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Trouble At Subway Tipp Plaza


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First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

You for SURE have lived in this country too long...Subway Shop is not a "rich corporation" it's just a shop owned like average people trying to earm a living. And people do like receipts that's their right. Poor Thai's do not have the right to "rip off" their boses business....why don't you hire this guy to clean your home...

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  • 1 year later...
Thanks for your support Sunbeltasia and your pm raro as well as o everybody else who has supported me on this thread.

I have e-mailed subway and asked that they contact the franchise owner regarding this matter.

I have just checked the receipts I recieved again and even the second receipt (the one for 199 baht) is annotated "receipt has been reprinted" and is actually from an earlier sale at 6:30 pm. (I was in the shop at midnight).

I will keep both receipts and will happily hand them over along with a detailed report of the incident if and when the franchisee contacts me.

I take exception to be treated like this when all I am doing is actually trying to spend money in somebody's business.

I have no qualms about standing up to this jerk - his behaviour was nothing short of disgusting and he could have caused me a serious injury had his fist connected.


Just want to let you know,for myself i didnt go back for this wrong receipt,because you get what you wanted en payed before.

but i know the reason why the subway franchise doing this " if incorrect receipt-free 6 inch subway"

because of the corruption of their staff,there's missing alots of money,dissapeared up to hundred thousands thai Baths montly,they want to clear the problems with their staff and thats not easy!

For another branch ,named delifrance at 2nd road central festival plaza (big C)

their staff didnt pick up the money of a customer who spend 250bath of food en drinks,after 4 times asking the cashier to pay the bill, waited more then 10 minutes ,the customer gived up ,eat & drink and walked away!

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First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

It shows you have ordered what you asked for.

Saves arguments latter when the incorrect good are handed over

You just show them the receipt.

Its not rocket science, you know.

You guys are missing the point of the "incorrect receipt free sandwich" offer! It's to prevent the very problem the op posted about...employees ripping off the owner by making an offer to customers who get an incorrect or no receipt it gives customers an incentive to make sure they get one and to check it. Therefore, the employees have to generate a correct receipt for each sale...so they cannot short change the till...like the lad was trying to do in giving out low charge receipts.

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Quite a few pathetic responses. Misterfingers post stands out for its sheer........errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you get the idea.

My wife has a small business and works hard. If any of her staff are ripping her off we surely do want to hear about it from customers.

And no.........we ain,t so rich we can afford to be ripped off.

You see where I,m going with this Misterfingers and all the other weird people who ignore whats under their noses?

Tell you what..............if you have your own condo or house and I,m walking by, minding my own business, when I see a Thai male breaking in.............you happy I carry on by? Or would you be grateful that I called the cops and they caught him before making off with all your valuables?

You,d be wetting yourself with gratitude.

Posters like that......they deserve to live in a country racked by anarchy.

Edited by stevemiddie
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Krathing Daeng was the Thai original. That Austrian guy bought the rights to market it in Europe. Now he owns two F1 teams...but yes, the roots are Thai and the original is still on sale at your local convenient store.

krathing daeng was actually a thai knockoff copy of a japanese beverage that was sold in thailand as lipovitan for many years before krathing daeng was introduced.

to call it the original is wrong , the credit should go to the japanese makers of lipovitan

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was amused reading through the start of this thread. good job on the thread starter.

as an accountant, i've always thought asking for a receipt is an act of every responsible citizen.

1. it gives you an accounting of what you bought or paid service for.

2. it gives the business owner an accounting of the money he earned.

3. and it gives the government an accounting of what the business owner earned and what taxes are rightfully due to the nation's coffers.

be a good citizen. ask for receipt.

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Maybe I'm out of line here but there seem to be two seperate issues involved.

1. Employee ripping off franchisee.

2. Said employee physically threatening the OP.

What you do about 1. is "up to you" and your social / moral conscience.

2. is easy. The employee threatened you. You report him to the police, no question. Why he threatened or assaulted you is by the by. The fact that he did warrants reporting him and pressing charges.

IMHO 2 is far more serious than 1.

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Had a bar in Chicago. Good inventory controls. Bartender still ripping me off. I could tell from profit statement. One day found out why. 1. Bartender had his own service register (register that prints only receipts). 2. His girlfriend would bring in booze that the bartender bought so my inventory would not show a shortage. I guess one could do this at a subway but seems it would be hard to find a source. Or could be like one company I worked for that the entire company was involved in ripping off the bank that got a percent of the sales and profit as payment for a loan. The company was operating with altered jiggers for pouring booze among other things. I worked at another place where the owner thought the place was closed on Mondays. The staff all worked on Mondays and shared the cash. The owner lived 1000 miles away. It sure is an interesting business.

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Uh well did you talk with the owner? Apart from that I see no good coming from this thread, especially since Subway is a sponsor.

