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Trump questions Kavanaugh's accuser, says opponents want to 'destroy' nominee


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1 minute ago, wayned said:

The hearing is set for Thursday morning, her first then him.  I'm not saying that she will, but, after the hearing, if she thinks that the Senators treated her like a total piece of crap, she could immediately go to the Montgomery County Maryland Sher riff's office and file charges against him for sexual assault.  There is no statute of limitations in Maryland on this crime.  I wonder if the Senate would then confirm someone with an outstanding criminal charge hanging over their head to the court and there would definitely have to be an investigation, this time by the state of Maryland which could take a very long time!

Very possible.  Her handlers may have already given her instructions to do just that.

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7 minutes ago, wayned said:

The hearing is set for Thursday morning, her first then him.  I'm not saying that she will, but, after the hearing, if she thinks that the Senators treated her like a total piece of crap, she could immediately go to the Montgomery County Maryland Sher riff's office and file charges against him for sexual assault.  There is no statute of limitations in Maryland on this crime.  I wonder if the Senate would then confirm someone with an outstanding criminal charge hanging over their head to the court and there would definitely have to be an investigation, this time by the state of Maryland which could take a very long time!

Umm I think I read that at the time of the alleged offense there was a stat of lims. That was changed, but cannot be applied ex post facto.


I doubt even the Dems would stoop that low, not would any DA worth his salt accept the charge. 

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9 minutes ago, wayned said:

The Senate and the President have refused to do either and the hearing is being heard where she cannot call any witnesses or maybe even be questioned by the Senators themselves.  Sounds like a "Kangaroo Court " to me and if it were me I would have the Maryland charge sheet already completed ready to be submitted! She at least deserves that the incident be investigated by a non partisan team, the Senate invesigators are not that.

Of course the Senate and the President are refusing to request an FBI investigation. In doing so, this would potentially open up Kavanaugh and the named parties to perjury. Plus, the Republicans want to ram this 'weighted judge nomination' through before they might lose the House and the Senate.

Said before but repeated here for those who doubt Doctor Ford's account. Subsequent to the alleged attack by Kavanaugh, it was the talk of the school yard (so to speak). How could that possibly be if the attack did not take place? Who knows, some more skeletons may come out of the closet before Thursday! Wouldn't surprise me.

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2 minutes ago, wayned said:

Put the shoe on your foot!  It has nothing to do with the Dems!  It's her!  She thinks that he did what she said, she confided in her therapist and her husband, she took a lie detector test, she named another person that was in the room at the time, she also named other people that were at the party and after that brought the charges against him through her congressman.  She asked that the President/Senate to investigate the situation using the FBI a totally non partisan party.   The Senate and the President have refused to do either and the hearing is being heard where she cannot call any witnesses or maybe even be questioned by the Senators themselves.  Sounds like a "Kangaroo Court " to me and if it were me I would have the Maryland charge sheet already completed ready to be submitted! She at least deserves that the incident be investigated by a non partisan team, the Senate invesigators are not that. 

Realistically, what can Maryland police do? Ford can file a complaint that there was an assault 35 years ago, but with no date or location, no physical evidence, underage drinking, and 4 people at the party who have already stated they have no recollection of this event or even the party. Unless something changes, there would not even be probable cause in this event, since there is not a single corroborating story:


"There are any number of facts that might be established in a case of rape -- the most common and clear being the presence of a "rape kit" performed by a qualified medical provider.  Absent such obvious physical evidence, an accusation that is corroborated by sufficient circumstantial evidence or other eyewitness evidence would likely also reach the level of probable cause."





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9 minutes ago, wayned said:

Put the shoe on your foot!  It has nothing to do with the Dems!  It's her!  She thinks that he did what she said, she confided in her therapist and her husband, she took a lie detector test, she named another person that was in the room at the time, she also named other people that were at the party and after that brought the charges against him through her congressman.  She asked that the President/Senate to investigate the situation using the FBI a totally non partisan party.   The Senate and the President have refused to do either and the hearing is being heard where she cannot call any witnesses or maybe even be questioned by the Senators themselves.  Sounds like a "Kangaroo Court " to me and if it were me I would have the Maryland charge sheet already completed ready to be submitted! She at least deserves that the incident be investigated by a non partisan team, the Senate invesigators are not that.

Definitely a "Kangaroo hearing"  The have already said that it is a done deal , that they will listen to her politely and then vote to confirm. But as it turns out they might not even listen to her, they want to have a female lawyer   ask her questions because they are cowards and they are afraid to do it themselves.They are not even subpoena  the only other person involved in this (Mark Judge ) to get a third person account, they want to leave it at  'she said he said " and use it as cover to confirm. 

  Why won't they subpoena Mark Judge? what are they afraid of?

he is the only one who can offer third person confirmation one way or another.

