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The risk you take running a RED traffic light

Grumpy Old Man

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shooting the lights... obvious assumption it's a local rider



however! his lightning reflexes and reaction to slipping the bike intentionally.... one could be forgiven thinking the riders wasn't Thai local after all...

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On 9/9/2018 at 2:39 AM, Grumpy Old Man said:

I want to share a video taken by my Vico V Car Camcorder. . . . . 


The risk you take running a RED traffic light; I could hear the motorcycle before I could see it and the video speaks volumes. . . . . 


If by chance this video is seen by the car driver or Police who want a copy for evidence purposes please "Private message myself" 

So what were you doing on the offside lane when the nearside lane was clear....... grrrr!

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5 minutes ago, HHTel said:

So what were you doing on the offside lane when the nearside lane was clear....... grrrr!


I imagine, the same thing as anyone else who drives on similar roads, similar conditions... 

Keeping away from the nearside (left most) lane.... to avoid the motorcyclists or other unlit vehicles which pull out onto the road without looking, to avoid unlit obstacles which are parked or just positioned on the inside - this list goes on...  


If you drove down the same road 100 times in the offside (right) lane, and 100 times in the nearside (left) lane - the probability of being involved in a minor accident is greatly elevated for the person driving down the nearside (left) lane...  Of course, this is just my opinion, but I'll use my experience and commit to what I feel and have learned to be the safer option when out on the roads. I suspect the Op was doing the same. 

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54 minutes ago, tifino said:


shooting the lights... obvious assumption it's a local rider



however! his lightning reflexes and reaction to slipping the bike intentionally.... one could be forgiven thinking the riders wasn't Thai local after all...


The 'single' traffic light was not that clear, but it was hardly obstructed either. 


The junction was not lit. I suspect the motorcyclists simply missed the Red light and when he saw the vehicle crossing the junction in front of him, he grabbed the brakes and the font locked up. 


Ultimately the motorcyclist was going a bit too quickly given the conditions (wet) and time (11:30pm in the dark) on an urban road... we see it all the time. 

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14 hours ago, rainyday said:

richard_smith237; You try to defend the OP. OK for me however, OP is at fault 3 times in 2 minutes. 


-Try to convince a policeman in your country that it is better to drive on the wrong side of the road (whatever excuses you may give him)...... post your own guess of the rate of success pls.


-I do not see plenty of Thais. OP was just there when it happened but he waited and did do nothing. It's on his dashcam,  it happened just in front of him at not too many people/cars at that moment. Same goes to convince a policeman in your country.


- You do not pass a red traffic light in your country right? Heave fines. So again, talk to the policeman in your country and post your own guess of success rate. 


My point is that foreigners behave different here than in their home countries. Some even not pass the grey zone as they change white for black and black for white immediately. I am here for 20 years + and I notice it every day. Believe me, 20 years ago Chiang Mai was a much better place to live. CM is spoiled by foreigners for a big part. Now the farangs talking the Chinese and how bad they behave. Same same but different.


I'm fighting through my last days as I move out of Thailand. Reason? Partly due of what is written above.


Stay healthy, safe.

Better you left yesterday because what you say doesn't make any sense , you complain about foreigners but you are one yourself, you leave because of the foreigners but you go back to your foreigner country, i think you should go stay on a deserted island that's the best choice for you foreigner .

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10 hours ago, rainyday said:

Reading your replies: that is exactly why I move out.


For your attention:


- Yes, I DO drive always on the left side in Thailand. Probably a million miles over the last 20 years as I drive much more than all of you (perhaps even together). No single accident.
- Yes, I DO stop and help. About 5 times. I even forced a busdriver, who was crazy driving a fully loaded bus, to stop. And some minivans, one in front of a police station. Police came to see and requested the minivan driver to drive less reckless. I know of two farangs, being involved in a traffic accident, that could have used help which they did not get.


Keep on finding excuses after doing the wrong things. Amen.

Well i think this says it all your the most helpfull and kind farang in this country and only your reply counts , and you will be rewarded first place too ,for having driven the most miles of all the farangs on this forum together well done sud yot superman.?

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15 hours ago, rainyday said:

richard_smith237; You try to defend the OP. OK for me however, OP is at fault 3 times in 2 minutes. 


-Try to convince a policeman in your country that it is better to drive on the wrong side of the road (whatever excuses you may give him)...... post your own guess of the rate of success pls.