On a side note - how was the sub? :D

I don't think the OP had a chance to talk to the owner as he was trying to avoid an assault. Here in Oz I quite often eat Subs and find them the same price here which I think is a bit rude. :D Lil Bob

Ps why would this thread be no good for the sponsor it has been suggested that someone is dippng in when the shouldn't and react violently when challenged. I am not a businessman but I think I would like to know about it so as to increase my management :o

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slightly off topic but listen to this! I would never have believed it I didn't see it with my own eyes.. I was at emporium and they had polo shirts and the rep says 20% off for you so I buy 7 in one go. he says 7000 bht or whatever it was and I open my wallet and he lifts a pile of shirts and asks me to slip the money in there. I really thought he was joking, anyway so I did and I get my shirts but no receipt. SO I come back next week with a mate from oz who is a polo freak and grab the guy and say to him remember me I bought those....He grabs my arm and whispers shut up quite please. Same routine again. In emporium!!

Edited by zorro1
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First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

Gotta add again,

All subways give receipt with the change, and the sign said any mistakes free sub, also how many Farangs have been the victim of assault by thais with no opportunity of squareing up :o also it's not really the big corp being hurt here but the franchisee. As for the supposedly ratting out Athief is a Thief Is a thief

There was an article in one of the local rags about a year ago on the franchisee on how he built up his business why would anyone like after hard work and substancial investment want to get ripped off or his business damaged by bad employees

dam_n i'm on my soap box again sorry( maybe I'm on the soap box cos I'm short hence my name LilBob :D )

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Who is misterfingers,good name to lol.

this person is sticking up for a common thief,maybe he is an employee of subway too.check him out lol.

the most pathetic reply to a post in history.

Thanks. I was hoping my name would make one person laugh.

Maybe only one person, but that's enough for me.

I didn't stick up for anybody. If you think I was sticking up for somebody, then you better study English a little more.

I explained quite clearly that I wouldn't enrage a possible psycho for a free 6 inch sub.

I value my life and health more than that.If I were in that position, I wouldn't risk turning in a thief for a company I care nothing about.

Same as I wouldn't trip a gun toting bank robber just so he gets caught.

Why? Because he might shoot me.

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It shows you have ordered what you asked for.

Saves arguments latter when the incorrect good are handed over

You just show them the receipt.

Its not rocket science, you know.

Okay guy, first, take a deep breath, now, I'm not sure you're going to be able to comprehend this. So read carefully, and try to concentrate. From reading some of your posts, you're thankful for things that are not rocket science or any intellectual challenge for that matter.

Having bought thousands of fast food meals, and NEVER needing a receipt, I question the necessity of requiring a receipt at a small fast food restaurant. I've had them get the order wrong a couple of times, to be sure, but never an argument. They just got it right the second time.

Now, I'm gonna slow down because this might be going too fast for you. Please read carefully. Everyone I have ever known has never made use of a receipt at a fast food restaurant.

I hope you appreciate that I'm trying to make this as easy to understand for you as possible. I understand that you can't comprehend rocket science, as you said. That's okay icecubes. It's okay. Many people don't. Having studied technology (solid state electronics to be specific) in university, I understand that there has to be many poeple like you who just can't comprehend it.

It's okay. It's okay. You can be hovering around average intelligence and still not comprehend these things. It's okay icecubes. It's okay. :o

Hey Mr Fingers I recognize the sarcasm Quote" sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" Oscar Wilde a fat Irish Poof whom the marquis of Queensberry accused of being a Sodomite said that. The fat comment may be out of line cos I based it on the actor who played Oscar in the movie (Robert Morley)

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It shows you have ordered what you asked for.

Saves arguments latter when the incorrect good are handed over

You just show them the receipt.

Its not rocket science, you know.

Okay guy, first, take a deep breath, now, I'm not sure you're going to be able to comprehend this. So read carefully, and try to concentrate. From reading some of your posts, you're thankful for things that are not rocket science or any intellectual challenge for that matter.

Having bought thousands of fast food meals, and NEVER needing a receipt, I question the necessity of requiring a receipt at a small fast food restaurant. I've had them get the order wrong a couple of times, to be sure, but never an argument. They just got it right the second time.

Now, I'm gonna slow down because this might be going too fast for you. Please read carefully. Everyone I have ever known has never made use of a receipt at a fast food restaurant.

I hope you appreciate that I'm trying to make this as easy to understand for you as possible. I understand that you can't comprehend rocket science, as you said. That's okay icecubes. It's okay. Many people don't. Having studied technology (solid state electronics to be specific) in university, I understand that there has to be many poeple like you who just can't comprehend it.