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3 minutes ago, neeray said:

Of course the Senate and the President are refusing to request an FBI investigation. In doing so, this would potentially open up Kavanaugh and the named parties to perjury. Plus, the Republicans want to ram this 'weighted judge nomination' through before they might lose the House and the Senate.

Said before but repeated here for those who doubt Doctor Ford's account. Subsequent to the alleged attack by Kavanaugh, it was the talk of the school yard (so to speak). How could that possibly be if the attack did not take place? Who knows, some more skeletons may come out of the closet before Thursday! Wouldn't surprise me.

In terms of investigation, the Dems have been sitting on this for 6 weeks, but you can be sure they have not been idle. They would have been using they're own resources to try to find corroborating evidence. There are a couple of things that could be going on 1. there is no corroborating evidence after 6 weeks of investigation, and they are stalling now in the hope that someone comes forward, or 2. are sitting on something and will pull it out later this week. But you can be sure that this has been fully investigated at this point.

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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Definitely a "Kangaroo hearing"  The have already said that it is a done deal , that they will listen to her politely and then vote to confirm. But as it turns out they might not even listen to her, they want to have a female lawyer   ask her questions because they are cowards and they are afraid to do it themselves.They are not even subpoena  the only other person involved in this (Mark Judge ) to get a third person account, they want to leave it at  'she said he said " and use it as cover to confirm. 

  Why won't they subpoena Mark Judge? what are they afraid of?

he is the only one who can offer third person confirmation one way or another.

Cowards or too concerned as to how many votes it will cost them if they grill her like they were grilling a nominee of the other party. For sure, this will cost the Republicans votes!

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1 minute ago, brucec64 said:

In terms of investigation, the Dems have been sitting on this for 6 weeks, but you can be sure they have not been idle. They would have been using they're own resources to try to find corroborating evidence. There are a couple of things that could be going on 1. there is no corroborating evidence after 6 weeks of investigation, and they are stalling now in the hope that someone comes forward, or 2. are sitting on something and will pull it out later this week. But you can be sure that this has been fully investigated at this point.

No it has not because Mark Judge has not testified under oath 

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11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Definitely a "Kangaroo hearing"  The have already said that it is a done deal , that they will listen to her politely and then vote to confirm. But as it turns out they might not even listen to her, they want to have a female lawyer   ask her questions because they are cowards and they are afraid to do it themselves.They are not even subpoena  the only other person involved in this (Mark Judge ) to get a third person account, they want to leave it at  'she said he said " and use it as cover to confirm. 

  Why won't they subpoena Mark Judge? what are they afraid of?

he is the only one who can offer third person confirmation one way or another.

McConne3l has committed to have Kavanaugh confirmed by 1 October and as he stated they are prepared to "plow trough anything" that gets in the way.  No matter what the outcome of the hearing is on Thursday he will push for a full Senate vote on or before Sunday 30 September.  The only hope id that Flake, Collins and others give him the "McCain Salute" when he calls for a vote.  I doubt that if she does file charges in Montgomery County that will even stop him, but it might make him think twice!

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6 minutes ago, wayned said:

McConne3l has committed to have Kavanaugh confirmed by 1 October and as he stated they are prepared to "plow trough anything" that gets in the way.  No matter what the outcome of the hearing is on Thursday he will push for a full Senate vote on or before Sunday 30 September.  The only hope id that Flake, Collins and others give him the "McCain Salute" when he calls for a vote.  I doubt that if she does file charges in Montgomery County that will even stop him, but it might make him think twice!

Breaking news , a second woman is now accusing  Kavanaugh .


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38 minutes ago, wayned said:

Put the shoe on your foot!  It has nothing to do with the Dems!  It's her!  She thinks that he did what she said, she confided in her therapist and her husband, she took a lie detector test, she named another person that was in the room at the time, she also named other people that were at the party and after that brought the charges against him through her congressman.  She asked that the President/Senate to investigate the situation using the FBI a totally non partisan party.   The Senate and the President have refused to do either and the hearing is being heard where she cannot call any witnesses or maybe even be questioned by the Senators themselves.  Sounds like a "Kangaroo Court " to me and if it were me I would have the Maryland charge sheet already completed ready to be submitted! She at least deserves that the incident be investigated by a non partisan team, the Senate invesigators are not that.

Comments in Bold  It has nothing to do with the Dems! Really? Take a look at her lawyers and advisors. Look how the whole situation was brought to light with the letter having been forwarded in July. It's her!  How do you know? She thinks that he did what she said How do you know?, she confided in her therapist A different story and her husband He better stick up for her, she took a lie detector test worthless..and why...who paid for it, she named another person that was in the room at the time, she also named other people that were at the party and after that brought the charges against him through her congressman All witnesses have denied....under oath.  She asked that the President/Senate to investigate the situation using the FBI a totally non partisan party.  Thats not the FBIs job The Senate and the President have refused to do either and the hearing is being heard where she cannot call any witnesses Says who? She can call witnesses or maybe even be questioned by the Senators themselves.  Sounds like a "Kangaroo Court " to me and if it were me I would have the Maryland charge sheet already completed ready to be submitted! I suggest you read up on criminal law She at least deserves that the incident be investigated by a non partisan team, the Senate invesigators are not that. Really? She has all sorts of Senators who believe her without hearing a scrap of evidence.