-I do not see plenty of Thais. OP was just there when it happened but he waited and did do nothing. It's on his dashcam,  it happened just in front of him at not too many people/cars at that moment. Same goes to convince a policeman in your country.


- You do not pass a red traffic light in your country right? Heave fines. So again, talk to the policeman in your country and post your own guess of success rate. 


My point is that foreigners behave different here than in their home countries. Some even not pass the grey zone as they change white for black and black for white immediately. I am here for 20 years + and I notice it every day. Believe me, 20 years ago Chiang Mai was a much better place to live. CM is spoiled by foreigners for a big part. Now the farangs talking the Chinese and how bad they behave. Same same but different.


I'm fighting through my last days as I move out of Thailand. Reason? Partly due of what is written above.


Stay healthy, safe.

We are not in our "own" countries" 


It's good that the monsoon season is on it's way out.


Also "rainydays"!

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1 minute ago, tandor said:

..can see the injured rider clearly just lying there on the road.

Indeed... after watching the video a few more times I see that the motorcycle rider looses his front wheel and slides into the rear of the crossing pick-up truck. 


As the Ops car passes the downed motorcyclists, others are next to him, the downed motorcyclist is moving a little but looks quite hurt. I'm not sure if I see a helmet. 


As the Op wrote: "The risk you take when running a RED traffic light"... sometimes the positioning of traffic signs and lights are designed with a totally lack of regard for the drivers using them, quite often along with awful road design....  it sometimes takes extra vigilance, impeccable eyesight and a sixth sense when driving in Thailand !

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Well, you me and the rest of the expats understand this.  And most of us drive based on our driver education and experience in the Western world.  That's not a say that some farangs don't drive like idiots, or Thais.  I'm sure they do.  But the rest of us know that the average Thai driver is careless bordering on suicidal.  That sounds like painting with a broad brush, but it's not. And I wish that it was otherwise, but it's not. Videos like this simply reinforce the need for defensive driving in the expat community because most Thais behind the wheel drive patently and uniformly insane.

Edited by connda
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richard_smith237; You try to defend the OP. OK for me however, OP is at fault 3 times in 2 minutes. 
-Try to convince a policeman in your country that it is better to drive on the wrong side of the road (whatever excuses you may give him)...... post your own guess of the rate of success pls.
-I do not see plenty of Thais. OP was just there when it happened but he waited and did do nothing. It's on his dashcam,  it happened just in front of him at not too many people/cars at that moment. Same goes to convince a policeman in your country.
- You do not pass a red traffic light in your country right? Heave fines. So again, talk to the policeman in your country and post your own guess of success rate. 
My point is that foreigners behave different here than in their home countries. Some even not pass the grey zone as they change white for black and black for white immediately. I am here for 20 years + and I notice it every day. Believe me, 20 years ago Chiang Mai was a much better place to live. CM is spoiled by foreigners for a big part. Now the farangs talking the Chinese and how bad they behave. Same same but different.
I'm fighting through my last days as I move out of Thailand. Reason? Partly due of what is written above.
Stay healthy, safe.
Well none of us are in our own country are we? Lol.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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On 9/9/2018 at 7:54 AM, rainyday said:

1. Am I right you ride on the wrong side (right) of the road for a long time, as so many foreigners and most Thai do? 

If he had not been driving on the right, then the motorcyclist would have T-boned the car passing though the intersection. 

Regarding driving on the right.  Why do we do that?  Because driving the the left land is dangerous on a good day.  Why?  Because of the sheer amount of cars and motorcycles who merge without yielding the right of way,  who pull out from left hand sois and minor streets without stopping or yielding, who pull into the left hand lane keeping one set of wheels on the shoulder and one set on main road and drive that way for kilometer of so, who drive on the shoulder then pull into the left land as soon as you draw up even with them - I could go on.  Driving in the left hand land on anything but limited access highways is dangerous, and there are very few limited access highways.  I keep an eye out behind me and get out of the way of aggressive jerks and speeders, which are pretty much the same people who moan and groan about 'slow' cars in the right lane -- yeah, those of us who are actually driving at or just above the posted speed limits.  We bad.

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Rainyday. Don’t take it too personal that the other posters don’t agree with your points. Believe me if it was a Thai, Singaporean, Malay, Chinese, Indian or some other race they would have been the first to complain about the driving skills and going through a red light. It’s just the usual BS from the we are falang and what we do is correct no matter what. Enjoy your stay wherever you move to. Personally I still enjoy Thailand after many years here. 

