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Motorbike gear


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I found a dianese shop in bkk. Though wanting to buy icon pdx2 rain gear for the rain. Dose anyone know of any places where can find icon gear here in thailand or if not the best place to order online? Also any other really good shops besides the dianese and red barron for. Motorbike gear especially in the chiang rai and mai area as that is where i currently live. I just dont like the cheap gear that find almost everywhere here. I currently have my agv corsa helmet and will later buy the pista gp r and k5-s as well. Then some other dianese riding gear. But i like the icon pdx best for rain as had that back in america. Unless someone has expierence with the dianese rain gear or another that just as good or almosy as good as the pdx from icon. I know it is expensive but rather spend the money and be safe especially if rain or take road trip. 

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