It's okay. It's okay. You can be hovering around average intelligence and still not comprehend these things. It's okay icecubes. It's okay. :o

Hey Mr Fingers I recognize the sarcasm Quote" sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" Oscar Wilde a fat Irish Poof whom the marquis of Queensberry accused of being a Sodomite said that. The fat comment may be out of line cos I based it on the actor who played Oscar in the movie (Robert Morley)

I know who Oscar Wilde was. Many of his quotes were just witty retorts or paradoxes, meant to be humorous.

I'm not sarcastic very often, but when the time calls for it, indeed I am.

So you are never sarcastic sir? Good for you.

You're better than I and about 99% of the world population.

By the way, you're on my back about a post that's over a year old.

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It shows you have ordered what you asked for.

Saves arguments latter when the incorrect good are handed over

You just show them the receipt.

Its not rocket science, you know.

Okay guy, first, take a deep breath, now, I'm not sure you're going to be able to comprehend this. So read carefully, and try to concentrate. From reading some of your posts, you're thankful for things that are not rocket science or any intellectual challenge for that matter.

Having bought thousands of fast food meals, and NEVER needing a receipt, I question the necessity of requiring a receipt at a small fast food restaurant. I've had them get the order wrong a couple of times, to be sure, but never an argument. They just got it right the second time.

Now, I'm gonna slow down because this might be going too fast for you. Please read carefully. Everyone I have ever known has never made use of a receipt at a fast food restaurant.

I hope you appreciate that I'm trying to make this as easy to understand for you as possible. I understand that you can't comprehend rocket science, as you said. That's okay icecubes. It's okay. Many people don't. Having studied technology (solid state electronics to be specific) in university, I understand that there has to be many poeple like you who just can't comprehend it.

It's okay. It's okay. You can be hovering around average intelligence and still not comprehend these things. It's okay icecubes. It's okay. :o

Hey Mr Fingers I recognize the sarcasm Quote" sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" Oscar Wilde a fat Irish Poof whom the marquis of Queensberry accused of being a Sodomite said that. The fat comment may be out of line cos I based it on the actor who played Oscar in the movie (Robert Morley)

Errr.... right, where to start, the residue of intelligence prompts a fine skein. so......

"fat Irish poof" could you qualify this please? i.e "fat" and "poof"

Hmmm... Robert Morley or are you thinking of Stephen Fry? Perhaps you're too old to appreciate the latter.

For the record I think you'll find that the Marquis of Queensbury was "defending" himself a the time.

As with so many fans of the ring our "marquis" was a notorious bandit of the nether regions.


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Maybe I'm out of line here but there seem to be two seperate issues involved.

1. Employee ripping off franchisee.

2. Said employee physically threatening the OP.

What you do about 1. is "up to you" and your social / moral conscience.

2. is easy. The employee threatened you. You report him to the police, no question. Why he threatened or assaulted you is by the by. The fact that he did warrants reporting him and pressing charges.

IMHO 2 is far more serious than 1.

1. happens everywhere here.......unless you stay there every open hour then this is inevitable and a shame

2.again happens quite frequently when they basically get caught out......lose face etc ....but have you ever tried to report a thai for something like this at the police station......."brick wall" comes to mind.

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Pls don't fire him just yet. I will be in Bangkok this next week and love Subway and would not be angry if I got a free one too. But, I am a big boy and it would take a few of the counter people to put a dent in me. :o

I Can't believe how much I am amused by this thread Dents don't hurt that much In subway they have knives behind the counter :D

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WOW!! Sound likes the Subway shop from hel_l. Lucky you. If I were you I would that place a wide wide Berth for a long while. :D:o:D

I gave up on this thread about pg 4 but did respond a couple of time (3 I think ).

so May I dare to suggest the follows which will maybe satisfy everyone.

"It's hard to enter a battle of wits with someone who is only half prepared" Apply it to whomever you want in your own mind.


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Thanks for your support Sunbeltasia and your pm raro as well as o everybody else who has supported me on this thread....


Just want to let you know,for myself i didnt go back for this wrong receipt,because you get what you wanted en payed before...

And you signed up so you could resurrect a 13 month old, dead and buried thread???

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First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

You dont own a business i presume, because if you did you might have a better attitude :o

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Lord where did this old chestnut spring from?

Whilst the comment wasn't addressed to me I am happy to answer it.

No I don't own a business and no it is not my role to ensure a business I do not own is run properly.

Sticking your nose in other peoples business is very risky anywhere. In Thailand where revenge is the national sport it can be suicidal.

All hail to the boy scout but I ain't visiting you in hospital which is where your heading if you keep this stuff up.

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slightly off topic but listen to this! I would never have believed it I didn't see it with my own eyes.. I was at emporium and they had polo shirts and the rep says 20% off for you so I buy 7 in one go. he says 7000 bht or whatever it was and I open my wallet and he lifts a pile of shirts and asks me to slip the money in there. I really thought he was joking, anyway so I did and I get my shirts but no receipt. SO I come back next week with a mate from oz who is a polo freak and grab the guy and say to him remember me I bought those....He grabs my arm and whispers shut up quite please. Same routine again. In emporium!!

