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Humiliating public sacking - and total lack of communication

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Getting fired is not something we would want to take place during some meeting.

There can be a quiet 1 on 1 with a HR person, a letter or (...)


During the probationary period, employers can rightly terminate anyone and there is no need to state a reason. (Thai labour law doesn't care about reasons, but set financial penalties for terminations after longer service).


Causing severe loss of face is a crime, isn't it?


Someone had the idea to surprise yours truly. The public humiliation served the purpose to let some Thai bosses gain face, as usually i. Thais avoid confrontations and ii. it's against the law.


A cleaner posing as medical professional has harmed me badly. I should have made a stink as her medical malpracttice still affects me to this day. But making a public scene and shaming her would get me in hot water.


Some folks say "no farang can win in a Thai court against (influential) Thais".


Closing, the total lack of communication is shocking. Let's assume I'm a chef and they have been hating my dishes.


  • no tofu / garlic / ...
  • less salt / oil / ...


Communicate. Say something!


But then they skin you lingeringly and with a blunt knife. Those bad reports remain secret. (My plea to allow me to  l e a r n  from my mistakes was wasted. Promised feedback never materialized).


The salary wasn't there "in the afternoon" of the last calendar day of that month. Thais all got their salaries paid on time, of course.


Pissed off, professionally and needlessy shamed... I wonder: cui bono? And should I turn the other cheek or be the worm who turned?

  • Confused 1
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