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North Korea's Kim asks Trump for another meeting in new letter


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North Korea's Kim asks Trump for another meeting in new letter

By Steve Holland



FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un shake hands after signing documents during a summit at the Capella Hotel on the resort island of Sentosa, Singapore, June 12, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump received a letter from North Korean leader Kim JongUn asking for a second meeting and the White House is already looking at scheduling one, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Monday.


The two leaders have been discussing North Korea's nuclear programme since their unprecedented June 12 summit which has been criticised for being short on concrete details about how and whether Kim is willing to give up on a nuclear weapons programme that threatens the United States.


Trump told reporters on Friday that a personal letter from Kim was on the way. "It was a very warm, very positive letter," Sanders said at a briefing.


"The primary purpose of the letter was to request and look to schedule another meeting with the president which we are open to and are already in the process of coordinating that," Sanders said.


Sanders told reporters the letter exhibited "a continued commitment to focus on denuclearisation of the peninsula." She said a military parade in Pyongyang on Sunday was "a sign of good faith" because it did not feature any long-range nuclear missiles.


(Reporting by Steve Holland, writing by Roberta Rampton; Editing by James Dalgleish)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-09-11
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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

That said, a meeting with the President of the United States is no small thing; for that, there needs to be some identifiable, legitimate progress towards a solution of the nuclear question. I see NO evidence of progress.


If Kim Young Fat Boy wants another meeting to make himself look good, then he should demonstrate identifiable, irrevocable, concrete steps towards de-nuclearization first.


Or, will Trump the unqualified moron allow himself to be played again...


There has been continuous dialogue between the White house and NK , the schedule for denuclearizeation is in 2020 , coincidentally , thats when the next U.S. elections are due to  be held

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8 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

You mean apart from:

  • North Korea's only official nuclear enrichment site at Yongbyon being upgraded.
  • The country stepping up enrichment at two or more secret sites besides Yongbyon.
  • Pyongyang continuing to produce more mobile launch vehicles for its ballistic missiles.
  • Expanding missile production of solid fuel engines which are more mobile and easier to launch.



Yeah they've REALLY been going all out to denuclearise.

And your BBC report also states 


"None of that activity is in violation of any agreements made at the Singapore summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un," explains Vipin Narang, MIT professor for political science and specialist on nuclear proliferation."This was never going to be unilateral and immediate," says Mr Narang. "So Kim Jong-un is free to continue operating the existing sites."

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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"... U.S. President Donald Trump received a letter from North Korean leader Kim JongUn asking for a second meeting and the White House is already looking at scheduling one, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Monday..."


I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.


That said, a meeting with the President of the United States is no small thing; for that, there needs to be some identifiable, legitimate progress towards a solution of the nuclear question. I see NO evidence of progress.


If Kim Young Fat Boy wants another meeting to make himself look good, then he should demonstrate identifiable, irrevocable, concrete steps towards de-nuclearization first.


Or, will Trump the unqualified moron allow himself to be played again...



I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.



I echo 

5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"... U.S. President Donald Trump received a letter from North Korean leader Kim JongUn asking for a second meeting and the White House is already looking at scheduling one, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Monday..."


I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.


That said, a meeting with the President of the United States is no small thing; for that, there needs to be some identifiable, legitimate progress towards a solution of the nuclear question. I see NO evidence of progress.


If Kim Young Fat Boy wants another meeting to make himself look good, then he should demonstrate identifiable, irrevocable, concrete steps towards de-nuclearization first.


Or, will Trump the unqualified moron allow himself to be played again...



I am one of the people who does not like Trump yet is very willing to see him have a go at finding some sort of solution to the situation in N Korea; nothing else has worked to date, so I am happy for him to give it a go.



I echo you're sentiments entirely about Trump,but just meeting fat boy kim, he's achieved more than any other US President by meeting a N.Korean leader, and if that brings about peace that can only be a good thing.

