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Orphanage Donations


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I’m sorta retired in Asia. My well-to-do US friends sometimes feel guilty when I mentioned the many begging kids especially in Cambodia. They encouraged me to start a charity with promised of donations.


Everything is operational except I need help to connect with orphanages in South East Asia.


Please help me, post contact of orphanage here for me. I’ll visit them and make an assessment of their need.

Edited by Jamin123
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I know Warm Heart, they are an incredible group of people involved with many projects helping the community. They have 45 children living in their Children's Homes, disadvantaged hill tribe kids who are given the opportunity to get an education and live in a loving, safe environment. They have 14 kids that have gone on to college, and are struggling with higher education costs. They have a program that helps the elderly and disabled who live alone isolated and lonely. The run a Microenterprise program to help hill tribe women earn a living, and they have an Environmental program helping farmers learn how to make and use biochar as an alternative to open field burning. They do a lot, all on a shoestring. They could certainly use a boost! You can talk to Michael or Evelind, they are the founders, have been building a sustainable future in Phrao for 10 years now. I have never met more hard-working and dedicated people before. Please do check them out. Contact information is on the website. warmheartworldwide.org

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I completely agree with the posters above.  Warm Heart in Phrao is a great organization and a very worthy recipient of any help you can provide!  No organization is more dedicated to helping poor children in our area.  Their home for children is 73 kms North of Chiang Mai, contact Michael Shafer and Evelind Schechter they are the couple who founded the organization.  Well worth a visit.  Or, just go to their website, where they give details about how to help.

Thanks to the poster for giving much needed help to children in our area!


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over many yrs here / and visited different orphanages /

have found the govt have places and orphanages for the  orphans and children in need

and well looked after /the children in Laos  are the ones in need also burma


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1 hour ago, opalred said:

over many yrs here / and visited different orphanages /

have found the govt have places and orphanages for the  orphans and children in need

and well looked after /the children in Laos  are the ones in need also burma




Please any Burma or Laos contact:

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what i have found is to travel yourself to see /as to many ripoff groups about /

to many sponging off the generosity  of people that care

what i have seen is they all seem to have enough food

giving money never gets to the children

what the children enjoy are toys/ color  books and pens

Asia parents say they cant afford to give/ as they need there money for food

so i get my children in oz to collect toys /books from there friends and send here

we should give all the children a bear or doll or toy to cuddle and enjoy as we did when we were kids

remember the teddy bear you cuddled for comfort when you got into trouble by mum or dad

cheers allan   pm contact  if i find out will let you know 

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