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The Angry Brigade


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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

It's gonna be a lot of fun pulling out your before and after posts when you finally move here mate.

As we've said before, no matter how many times you've been here on holidays or for how long, it's completely different to living here.

When you live here, you'll see, then you'll write about it, then we'll dig out your old posts and the cheesys will come out.

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I don't know what rock or island the rest of you hail from, but some of us come from entire continents where complaining and anger are national pastimes, great art forms, and sovereign rights. It says right there, in the first amendment to the Magna Carta, "Every subject shalst complain incessantly...."

It is true. When I lived in Spain, it took me quite a while to get into the local "sport" of having arguments with others - about how they parked, or drove, or took up space at the bar. Finally I realised it was all just sparring and good fun, turning a dull moment into a fun one. I had initially assumed it was all serious....

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I don't know what rock or island the rest of you hail from, but some of us come from entire continents where complaining and anger are national pastimes, great art forms, and sovereign rights. It says right there, in the first amendment to the Magna Carta, "Every subject shalst complain incessantly...."

It is true. When I lived in Spain, it took me quite a while to get into the local "sport" of having arguments with others - about how they parked, or drove, or took up space at the bar. Finally I realised it was all just sparring and good fun, turning a dull moment into a fun one. I had initially assumed it was all serious....

Same here in Oz !! winding up the locals and their Pom bashing in return, always looks and sounds serious but its a bit of fun, mind you have too be careful what I write in here(old Croc and Bronco are Watching) :o Nignoy
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People who are dissatisfied with their home country often move far away to another land altogether and find themselves, well, dissatisfied! Sometimes it takes decades, sometimes several lifetimes, to look within and start the long, long journey towards knowing oneself.

Hi mdeland,

You put a perfect spin on that, well stated!


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What's screwed up about it? Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be today. It is unfolding in a magical and mysterious way. This thing called life is wondrous and constantly changing. Complaint is like war inside your mind. Make love not war! Be kind unto yourself; when a complaint arises in the mind, as it will, recognize it, acknowledge it, and let it go...

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Not all complaining is the same. Maybe not always clear where any given complaint fits, but there's a big difference between the all-good-fun complaining and venting at corruption, etc. on the one hand, and the kind of 'everything sucks' bitterness on the other hand.

Euros and Americans making fun of each other, or expats complaining about somebody just having paid an on-the-spot surcharge for a traffic non-violation, seems like the former to me.

People complaining more bitterly in generalizations such as, "Thailand sucks," or "the Thais" are like this or like that, seems like the latter to me. This group has lost perspective.

Maybe Thailand should issue special BEX visas for the angry, bitter expats that would only entitle them to go to certain places in Thailand. Maybe like a few blocks in Bangkok and Pattaya...

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What's screwed up about it? Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be today. It is unfolding in a magical and mysterious way. This thing called life is wondrous and constantly changing. Complaint is like war inside your mind. Make love not war! Be kind unto yourself; when a complaint arises in the mind, as it will, recognize it, acknowledge it, and let it go...

This is why runways crack, people get electrocuted, and corruption goes unhindered.

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What's screwed up about it? Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be today. It is unfolding in a magical and mysterious way. This thing called life is wondrous and constantly changing. Complaint is like war inside your mind. Make love not war! Be kind unto yourself; when a complaint arises in the mind, as it will, recognize it, acknowledge it, and let it go...

This is why runways crack, people get electrocuted, and corruption goes unhindered.

Talk about cynical! :o

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What's screwed up about it? Everything is exactly as it is supposed to be today. It is unfolding in a magical and mysterious way. This thing called life is wondrous and constantly changing. Complaint is like war inside your mind. Make love not war! Be kind unto yourself; when a complaint arises in the mind, as it will, recognize it, acknowledge it, and let it go...

This is why runways crack, people get electrocuted, and corruption goes unhindered.

Talk about cynical! :o

Nah. Great response to some typically flaky new age <deleted>. :D

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saying: "Where ever you go there you are" one can not escape ones self and the person that is mental here was mental there.

I had a conversation with a dr. and we talked about creating change, i said change comes with pain, you will need to break away from a comfort zone and speak out. he looked at me and asked you mean complain? some say tomato and others say tomatoe :o

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

It's gonna be a lot of fun pulling out your before and after posts when you finally move here mate.

As we've said before, no matter how many times you've been here on holidays or for how long, it's completely different to living here.

