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Trump accuses Sessions of hurting U.S. Republican congressional races


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31 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. The AG is a political appointment and serves at the pleasure of the president, who can sack him for whatever cause.


So he should grow a pair and fire him, already, instead of whining like a little baby.


Nearly every single one of his tweets this past week has been whiny.


The appointment of a candidate is just that, an appointment. However, he did have to sputter incoherently in front of Senators during his confirmation hearing. It's called "Advice and Consent" ( Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 ) for a reason.


"I did not have communications with the Russians..." Sideways guilty look ~ 8:35.



Edited by mtls2005
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57 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Nothing to defend. it's just politics as usual.

No it's not, that's the whole point. We've never had a president who is absolutely clueless about the basics on how the governing system works and who is so self-centered that he wouldn't mind causing a civil war if he feels he's going down.

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6 hours ago, Esso49 said:

But Banana republics' usually have a quick way  of deposing a corrupt and/or unbalanced leader. 

Unfortunately I’m letting the side down by uncrossing my toes to walk (my fingers remained crossed, of course, but is that enough?)

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday launched a fresh attack on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, accusing him of jeopardizing the chances of re-election for two Republican congressmen by bringing criminal charges against them just before the midterm elections.

Mmmmm.... so dopey and stupid are not at fault for breaking the law.... it’s all Jeff sessions fault for applying the law.


I cant help but wonder if trump knew what the AGs job description was, prior to appointing him (or even now ?)


lol... crooked lawyer required... must be thick skinnned... apply @lovepotus. 

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5 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Mmmmm.... so dopey and stupid are not at fault for breaking the law.... it’s all Jeff sessions fault for applying the law.


I cant help but wonder if trump knew what the AGs job description was, prior to appointing him (or even now ?)


lol... crooked lawyer required... must be thick skinnned... apply @lovepotus. 

He has already lost one crooked lawyer but I think Giulianni is filling the position nicely.

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Soooooo, what's a real American President like then. A womaniser like Kennedy and Clinton, someone that racks up trillions of debt like Obama, or someone that starts wars based on erroneous information like Bush? Or perhaps, someone that was just not very good, like Carter.

Back to the OP; Sessions must know that he's gone as soon as the elections are over. He should retain whatever dignity he has left by resigning now. He's been worse than bad, given he recused himself almost the moment he walked in the door. Even a bad AG can support his boss against internal foes, but Sessions just hasn't been there at all while Trump has been attacked from all sides. Perhaps he was a Trojan horse.

"Even a bad AG can support his boss against internal foes," 

Might be a small problem when "The Boss" is indefensible :dry:

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15 hours ago, KhunFred said:

Doing what he was HIRED to do.....destroy.  I know Jeff Sessions personally from working in media in Alabama. He is every bit as free from a moral compass as his boss, Trump.

It wouldn't have surprised me if Sessions had tried to stop the charges against these Republican congressmen. He likely would not have gotten away with it not becoming public and he knew it. A whisle blower would have made sure the media got there hands on the info. Just because a theif doesn't steal while in a store with cameras watching him doesn't mean he isn't a theif.

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The responses to the original tweet







have been resoundingly negative... and in documenting his desire for the AG to ignore illegal activities, based on political expediencies, he seems to be abrogating his oath of office.



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On ‎9‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 3:08 PM, The Snark said:

The real problem isn't a president willing to usurp the law as with Sessions or sympathizing with a convicted criminal with Manafort. It's the 40% of the population of the US, the sheeples, who support him and are willing to overlook the blatant corruption of the office as they await their next rally-entertainment fix.

Time to rethink our education system, promoting critical thinking as opposed to ideological indoctrination.

Are you saying democracy is bad because someone that you don't like was elected?

When I was educated, politics was ignored completely in favour of such essentials as Latin.

However, apparently US higher learning establishments have been indoctrinating youths to be "liberals", given how they scream and riot every time a right wing speaker is invited to the university.

In my experience, people tend to elect politicians that give them more than others, and Trump has certainly given many people more than they had before. Short of some catastrophic event, I expect DT to be re elected in 2020.

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46 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

What does who pays the AG got to do with the fact it's a political appointment?

It indicates that, contrary to earlier claims, the AG is not working for the president but for the country.

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On 9/7/2018 at 10:56 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

In my experience, people tend to elect politicians that give them more than others, and Trump has certainly given many people more than they had before.

Your experience is great, but facts say that the US people tend to elect the politician who spends the most whether or not that politician is working for the people or his/her rich corporate donors.

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On 9/7/2018 at 10:56 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

In my experience, people tend to elect politicians that give them more than others, and Trump has certainly given many people more than they had before.

Amend that. Trump has said he has....


But I don't believe in Santa Claus, the easter bunny, the tooth fairy........

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