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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'm relying on information given by my family GP. It would not be the first time medical opinions diverge.

Let me know when you've dismounted.

I very much doubt your GP told you beef is the only food source of B12.


As explained there are a number of food sources.


There are whole populations of people that do not consume beef at all yet in most cases have normal B12 levels.


BTW the B12 content of milk in that table refers to whole milk. UHT milk, which is what many in Thailand consume, has 20-30% less of all the B vitamins.

1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

I very much doubt your GP told you beef is the only food source of B12.


As explained there are a number of food sources.


There are whole populations of people that do not consume beef at all yet in most cases have normal B12 levels.


BTW the B12 content of milk in that table refers to whole milk. UHT milk, which is what many in Thailand consume, has 20-30% less of all the B vitamins.

Sheryl, I do apologise. I misread the table with respect to the liver, beef reference and did not see the reference to beef top sirloin halfway down the table.

I can't recall all of the discussion with my GP,  but what did stick in my memory was his statement beef was the best source of B12, and fish, chicken and pork were low. Perhaps he meant beef liver.


If you do have many symptoms of low T, make sure that you get not only Total T checked by also the Free/Bioavailable T.

I highly recommend you to get Estradiol Sensitive (not regular!) plus SHBG and Cortisol as well.



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On ‎8‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 2:40 PM, seancbk said:


We are not the only ones reading this thread, it's quite possible someone is in Bangkok and would find the info useful, or that you might be coming to Bangkok and choose to have the tests done here.  

Yes, you are quite right, I shouldn't have been so selfish.

On the last occasion I was reminded that  "a giraffes coffee would be cold by the time it reached the bottom of its throat. Ever think about that? No, You only think about yourself"

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This is what you should do if you feel you have low testosterone.

You need to get a blood check done immediately, local clinics are best as they will do the tests no need for doctor to order

Free Testosterone

Free T3
Free T4

Your Tsh wants to be under 2 but around 1 is best, free t3 and t4 want to be in the top 1/3 of the range. Your testosterone wants to be around 500-600 and estrogen around 20-30. If your Testosterone is only 300 you will be in range and some doctors will tell you that is normal and they would be correct if you are 70+.

Your main checks are your hormones and your thyroid, If your tsh is high it means your thyroid is working overtime and you can begin supplementing with b12, iodine and selenium and see how that goes first.

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If your testosterone is low then you will need further bloodwork before starting TRT as well, including liver panels and prostate to make sure you don't have any type of prostate cancer as TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) can make it grow faster and make it worse.

Estradiol Sensitive (not regular!) is only available in America, not anywhere else in the world!

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I went for my full check up today and asked at three different stations for the T. blood test adding on to the usual list. Even the girl drawing blood said yes no problem yet as a few of you rightly suggested, they didn't do it and it needed to be authorized by the doctor.

However prior to getting to that point, I managed to sail through as yet another perfect specimen and currently as fit as a racehorse.

The wife says she wants to go see him, to tell him he is crazy.


The results of all the other tests were a clear indicator to the doctor that it is very unlikely that I have low T. and despite the fact that I wanted to order the test anyway at a cost of 600bt he remained confident that it would be ruled out immediately.

Instead, and after a few simple questions he concluded that I was probably suffering from depression.


I am not going to argue with him, I confirmed I had suffered depression for 20 years but just thought that was my character!!

well, heres looking forward to anti depressants and becoming a new man!


I hate to say it but your doctor has no idea. I too thought I had depression and anxiety and thought nothing of it, stupid me. Finally went and got a full blood work done and found out I had low Test and Low Estrogen, still in range and would be condsidered normal values if I was 80. Went and saw a Endo and he told me it was the depression and I needed to see a psychologist or take anti depressants. Joined a big Testosterone Replacement Forum and found out that not 1 person had cured themselves by seeing a psychologist and anti depressants will make you feel better but will LOWER your testosterone even more, so if that is your problem then you will have far greater problems in the future.

Go Into a local clinic that does blood tests and pay for the tests yourself, I have been on Testosterone Replacement for 6 months now and It takes a while to get your hormones balanced but once you do you will feel amazing and like a new man. My depression is completely gone along with my anxiety and my confidence is back and I feel amazing. Go get the blood tests done that I told you about earlier and I can let you know if there is something you should get looked at. From dealing with doctors I can tell you many have no idea when it comes to low testosterone and Thyroid, I get all my information from doctors in America that specialize in Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

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I was called into the hospital today to collect my Testosterone results.


firstly have to say, in hindsight I should have gone to the independent Labs as my result only measured testosterone and none of the other items suggested. so for 600bt it wasn't value for money.


secondly, I was just given the piece of paper and said ok, then doesn't the doctor need to explain these to me?.....oh that's another 200bt to see the doctor and 100bt for the hospital; so I moved on saying the internet will tell me what I need to know now.


my T result was 600ng/dl so I am actually in the above average for my age. still rampant apparently!!


Thanks for all the advice guys, I will look at other possibilities.


