km from Khon Kaen but closer to her Father's house)

did some shopping's and went home.

There I was, completely unprepared at her dad's house, instead on neutral ground in a fine restaurant!


so cut your ego, make her comfortable and get the family as her backup on the first meeting.

When the Family agrees that you are a good character then she is more delighted.

(Krub and Kapom as answer goes miles, even you might not understand a word)


now we have 2018 and I have no clue how the morality and behavior rules have changed but I still believe. If she is not a who*e and raised with honor let her bring company by meaning one or more family members and "stand your man" 

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38 minutes ago, mike787 said:

Ask her what beer she likes.  What does she enjoy doing or wants to do, then take her to do it.

Since the girl works in the 7-11, next logical step is to go and get her one from the fridge. Don't try this between 2 and 5pm.

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Simply stop by her office and ask if she could join you for a coffee during her break. From there, see how things go.

Doesn't have the "pressure" of a first date ....

Edited by Curt1591
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