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Trump revokes ex-CIA chief's security clearance, slamming critic


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9 minutes ago, connda said:

The upper level executives, like Brennan, Rice, and Comey maintain their clearances for life.  The conventional thought being that their expertise could be tapped at a later time in as a consultant to those who needed the expertise. 

It's you against the world on this one. Not even Fox News backs you:


Trump revokes ex-CIA Director John Brennan's security clearance


Edited by bristolboy
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1 hour ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


You said "he no longer can" and thats completely false. The president has the authority to loop anyone in to classified information if necessary. Brennan can get interim clearance as well, so thats false. I dont want to argue semantics, your post stated and implied that Brennan was permanently "out" like that was a negative. Thats not true. Brennan can no longer use his security clearance credentials and "in the know" networks for spots on the media. He is now out of the loop and thats as it should be, unless hes required. 


If you read Scott's full post you should, emphasis on that word, understand what he was saying.


E.g. this sentence should tell you your claim 'completely false' is simply nonsense. " So, these guys don't get classified information.   They simply don't have to get a new clearance should they be called back for any reason, such as a terrorist attack.   "

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

The plot sickens.

And, in Trump's case, the clot thickens.


You don't need any security clearance to come to the conclusions that Brennan did, but Trump and his little buttercups will be chuckling away to themselves saying "hur hur hur, we shore showed 'em!"

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4 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


LOL how in the blue hell is removing a partisan hacks security clearance in any way trying to silence him. 

The very fact of how you choose to characterize a critic of Trump's shows what wrong with Trump's actions.

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21 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

The very fact of how you choose to characterize a critic of Trump's shows what wrong with Trump's actions.


11 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You sound like an extremely loyal devotee, of your spiritual master, the Mango Mussolini. You even speak like him. He appreciates and depends upon your loyalty to carry on with his nonsense, and to continue getting away with his extreme incompetence. Tiny Don. Making America less great by the day.


So he isn't silencing him like "spiderman" stated, you guys just don't like it and resort to ad-hom. 

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4 hours ago, Scott said:

It's my understanding that the security clearance is only active when the person is called on for official business.   I had a security clearance from employment with the Dept of State which remained in effect when I left the job for another position.   The new employment was related to the Dept of State job.   I no longer was privy to any classified information, however, should I be called back, I would not have to get a new security clearance.  


So, these guys don't get classified information.   They simply don't have to get a new clearance should they be called back for any reason, such as a terrorist attack.  


There are way too many people that have security clearances after they left. really no justifiable reason to keep it except for a select few, and those reasons should be clearly listed and adhered to in a known procedure.


does anybody have details on how many clearances are still valid for people no longer in govt?

just curious

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

It was just a diversion. Everyone knows "trump" wouldn't be doing stuff like this to people that praise him. Don't you get that? This is BANANA REPUBLIC stuff. The USA can't hold itself up as any kind of good example of governance to the world anymore. This was Putin's plan along. Make the USA appear to be just as bad as his dictatorship. 

dictators are elected?

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5 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

There are way too many people that have security clearances after they left. really no justifiable reason to keep it except for a select few, and those reasons should be clearly listed and adhered to in a known procedure.


does anybody have details on how many clearances are still valid for people no longer in govt?

just curious

This really has nothing to do with how security clearances are issued or revoked or retained after retirement.  It's about a dictator POTUS who is abusing his power by trying to silence critics.  Do you not see that? 

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33 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:



So he isn't silencing him like "spiderman" stated, you guys just don't like it and resort to ad-hom. 

You better review your understanding of ad hominem since my comment in way qualified as such.

Here is my comment in its entirety:

"The very fact of how you choose to characterize a critic of Trump's shows what wrong with Trump's actions."

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4 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

Has Brennan been silenced?


examples please

It's amazing how you guys need to have everything explained.  In Trump's pea-sized brain, he thinks that "punishing" Brennan will prevent him from criticizing his administration.  But what this is really doing is discouraging others from speaking up, knowing that the orange orangutan may come after them.  Brennan is retired, he doesn't need his clearance.  But others who are still working and need their clearance to do their work may think twice about doing the right thing.     

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4 hours ago, Scott said:

It's my understanding that the security clearance is only active when the person is called on for official business.   I had a security clearance from employment with the Dept of State which remained in effect when I left the job for another position.   The new employment was related to the Dept of State job.   I no longer was privy to any classified information, however, should I be called back, I would not have to get a new security clearance.  


So, these guys don't get classified information.   They simply don't have to get a new clearance should they be called back for any reason, such as a terrorist attack.  


So we all know who not to tell any secrets too now.  :cheesy:

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11 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

Has Brennan been silenced?


examples please

Brennan no. But it does send a message to other critics that they can be similarly punished not on the grounds that they are a national security risk but rather that they are exercising their right of free speech.

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Just now, mcambl61 said:

"you guys"


you mean those that don't agree with your views?


Think twice about the silly insults and broad assumptions

Trump minions who defend everything the treasonous moron does.  If you're not part of that tribe, good on you.

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21 minutes ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


He hasn't. You know it, I know it, libnuts know it. If anything hes even louder now than he ever was. 


Isnt it hypocritical how liberals & never trumpers only care about MUH FREE SPEECH and MUH CONSTITUTION in certain contexts?

Even worse than that alleged bit of hypocrisy is how Trump supporters only care about the President's 1st Amendment rights.

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4 hours ago, Spidey said:

As are BuaBS's emojis. So sad. ?

Yes, I think BuaBS must have quit his day job to add 'sad' to every post (and there are a lot of those!) that says something even remotely bad about his beloved president.

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2 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:


you have no idea about his or Trumps heart, but you think your biased opinion entitles you to make that obtuse statement, and you are not alone in this mystical magical powers that the phony moral superiority brigade from the l

All one has to do is listen to Donald Trump's rhetoric; how he responds to his  critics and the actions he takes to understand that Trump lacks any decorum; any moral fiber and cares nothing for  the disabled; people of color and those Americans who struggle from day to day to stay alive. Do you really want your children growing up with the same qualities?


This man is the President- a position that  has for centuries been used to bring people together; uplift individuals and project the idea that we are all created equal. Does Donald Trump exhibit any of this behavior?


Instead, Trump demeans people he disagrees with,  He doesn't listen to others cogent arguments; he refuses to believe his own intelligence agencies and top government officials and uses the rhetoric of the gutter when addressing  others in public or private..


This is the same man who claims he wants to solve America's Immigration problems.  He separates children from parents and houses both in conditions akin to prisons. His minions cannot even abide by a court order that mandates reuniting  the children with parents because they didn't even write down contact details.   Instead of coming up with a credible immigration plan that would create a work visa which would allow foreign labor into the country legally- his focus is deporting hard working immigrants and raiding chicken processing plants- jobs no American will take due to low pay and tough working environments.


I could almost put up with his arrogance; his foul mouth; his narcissism- if he was competent and put forth real solutions to bring people together and really make America a great country. Instead, he has  angered almost every one of America's international allies; refused to accept the fact that the World faces a potential climate disaster and pulled out of  negotiated agreements that have averted war.


Donald Trump will either eventually be impeached and convicted once the investigation of his actions come full circle.  Not only is he vulnerable due to the Russia situation, his violation of the Us Constitution under the emoluments clause should guarantee he ends up on the scrapheap of History.  


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Yes the decision is political. Perhaps it is time to reconsider the practice of continuing security clearances for those no longer employed/involved in an administration, liberal or conservative.  If their input is needed later the security clearance can be quickly reinstated by executive authority.

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