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Kiwi tourists urged not to ride elephants in Thailand


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I don’t go in for
These animal attraction, zoos, they avoid the fact that their real environment has to be maintained or there will be no more tigers, elephants and other large game

I don’t like PETA either they want to force their will on everyone so everybody becomes undernourished and emotional wrecks like they are. There is nothing wrong with vegetarianism but it does not suit certain body types. I know a woman who is a strict vegan who fed her small kids meat as she was concerned with their development. She is a Regular GP Doctor in the US and knows the facts!

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4 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

A lot of misinformation about elephants is being circulated online. One major myth that many people accept without thinking is that "riding an elephant is harmful to their spine." Not only is there ZERO scientific proof to support this, it defies logic.

Bareback is fine. It is the chairs that cause the problems. Where do you find zero proof if all the reputable elephant sanctuaries are now stopping this practise with the chair rides?

Edited by worrab
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3 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"An elephant's back/spine is not designed to carry one of those chairs or whatever you want to call them."


Howdah hell can you say that when elephants have been used for thousands of years as war machines and hunting platforms, particularly in India during the Raj when it was fashionable for British royalty to go on tiger shoots.

It is part of Thailand's history and glory. However, in this so-called enlightened modern age, this is  unacceptable as a form of entertainment,and  not as gory as bull fighting.


รู�ภา��ี���ี�ยว��อ��ล�าร���หารู�ภา�สำหรั� howdah

à¸à¸¥à¸à¸²à¸£à¸à¹à¸à¸«à¸²à¸£à¸¹à¸à¸ à¸²à¸à¸ªà¸³à¸«à¸£à¸±à¸ thai battle scenes with elephants





 Just because it was done did not make it right. In those days anything was fine. They did not know any different or care. Today, however, is a new ball game. It is those chairs that cause all the problems and this is why it is being stopped by all the reputable elephant sanctuaries. As I have said, riding bareback is fine if you must ride an elephant but please avoid the chair rides.   

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1 hour ago, Vacuum said:

B.S. I don't believe this. Please show some reliable links to this.

I sincerely hope this is untrue also.


But I have seen baby elephants chained on a very short chain, and clearly very upset - whilst their mothers were (presumably) out earning money for their owners by giving elephant rides ☹️.


And I'm pretty sure anyone who has passed by 'elephant ride' enterprises have seen adult elephants confined on short chains until they were needed to provide rides to tourists....


To look on the bright side, elephant sanctuaries seem to be becoming more popular - where tourists pay to see and interact (to a certain extent) with rescued elephants.

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10 minutes ago, worrab said:

 Just because it was done did not make it right. In those days anything was fine. They did not know any different or care. Today, however, is a new ball game. It is those chairs that cause all the problems and this is why it is being stopped by all the reputable elephant sanctuaries. As I have said, riding bareback is fine if you must ride an elephant but please avoid the chair rides.   

You are the second person to comment on my post. In my second paragraph, I made it clear that I disagree with this treatment of pachyderms, saying . "However, in this so-called enlightened modern age, this is  unacceptable as a form of entertainment".

I also seem to have gone way over your head, about the height of an elephant's back actually, with my first words "Howdah hell" . I even posted a link for your further edification..:whistling:

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14 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

You are the second person to comment on my post. In my second paragraph, I made it clear that I disagree with this treatment of pachyderms, saying . "However, in this so-called enlightened modern age, this is  unacceptable as a form of entertainment".

I also seem to have gone way over your head, about the height of an elephant's back actually, with my first words "Howdah hell" . I even posted a link for your further edification..:whistling:

Actually I was just just replying as to what happened back then as in the statement and not criticising you. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.  


Edited by worrab
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5 hours ago, CGW said:

What happens to these Elephants if nobody is paying for their food? Years back they were working animals, there were complaints that they were fed amphetamines to make them work harder!

As time progressed in the off season they were allowed into cities to beg for food, in Bangkok at one time they used to get free transportation into the center as they caused so many traffic jams when walking, eventually they were banned from city centers due to the sheer havoc they created! A lot of these Elephant ride centers were set up then, which have become popular, they may not be ideal but the alternative is what? Can hardly just set them free to wander.... ?

So you have not been here ....


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Those poor creatures should be treated with dignity and respect, as should all animals, dogs excluded.


Dogs in general have a much better life style compared to most creatures in Thailand, even humans!, especially foreigners, at times!


I detest seeing animals used for monetary gain.


Sadly, most animals are victim to mans greed especially in a place like Thailand, where money and greed are more important than life.


Sad world and place!






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13 hours ago, Cabradelmar said:

You are out of touch. Elephants do not naturally live or belong on a sidewalk in Bangkok. Surprised I have to explain that to you. And there is clear evidence that many of these elephans are in fact abused for the shear entertainment of others (ie. Paid rides). It's wrong. Someone should put a leash on you and let others ride your back for 100 baht.

Apparently some people pay a lot more than that for that pleasure. Quite common in the SM fraternity so I understand. 

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17 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

I'm taking this allegation of animal torture with a grain of salt.  There are many animal-rights activists in the world today who would like even to see such things as experimentation on laboratory mice to end--perhaps without thinking through the results that it would mean experimenting on humans instead whenever a new drug is to be tried, etc.  In the case of the elephants, they are well able to defend themselves.  We saw only a year or two ago in Thailand how one killed his trainer, probably by accident, when angered by a tourist.  All the elephant did was to swing his trunk.  The trainer just happened to be in the way, trying to protect the rude and unruly tourist.  These animals are massively powerful, they have massively good memories, they are intelligent, and, if truly they were being treated cruelly, they would almost certainly strike back.  Furthermore, we live in a harsh world where being "out in the wild" may be less safe for elephants these days than living in captivity.  I, for one, would not covet the position of elephant trainer, and I have some respect for those who do the job.

Well said - these sentimental so called Animal Rights Activists are rubbing shoulders with terror mongers, vegan extremists who not only wish to impose their stupid views on us but also put thousands of Mahouts and their families out of work.  I ride elephants when I get the chance. The last time was the elephant round up in Surin.


The animal rights scum are deluded people haters.

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PETA are freaks, but there is no arguing that elephants drew a bad hand anywhere they naturally roam. About Thailand, I wouldn't advise anyone ride elephants, not just because it perpetuates their captivity and abuse (even at 'ethical' elephant farms) but because of the dangers it presents to those riding. I've been taking friends and guests to various elephant camps in Chiang Mai and Chiang rai for over ten years, the most alarming experience for me was being almost shoulder to shoulder with high voltage electricity cables during one particular elephant 'experience', to name one of the many dangers.

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6 hours ago, NilSS said:

almost shoulder to shoulder with high voltage electricity cables during one particular elephant 'experience', to name one of the many dangers.

Tourist fault - if they did not ride elephant nothing bad would happen. :whistling:


Oooops...Thai thinking :sorry: I must remember I'm farang.

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Seeing the Thais treat every other animal species, including falangs at times, why would anyone expect them to treat elephants any differently?


The typical Western mindset towards animals doesn't translate across cultures, which is sad.

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This is yet another lazy ill informed ignorant regurgitation of lies by the media because someone from a business gave them a press release. Clever way to get media attention and your name out there. That business has zero interest in elephants or their welfare or they would not be spreading lies and hate. They absolute no evidence to support what they say besides other businesses banging on about the same rubbish. I have been asking for YEARS give me evidence, names dates, places and reports medical or police, because if indeed everyone did this there should be hundreds of verifiable examples. Truth is there is not, and its just a way for some people to exploit hard working people for their own selfish ends which has nothing to do with improving the lives or elephants or their future.

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