When you live here, you'll see, then you'll write about it, then we'll dig out your old posts and the cheesys will come out.

cricky's mate,

you got it all wrong my friend and miss my point totally.

i know alot of long term expats who love living in the los and could not think of anything worse than having to return to there own country. they all except the good and bad points of living in los and adapt with the situation they are facing at the time.

they work through the issues, but the good always outway the bad and there attitude is positive.

if they want they can pack there bags and leave los anytime they want. they do not.

it makes me laugh to read the moaning winging punters on this forum that have nothing good to say about thailand but stay here. :D

whats the point ? why dont they bolt home to there own country and then they dont have to put up with the horrible old los. :D

as far as myself goes, ive been coming to thailand for 20 years, been involved in business, seen good, seen bad but have always been stimulated and never bored.

when i move here full time, if i ever get so bent and twisted about los like some of the posters, i'll pack my bags and head back to aussie.

im a lucky guy as i love aussie and i love the los. i will move to los because i can and i will relocate to aussie if i wish to.

but i must tell you, that if i decide to move back to aussie i wont be writing <deleted> on this forum about how bad los is and crying about things.

i mean whats the point?

sorry mate, but i still think that moaning crying expats are pathetic and need to be deported. :D


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Healthy attitude, Terry . . . cynics will try to paint you as some sort of reverse-whiner, but let them cry . . . the sad sods that they are.

You will find things different in LoS, very different when you live here, but you seem to have the right focus and will be happier than most.

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I can certainly empathize with the whingers and angry/frustrated crowd. I did quite a bit of complaining, much of it loud/frothing when I first got here. I've seen it with my other inter-Thai and foreign friends as well. It's a prolonged culture shock.

If others are the same, most of it fades away the more comfortable and stable life becomes here. Some things you can change, some you can't, most things you can simply bypass altogether.

Those who do deserve a little sympathy and perhaps pity are those who are still angry and whinging after years and years here and even worse, those who are no longer here but back home (wherever that is) STILL angry and whinging about the LOS.


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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not.


hey phil,

us aussies and poms realise that taking the piss is a national sport , its all in good fun , then we go drink some larger and have a good knees up.

i mean there's that many winging poms in aussie, that if there not complaining about the flies or the heat or something else, we think there's something wrong with them. :bah:

the big difference its all done in fun ( mostly :D ) and good crack mate. :o

now this forum is a totally different kettle of fish, as im smart enough to know when someones having a laugh and when someone is being serious.

take you for example,

you are obviously having a laugh as you got a sense of humour and got a handle on things.

now i dont want you deported because you could possibly buy me a lager some time ;) but some of these other punters need a one way ticket to anywhere. :D

you know what im on about, dont you me old mucker. :D

cheers mate.

cricky's, i really got a rise out of the boys with my top post did'nt i ?

even guesthouse lost his G string. :D :D

and a big hello to you guesthouse. :o:bah:

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I can certainly empathize with the whingers and angry/frustrated crowd. I did quite a bit of complaining, much of it loud/frothing when I first got here. I've seen it with my other inter-Thai and foreign friends as well. It's a prolonged culture shock.

If others are the same, most of it fades away the more comfortable and stable life becomes here. Some things you can change, some you can't, most things you can simply bypass altogether.

Those who do deserve a little sympathy and perhaps pity are those who are still angry and whinging after years and years here and even worse, those who are no longer here but back home (wherever that is) STILL angry and whinging about the LOS.



they dont deserve sympathy or pity but need to be on a stage so all us positive people can have a top laugh when we are throwing rocks at them. :o

and they need to watch out as im a top shot. :D

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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not.


hey phil,

us aussies and poms realise that taking the piss is a national sport , its all in good fun , then we go drink some larger and have a good knees up.

i mean there's that many winging poms in aussie, that if there not complaining about the flies or the heat or something else, we think there's something wrong with them. :bah:

the big difference its all done in fun ( mostly ) and good crack mate.

now this forum is a totally different kettle of fish, as im smart enough to know when someones having a laugh and when someone is being serious.

take you for example,

you are obviously having a laugh as you got a sense of humour and got a handle on things.

now i dont want you deported because you could possibly buy me a lager some time :o but some of these other punters need a one way ticket to anywhere. :D

you know what im on about, dont you me old mucker. ;)

cheers mate.

cricky's, i really got a rise out of the boys with my top post did'nt i ?

even guesthouse lost his G string. :D :D

and a big hello to you guesthouse. :o:bah:

Thats another beer I owe you on Rambuttri upon your return Terry for making me chuckle yet again .... and don't you go whining that its not cold enough this time ... :D

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Well, I don't know about Mr Sunshine above, but the only reason I log on here @ TV is for a bitch and a good moan. It vents my spleen, lightens my load; and helps me on my merry way; effortlessly skipping and gambolling over the hurdles and chestnuts that life and commerce tries to sprinke into my pathway.