I dont know what the policy is about quoting articles, so I will just post this link.



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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:



Truly fair minded Americans know this is a farce. Remember what Chuck said..... "By any means necessary"

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:



Truly fair minded Americans know this is a farce. Remember what Chuck said..... "By any means necessary"

Simple minds are easily amused

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6 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Thank you "sirineou" for the BREAKING NEWS. I am going to rightfully claim bragging rights as I predicted this in above post # 95.


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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Simple minds are easily amused

Simple minds are easily fooled...look who is involved...the hero Avenatti. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Have you folks no shame, no dignity?  

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10 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:



Truly fair minded Americans know this is a farce. Remember what Chuck said..... "By any means necessary"

Chuck and a few other "Repuglicans" are going to have serious <deleted> egg on their faces this week. You and Kavanaugh too!

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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

You support Trump and you ask as about Dignity? talk about having no Shame!!!

Who says I "support" Trump?  Simply because I don't pick up my pitchfork and charge around screaming every time he farts, that means I support Trump?


You ever met him? I have. Hes a dick. He was always a dick. But even dicks get stuff done. Stuff that we need done. Fair minded people deal with politics that way. Hes the duly elected President. Thats why I could vote for Raygun, and Bill Clinton, without batting an eye.



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4 minutes ago, neeray said:

Chuck and a few other "Repuglicans" are going to have serious <deleted> egg on their faces this week. You and Kavanaugh too!

Whatever. Life goes on. I dont have anything invested either way, as long as the dollar stays strong and no one is dumping a nuke on me, life is good.


Life is too short to have the day to day screeches affect me. If it wasnt for these threads, I wouldnt pay any attention to the malarky. Its too bad y'all get so worked up, I have visions of dudes with veins popping out of their heads......


But hey, lets agree to disagree...to paraphrase Uncle Joe: Everyone imposes his own system as far as his ideas can reach!


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1 minute ago, Nyezhov said:

Life is too short to have the day to day screeches affect me. If it wasnt for these threads, I wouldnt pay any attention to the malarky. Its too bad y'all get so worked up, I have visions of dudes with veins popping out of their heads......


But hey, lets agree to disagree...to paraphrase Uncle Joe: Everyone imposes his own system as far as his ideas can reach!

Thanks for the fun. It's been a great session.

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No it has not because Mark Judge has not testified under oath 

He’s given a statement under penalty of felony, is that under oath enough for you?

The committee interviewed Judge Kavanaugh, Mark Judge and Patrick Smyth — the three men accused by Christine Blasey Ford.
ALL THREE OF THE MEN under penalty of a felony DENIED THE ACCUSATIONS By Ford!

On Monday, staff interviewed Judge Kavanaugh under penalty of felony. Democratic staff was invited and could have asked any question of Judge Kavanaugh. They declined to participate… Staff contacted Mark Judge and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted third person allegedly at party described by Dr. Ford and obtained a statement under penalty of felony. Staff contacted fourth person allegedly at party.

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10 minutes ago, SuperTed said:

There are so many good conservative SCOTUS candidates, why does Trump need this one? More of the President shooting himself in the foot.

Trump needs Kavanaugh because Kavanaugh has stated that "a President can pardon himself" (and Trump is going to need that privilege!).

And Kavanaugh would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, something the Republicans have wanted for a long time.

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6 minutes ago, neeray said:

Trump needs Kavanaugh because Kavanaugh has stated that "a President can pardon himself" (and Trump is going to need that privilege!).

And Kavanaugh would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, something the Republicans have wanted for a long time.

Umm...where did Kav say either of those things.....in a case please not a speculative law review article or interpretation of dicta....

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24 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Who says I "support" Trump?  Simply because I don't pick up my pitchfork and charge around screaming every time he farts, that means I support Trump?

 Only if you like the smell of farts. And Trump certainly farts a lot.


25 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

You ever met him?

He as actually shaken my hand  (i hope I dont get a disease ) I was a concrete form supervisor at the development of Trump Place on the west side. He was at the at the Topping Out party, and he congratulated all the supervisors.Never in my wildest nightmare did I expect him to be elected President, Which is the biggest problem because one way or another  he will be gone soon, but the people that elected him will remain, you know the ones who like farts.They are the greatest threat IMO.

The men is a threat to everything this country stand for, Whem America is destroyed the geographical area between Mexico and Canada will not cease to exist, and people will continue to live there under some form of government,What will disappear will be the concept of America.

The indians sold their land for a bunch of trinkets and beads, will you sell yours for a bunch of farts?


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