Shame his wife Melania isn't the president,now that's someone I could look at all day.

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2 hours ago, BestB said:

How do you see no progress when there have been no tests, no threats , more talks with south.


i am certain if trump found a cure for cancer, some will spin it into a negative and will milk it to death.


I assume you mean breast cancer?  So, milking it to death would be appropriate.

But no, the #metoo tribe would condemn Trump for taking away a woman's right to feel victimized.  Clearly God is a sexist, cos he gave women breasts to die from.

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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

And your BBC report also states 


"None of that activity is in violation of any agreements made at the Singapore summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un," explains Vipin Narang, MIT professor for political science and specialist on nuclear proliferation."This was never going to be unilateral and immediate," says Mr Narang. "So Kim Jong-un is free to continue operating the existing sites."

Also in the same BBC report:


'Yet the reports that the North is continuing its nuclear activity is still seen as undermining the spirit of the summit and casts doubt on Pyongyang's sincerity to denuclearise. "The bigger picture here is that North Korea's nuclear programme continues as directed by Kim Jong-un in his speech in January, where he urged the continued production of warheads and ballistic missiles," explains Ankit Panda, editor at The Diplomat magazine.

In a scenario you might understand, if you knew your house was going to be demolished would you go ahead with building the kitchen extension? 

KJU has no intention of giving up his nukes and is playing Trump for the fool he is. The 'Great Negotiator' has  legitimised a dictatorship,  given KJU publicity on the world stage and  increased his standing in the region, and for what? So that Trump can finally get a 'win' with a misguided foreign policy that has seen him alienate traditional allies, insult world international organisations and back-track on previous administrations deals in favour of legitimising despots and pariah states.

The man is an idiot and if we are not careful he's going to get the whole world into something that we will all regret. 


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3 hours ago, BestB said:

Nah, I will just bash him like every other idiot irrespective of the facts 

Well, the facts are the Trump claimed that the problem is solved and that North Korea is no longer a threat.

The facts are that Trump's statements and his meeting with Kim gave other nations an excuse to ease up on pressure.

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16 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Well, the facts are the Trump claimed that the problem is solved and that North Korea is no longer a threat.

The facts are that Trump's statements and his meeting with Kim gave other nations an excuse to ease up on pressure.

In what way have other Nations " eased the pressure" sine the Trump /Kim meeting ?

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15 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Well, the facts are the Trump claimed that the problem is solved and that North Korea is no longer a threat.

The facts are that Trump's statements and his meeting with Kim gave other nations an excuse to ease up on pressure.

Fact is Trump achieved more than anyone else.

After the meeting , there were no more tests , no more threats and relations with South greatly improved.

NK wanting to have another meeting is another positive rather than a negative.

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53 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

KJU has no intention of giving up his nukes and is playing Trump for the fool he is. The 'Great Negotiator' has  legitimised a dictatorship,  given KJU publicity on the world stage and  increased his standing in the region, and for what? So that Trump can finally get a 'win' with a misguided foreign policy that has seen him alienate traditional allies, insult world international organisations and back-track on previous administrations deals in favour of legitimising despots and pariah states.

The man is an idiot and if we are not careful he's going to get the whole world into something that we will all regret. 


You really have no idea what KJU's are .

It hasnt been proven that NK are still building Nukes , even if they are , they have every right to, until the agreements have been finalised , which they are in the process of doing .

   You are just ignorantly using this situation to bash Trump

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Just now, sanemax said:

In what way have other Nations " eased the pressure" sine the Trump /Kim meeting ?

.Pompeo Warns Russia, China Over Violating North Korea Sanctions

U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo warned against easing up on sanctions until North Korea gives up its nuclear weapons, drawing a rebuke from the regime that underscored how far apart the two sides remain almost two months after their leaders met in Singapore.

Back in Singapore for a regional security forum, Pompeo on Saturday called out Russia and China, highlighting reports that they are violating United Nations Security Council resolutions restricting trade with North Korea.