Yeah 600 is really good, You have the same values as some of my friends who are late 20's. You definitely do not need testosterone injections. Saying that I would still have your estrogen checked you want to be in the 20-30 range and it is actually estrogen that determines how well you feel and energy levels, libido etc.

9 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:
13 hours ago, chubby said:
just call it successful advertising "hey guys, I was a paratrooper and love my Motorcycle, but lately I'm not feeling myself" ......

Interesting that viagra is suggested instead

to me,  viagra is legit, if used as intended,   the world now seems to fetishize  supplements and  "ask your doctor" about various  nuanced medical issues,  where the basics get lost.


B12 maybe,  OP doesn't state his age , Thyroid levels can change one's energy , I don't know why one would start  with   hormone levels ......



I'm surprised anyone still eats meat, seems fairly obvious it's loaded with antibiotics and is a deadend  for  the earth  ......been that way for a few decades


Such nonsense. Restless leg syndrome,  gluten allergies, and now low T; all conditions that are promoted and  over emphasized.

It is normal to have a lower testosterone  value as one ages. Yes, that's the truth and it is part of a male's health, just as women will experience changes with their hormone levels over time.

The body is quite good at regulating itself and achieving balance. Unnaturally high testosterone levels over a prolonged period are associated with heart disease,  and improperly regulated cellular growth.(Using this term rather than cancer should impress on the self proclaimed endocrinologists that hormones are regulatory chemicals, of  which we are still learning about.) There is a  very good reason why the body reduces its production of some hormones as we age, even if we do not fully understand the complex physiology and chemistry of the human. (When we do we will be able to cure viral infections, cancer etc.)


The two quickest ways to  address  a concern for low T are;

1. Stop smoking; and

2. Get rid of that your fat gut and floppy posterior.

It should come as no surprise that the people who  have low T are usually  obese and smoke. People who have active   lifestyles do not seem to have this problem. And by active, people who engage in physical exertion multiple times in a week.  Others who have low T are  those with genuine endocrine deficiencies, like a malfunctioning thyroid or damaged testicles. These people are a small minority of the people claiming low T.


It is common sense that if someone  has not been diagnosed with an illness which results in a suppressed testosterone production, the consumption of the supplement is only going to mask the underlying physical condition and by the time  the medical condition is  diagnosed, it may be too late to  help.  In plain language, instead of assuming one is   part of the small number of males with a testosterone issue,  deal with the psychological issues and lifestyle deficiencies that are usually responsible for the lethargy and a lack of sex drive.

Low T is  ok, and is normal. It does not mean that one will lose his sex drive or become a lump of blubber. The value is relative and reduces as part of the natural stasis of the human body. It is no different than the different  blood cell  characteristics we see in a population with young children having a different  portrait than elderly people. Stop accepting advertising hype. 


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On 9/12/2018 at 3:20 PM, eyecatcher said:

I was called into the hospital today to collect my Testosterone results.


firstly have to say, in hindsight I should have gone to the independent Labs as my result only measured testosterone and none of the other items suggested. so for 600bt it wasn't value for money.


secondly, I was just given the piece of paper and said ok, then doesn't the doctor need to explain these to me?.....oh that's another 200bt to see the doctor and 100bt for the hospital; so I moved on saying the internet will tell me what I need to know now.


my T result was 600ng/dl so I am actually in the above average for my age. still rampant apparently!!


Thanks for all the advice guys, I will look at other possibilities.

Testosterone does convert to estrogen as we age get your free t checked as well as your estrogen. Not that expensive and if your estrogen is high you can take a couple squirts of zinc a day to stop the conversion.


As someone who had low T and who's life has been completely turned around by HRT, I can tell you that it is not overrated and anyone that says taking Viagra is better then HRT when you truly do have low T has no idea.

It is worth fixing your body so it runs properly that may require HRT it may require vitamins. 

16 minutes ago, theonetrueaussie said:

As someone who had low T and who's life has been completely turned around by HRT, I can tell you that it is not overrated and anyone that says taking Viagra is better then HRT when you truly do have low T has no idea.

It is worth fixing your body so it runs properly that may require HRT it may require vitamins. 

Spot on people do not realize even young people can have low T and need to supplament

23 hours ago, moe666 said:

Spot on people do not realize even young people can have low T and need to supplament

If a young male  has low testosterone, as in well below normal levels, than the  male has   bigger problems than his  hormone levels. The low level will be due to testicular failure or  a deficiency or  disease of the hypothalamus or thyroid gland. The primary course of action is to  treat the physical  ailment, not mask the results with  testosterone.


The older males who claim that the use of testosterone has changed their lives  in the absence of treatment of an underlying physical condition,   are deluding themselves. It's no different than a placebo. Theirs is a psychological condition.

Now , if they are diagnosed with hypogonadism, well then yes, I can see the benefit.

However, I do not see anyone on here  admitting to having abnormal or deformed testicles, no body hair and an ample  bosom such to make a Thai ladyboy envious. 


Google and wikipedia cannot replace the  wisdom of an experienced endocrinologist and endocrinologist do not prescribe testosterone until they have undertaken a comprehensive review that goes far beyond a simple blood test that checks testosterone levels.




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