I really can't beleive what I've just read, you probably just paid 7000 baht for a bunch of knock off polo shirts that can be bought elsewhere in Pattaya or BKK for with a bit of haggling 150 baht each and you thought you had such a good deal you took your mate back there to get more !!!!!! <deleted> :o

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First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

You dont own a business i presume, because if you did you might have a better attitude :o

Don't you guys know how to let something go? I made this post 13 months ago.

If avoiding a physical altercation with a man the OP admittedly described as a "LUNATIC", means that I have a bad attitude, then so be it.

Being accused of having a bad attitude is not quite as bad as being attacked by a "LUNATIC".

And I don't agree with you anyway.

Let it go you guys.

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slightly off topic but listen to this! I would never have believed it I didn't see it with my own eyes.. I was at emporium and they had polo shirts and the rep says 20% off for you so I buy 7 in one go. he says 7000 bht or whatever it was and I open my wallet and he lifts a pile of shirts and asks me to slip the money in there. I really thought he was joking, anyway so I did and I get my shirts but no receipt. SO I come back next week with a mate from oz who is a polo freak and grab the guy and say to him remember me I bought those....He grabs my arm and whispers shut up quite please. Same routine again. In emporium!!

I really can't beleive what I've just read, you probably just paid 7000 baht for a bunch of knock off polo shirts that can be bought elsewhere in Pattaya or BKK for with a bit of haggling 150 baht each and you thought you had such a good deal you took your mate back there to get more !!!!!! <deleted> :o

I have to agree with Paul on this one.

You actually fell for the "Too cheap not to be stolen" routine?

This is a very common practice (trick) for people who sell fake watches.

Whisper, Whisper. "Follow me. We have to go to a back alley to do this. How many you want? Twenty?"

Looks around, okay, nobody around.

These tricks are designed to make you think that the items are stolen and therefore authentic.

What they are, is fake and you are the only one being fooled.

You've been had, Zorro.

You fell for one of the most obvious tricks from sellers of counterfeit goods.

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slightly off topic but listen to this! I would never have believed it I didn't see it with my own eyes.. I was at emporium and they had polo shirts and the rep says 20% off for you so I buy 7 in one go. he says 7000 bht or whatever it was and I open my wallet and he lifts a pile of shirts and asks me to slip the money in there. I really thought he was joking, anyway so I did and I get my shirts but no receipt. SO I come back next week with a mate from oz who is a polo freak and grab the guy and say to him remember me I bought those....He grabs my arm and whispers shut up quite please. Same routine again. In emporium!!

I really can't beleive what I've just read, you probably just paid 7000 baht for a bunch of knock off polo shirts that can be bought elsewhere in Pattaya or BKK for with a bit of haggling 150 baht each and you thought you had such a good deal you took your mate back there to get more !!!!!! <deleted> :D

Not at all but not that I would know Im a bit of a sucker like that but then again I NEVER buy anything off the street and I figure buying at Emporium would have to cut my odds back a tad. However my mate the Polo freak and I mean 27 shirts already :D confirmed they the real deal . Just so you know It wasnt about the money I was gonna buy anyway its just how the transaction took place that prompted me to post. Thought it was obvious that the rep was just stealing money but according to you guys hes buying shirts (fake) sneaking them in and then stealing the money???? :o

Edited by zorro1
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WOW!! Sound likes the Subway shop from hel_l. Lucky you. If I were you I would that place a wide wide Berth for a long while. :D:o:D

This thread has been resurrected for what reason I know not what but as the original poster let me tell you what happened.

1. I was contacted and offered free subs by both Sunbelt Asia and the franchise holder although as I explained to them at the time it wasn't necessary as they were not in any way responsible for the incident it was the one guy.

2. I have continued to patronise this outlet over the past 13 months when I've been in Pattaya and have received nothing but excellent service since.

3. This guy was an a$$hole and both Subway and myself were victims of his criminal behaviour. (theft and assualt)

4. The guy was quite rightly sacked over the incident.

5. I couldn't have given a toss over the free sub. There was some guy(the franchise owner) who like me was trying to make an honest living in Pattaya and was being systematicall robbed by people he was employing. Two purchases two weeks apart were both rung in as 15b water instead of 199b sandwiches. This guy was being swindled by his staff and the scam probably added up to a few thousand baht a month. This wasn't a victimless crime. I have been a victim of crime on several occasions in my life (cars stolen, burgled, rolled when drunk) and I have nothing but contempt for the people who purpetrate such activities. If I'm walking by and I see someone being attacked, someone trying to steal a car or someone trying to break into someones house then yes I will still intervene.

6. Mister Fingers and StickkettleOn (Post #59 in this thread) are whose stupid posts I did not think worthy of a response at the time.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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