“We expect the Russians and all countries to abide by the UN Security Council resolutions and enforce sanctions on North Korea,” Pompeo said. 



China eases economic pressure on North Korea, undercutting the Trump admin

"The increase in trade can be traced back to March, when the White House stunned Beijing by announcing plans for Trump to hold an unprecedented meeting with the North Korean dictator. Fearing a loss of influence with its often recalcitrant ally, China invited Kim to three successive summits in China, in March, May and June.

While China rolled out the red carpet for Kim, Beijing's enforcement of U.N. sanctions began to soften and its limits on legal commerce also eased, according to regional analysts who track cross-border trade, foreign diplomats and former U.S. officials. "




China suggests sanctions relief for N. Korea after US summit



Russia urges U.N. to mull easing North Korea sanctions as U.S. seeks action


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Just now, sanemax said:

You really have no idea what KJU's are .

It hasnt been proven that NK are still building Nukes , even if they are , they have every right to, until the agreements have been finalised , which they are in the process of doing .

   You are just ignorantly using this situation to bash Trump

And you are just naively trying to get your boy Trump a win even though NK has a loooong history of stringing everyone along with breaking agreements to include:

What: Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons
When: December 12, 1985
What happened? North Korea signs onto this landmark treaty—190 countries are currently members—but makes its membership contingent on the US withdrawing nuclear weapons from South Korea, which doesn’t happen for several years, buying North Korea time to build its nuclear capabilities.

What: Joint Declaration of the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
When: January 20, 1992
What happened? North and South Korea sign an agreement that “the South and the North shall not test, manufacture, produce, receive, possess, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons.” In February of 1993, suspicion that North Korea is violating its commitments creates tension over inspections, leading to further delays.

What: Agreed Framework
When: October 21, 1994
What happened? North Korea promises to stop plutonium production in exchange for much-needed supplies. This mostly holds up until 2002, when the US discovers that North Korea has secretly been enriching uranium for nuclear weapons. By the end of that year, Kim Jong Il kicks out all international inspectors. On January 10, 2003, North Korea officially withdraws from the 1985 nonproliferation treaty.

What: Six-Party Talks
When: September 19, 2005
What happened? After several rounds of intense talks with South Korea, China, Japan, the US, and Russia, North Korea pledges to abandon “all nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs.” The US and North Korea can’t agree on verification details, though, leading to increased hostilities.

What: Six-Party Talks (Again)
When: October 3, 2007
What happened? In a joint statement, North Korea agrees to declare all of its nuclear programs, shut down those affiliated with its weapons program, and not to transfer “nuclear materials, technology, or know-how.” Once again, stakeholders can’t agree on a verification process.

What: US Agreement
When: February 29, 2012
What happened? North Korea agrees to suspend nuclear tests and uranium enrichment, and said it will allow inspectors, in exchange for food aid. Two weeks later, North Korea announces plans to launch a satellite, which immediately unwinds the deal.


It's the US's OWN intelligence services that are saying the KJU isn't doing anything and is actually increasing his nuclear capabilities but you just go ahead and keep drinking the Kool-Aid and think your boy Trump is going to be able to something that no one else has managed to do in decades because, you know, he's just soooooooooo good at this stuff. 


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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You really have no idea what KJU's are .

It hasnt been proven that NK are still building Nukes , even if they are , they have every right to, until the agreements have been finalised , which they are in the process of doing .

   You are just ignorantly using this situation to bash Trump

They are in the process of doing what? Negotiating?

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9 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You really have no idea what KJU's are .

It hasnt been proven that NK are still building Nukes , even if they are , they have every right to, until the agreements have been finalised , which they are in the process of doing .

   You are just ignorantly using this situation to bash Trump

If North Korea has every right to build Nukes, then what right does the US or any other nation have to invoke sanctions? Why all the fuss in the first place?

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