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In June I got an infection in my right inner thigh,  possibly a bite or maybe a scratch from one of my six soi dogs jumping at me to be the first to receive affection as I leave the house in the morning.  It got nasty and very painful.  The hospital treated me for cellulitis, seven days on antibiotic drips every six hours.   The infection and pain cured I am left with an ankle like putty and calf full of fluid.    I must go to a bigger hospital where fluent English speakers can guide me.   Does anyone have personal experience of this condition and advice to offer.


HAH! I just got over a very bad cellulitis of my hand, courtesy of a cat bite, so I do sympathize.


My hand stayed swollen for some time after the infection subsided and did nto re=solve until they gave me steroids. However, in my case the swelling was at the site of the bite and right near it. What you report - swelling distal to the site of the infection - is less common, but it can happen if the infection left scarring that is interfering with the normal lymphatic drainage.


Where do you live in Thailand?


Be sure to elevate that leg (above heart level) whenever sitting or lying down. Walking a lot is also a good idea, it will help stimulate fluid reabsorption.






Thankyou for your reply Cheryl..   I think there is a drinking connection here. My LFT said low Albumen which wiki says is a protein which stimulates other stuff to clear your leg of fluids etc.   Maybe I've pushed my liver  too far this time.

It's the travel time back to Melbourne in cattle class that worries me in case I get a DVT.   My location is as stated but I'm told some very good docs here.   I have a pushbike now and do get around more, and drink less.

Thanks again.


The Lymphedma Clinic of Thailand or something like that is at the top of our village ... it is always full. I actually know the Dr who is a renowned  expert in the field.  The place seems to be always pretty full ... look here ... https://www.lymphedema-thailand.com/


Stay of Pork!!  Yea somewhat difficult here!



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