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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not. :o

The 357 bit was kind of racionalist against us Americans. :D

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Well, I don't know about Mr Sunshine above, but the only reason I log on here @ TV is for a bitch and a good moan. It vents my spleen, lightens my load; and helps me on my merry way; effortlessly skipping and gambolling over the hurdles and chestnuts that life and commerce tries to sprinke into my pathway.

hey kmart,

look mate,

if you keep hitting that dude on the head, you wont be skipping or gambolling anywhere, as the dude will kick you in the chestnuts, rupture your spleen and most definitely lighten your load, hurdling you into a brick wall. :D

you will really have something to bitch and moan about then fella. :D:o

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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not. :D

The 357 bit was kind of racionalist against us Americans. :D

oh dont worry about it mr G as your on my side my old mate and i'll protect you. :D

cheers :D

anyway the poms are shocking shots mate. :o

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Terry, you forget that if us Poms don't whinge you Aussies can't call us whinging Poms can you? As PB says, it's written in the Magna Carta (I thought that was an ice cream) "all British citizens are required to whinge, whine and complain particularly when in the pub Sunday lunchtime".

Anyway a bit of whinging is better than taking out the .357 and blowing some bugger's head orf. Or in some cases maybe not. :D

The 357 bit was kind of racionalist against us Americans. :D

oh dont worry about it mr G as your on my side my old mate and i'll protect you. :bah:

cheers :D

anyway the poms are shocking shots mate. :o

Anyone need protective shield which I can provide for free? :bah: or stun gun to shock someone that are no really happy with los. :D

Edited by Thaising
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Well, I don't know about Mr Sunshine above, but the only reason I log on here @ TV is for a bitch and a good moan. It vents my spleen, lightens my load; and helps me on my merry way; effortlessly skipping and gambolling over the hurdles and chestnuts that life and commerce tries to sprinke into my pathway.

hey kmart,

look mate,

if you keep hitting that dude on the head, you wont be skipping or gambolling anywhere, as the dude will kick you in the chestnuts, rupture your spleen and most definitely lighten your load, hurdling you into a brick wall. :D

you will really have something to bitch and moan about then fella. :D:o

Oooh! Gosh! Mr Alpha Male is back in the house, rubbing his musk gland all over the furniture.

Top internet warrior! :D

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When I was but a wee little lad, my parents/grandparents told me something very useful;

"Sticks & stones can break your bones but names can never hurt you!"

If only us adults could practice what we preach, the world would be a nicer place. Instead, we seem to think that we are choiceless when it comes to 'reacting'.

Words are harmless...it's someones CHOSEN reaction to those words that could be harmful.

Surely this is not too difficult to understand.

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

Gotta love the irony

but he is utterly oblivioius of it himself.

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nobody likes moaning complaining expats and they should be confined to there own country under lock and key.

the thais should have a rule that winging punters should be deported immediately and never be allowed to return.

actually, that would be good for this forum as there would only be half the members and it would be more enjoyable to read at times. :D

there pathetic mate and a total waste of fresh air. :o

Gotta love the irony

but he is utterly oblivioius of it himself.

I recall a saying...something about 'being short' & 'a couple of 'roos (kangaroos) in the top paddock'.

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When I was but a wee little lad, my parents/grandparents told me something very useful;

"Sticks & stones can break your bones but names can never hurt you!"

I thought it was.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me"

In the right country then ........... :o

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:o Oh, dear, many of the comments on this farce thread should be upconstructed into an operetta: Siam's Farang Sucky Babies.

First off, if you come to stay in Thailand, you must know you have no rights, no priviledges, no welfare, medicare, judicial equality. You are a guest. And, they can change the rules about your status anytime they dam well please.

Most folks come here to retire because of the silky breezes, sun, surf, tropical weather, cheap prices, low taxes, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. And then some whine because things are not the same as at home. Get over it.

I must admit that most of the tantrum trollers I know in Thailand acted the same when they were anywhere else. I abhored baby screamers in the corporate office; I abhor them in the jungle.

Enjoy what Thailand offers you. Maybe if you tried to offer something back, like teaching English to the impoverished kids at the wat schools or pitching in to help a Thai neighbour with gardening, you would receive some respect and help when your sorry axle needs it.

"If you want to know who you are,

you are the farang fatheads of Thailand...."

:D :D :D

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Enjoy what Thailand offers you. Maybe if you tried to offer something back, like teaching English to the impoverished kids at the wat schools or pitching in to help a Thai neighbour with gardening, you would receive some respect and help when your sorry axle needs it.

Yes, but that requires a workpermit and background checks and-and-and...

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