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I've lived here for almost 20 years and have always followed the rules of the road as I was taught in the UK.  Surprisingly, although not enforced, the rules here are the same as the UK. I always take the nearside lane when it's 'empty' and never had an accident in all the years here.  

If the OP had been in the nearside lane, it would either have forced the m/bike to slow down, even temporarily, or it would have undertaken at a slower speed bearing in mind that the nearside gap would be much smaller, or overtaken at speed which may or may not have altered the situation.  If overtaking, then he would have seen the 'rogue car' sooner.

Either way, the OP may have inadvertently facilitated the accident to some degree.  

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On 9/9/2018 at 7:54 AM, rainyday said:

1. Am I right you ride on the wrong side (right) of the road for a long time, as so many foreigners and most Thai do? 
2. Am I right you do not help a person in need?
3. Am I right you run the red traffic light by yourself after the accident occurred?
If all 3 are a yes, shame on you, you're a big danger in traffic too.

Video looks like 1 and 2 your incorrect. 3 can’t tell from video perhaps 

help already arrived and would be an added interference....

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14 minutes ago, opalred said:

take care/ the wife got a photo and 500 fine in mail

turning left on a red light 

they always believe you can do that?

You can but only if there's a white arrow on blue background or a sign stating that you can.

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On 9/9/2018 at 3:04 PM, rainyday said:

richard_smith237; You try to defend the OP. OK for me however, OP is at fault 3 times in 2 minutes. 


-Try to convince a policeman in your country that it is better to drive on the wrong side of the road (whatever excuses you may give him)...... post your own guess of the rate of success pls.


-I do not see plenty of Thais. OP was just there when it happened but he waited and did do nothing. It's on his dashcam,  it happened just in front of him at not too many people/cars at that moment. Same goes to convince a policeman in your country.


- You do not pass a red traffic light in your country right? Heave fines. So again, talk to the policeman in your country and post your own guess of success rate. 


My point is that foreigners behave different here than in their home countries. Some even not pass the grey zone as they change white for black and black for white immediately. I am here for 20 years + and I notice it every day. Believe me, 20 years ago Chiang Mai was a much better place to live. CM is spoiled by foreigners for a big part. Now the farangs talking the Chinese and how bad they behave. Same same but different.


I'm fighting through my last days as I move out of Thailand. Reason? Partly due of what is written above.


Stay healthy, safe.


On 9/9/2018 at 3:04 PM, rainyday said:

richard_smith237; You try to defend the OP. OK for me however, OP is at fault 3 times in 2 minutes. 


-Try to convince a policeman in your country that it is better to drive on the wrong side of the road (whatever excuses you may give him)...... post your own guess of the rate of success pls.


-I do not see plenty of Thais. OP was just there when it happened but he waited and did do nothing. It's on his dashcam,  it happened just in front of him at not too many people/cars at that moment. Same goes to convince a policeman in your country.


- You do not pass a red traffic light in your country right? Heave fines. So again, talk to the policeman in your country and post your own guess of success rate. 


My point is that foreigners behave different here than in their home countries. Some even not pass the grey zone as they change white for black and black for white immediately. I am here for 20 years + and I notice it every day. Believe me, 20 years ago Chiang Mai was a much better place to live. CM is spoiled by foreigners for a big part. Now the farangs talking the Chinese and how bad they behave. Same same but different.


I'm fighting through my last days as I move out of Thailand. Reason? Partly due of what is written above.


Stay healthy, safe.



Good bloody riddance, leave and don’t let the door his you up your ass on the way out. 


The blame lays squarley with the motorcyclist, he ran the red light you fool. 

Stop deflecting blame on the OP!

Any farang getting involved when Thais had already stopped, just complicates matters and if your not first aid trained or a doctor, best thing is stay out of it. 

As for slowly passing the accident along with many others, that’s normal, or would you park up and wait for the BIB to arrive and try to blame you?

Edited by khundon
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On 9/10/2018 at 6:06 AM, Nanaplaza666 said:

Well i think this says it all your the most helpfull and kind farang in this country and only your reply counts , and you will be rewarded first place too ,for having driven the most miles of all the farangs on this forum together well done sud yot superman.?

Pity that “Million miles driven” by Rainyday wasn’t across a few borders several years ago on his way home.  

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