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Australian groups launch global wave of climate protests ahead of summit


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1 hour ago, tropo said:

In order of your questions raised:


1. He didn't make it up, but the assessment is highly inaccurate and flawed.

2. No, there isn't scientific work on stratification to justify his timescales.

3. No.

4. Might have been raised. Were they?

5. Yes. Most people probably wouldn't notice. You soaked it all up on faith.


Really, I don't think you understand my comments about timescale. Let's say the spike at the end represents 2 decades (it's probably less), and we're making a chart to cover 11,300 years. That spike would represent 1/565th of the chart (or 0.00177). That chart is way out of scale. There could be many spikes within it that will never be found. Their "sea-shell method" over 11,300 years is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


It's obvious you have a lot of faith in these guys. I don't. You're welcome to address your specific questions with evidence to prove your points. Considering you're proposing this as a valid theory, the onus is upon you to prove your points. That's not my job.



Right, the onus is on me to provide support for a paper published in a respected scientific journal. And not on you to disprove it. Clearly you come from oppositeland.

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