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Bangkok Bank direct deposit from Canada.

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I know that Bangkok Bank can accept direct deposit from US social security, I have a direct deposit  account already. I want to know if anybody has been able to set up a direct deposit for Canadian Pension Plan payments with Bangkok Bank. My branch doesn't know, and just say "I don't think so".  I have emailed the New York branch and actually got two replies from different departments. One said US social security only,  and the other was very technical and vague but seemed to imply it was possible if it was set up correctly. If any of you have been able to direct deposit Canada pension Plan payments,  please let me know, and the process involved. If it's possible I can strongly encourage my branch to look into.   Right now I have the Canadian funds go into my US bank, and have to wire it here or use debit card with high fees from Thai ATM and my US bank. It would be much more convenient if it all came to Bangkok bank.

Edited by mhortig
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I am Canadian, and just a few years away from when I might want to know this too.  But as a long-time resident of Thailand, I already know this: Nobody inside a Thai bank is going to care if your monthly pension ever gets here.  Start your enquiry with your Canadian bank, and please come back here and tell us the results.

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I'm not in the pension era yet, but this might help.  I can't see why entering  Bangkok Bank information would pose a problem, but a call (to service Canada) would be easy enough to make.




Edited by CanuckThai
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