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56 minutes ago, Bang Bang said:

hink about 20% of Americans should have their voting rights taken away until they submit to a simple test: point out the US on a world map.

I was giving you the benefit of some credibility  until you have shown your  true colors.  I do not know why you hate America but I believe your narrative is flawed .This part of your post is absurd /


First of all- don't ever call me stupid- you kow nothing about Iraq and I am sure you don't know the  Commander of Forces- General Norman Schwarzkopf, I do.  Both he and the British Vice Commander destroyed the Iraqi Army in 100 hours.  The problem was the aftermath.  The General wanted to move quickly to establish a new government and a front against Iran but was rebuffed by the politicians.  Instead , the World has a hostile Iran who would spread its ultra Muslim philosoph if allowed to continue unchecked.


I don't know what nationality you are but I know you don't know much about the inward workings of the American system. Your claim to fame is you worked in America. Big deal.  I worked for decades with the inner circle of America and know full well how it operates- the good, the bad and the ugly.


America has over 300 million people and for you to denigrate the intelligence of the US population is complete nonsense. Americans know full well what they want and it is a democratic approach to the World.  They may err from time to time but their motives are clear.


You see to think we in America are some third World banana republic that know nothing about how the World operates.  If we followed your description we would still be in Vietnam;  Instead, we figure out what  is right and what is wrong. Sometimes it takes awhile but it is our right as Amereicans to determine our  destiny.


You have no say in what we do.  As an American, I will criticize my Government when I see fit. You can add your comments but since you are not American- no one there cares what you think.  


I may disagree with Donald Trump and his approach but I agree with one thing he does and that is to start pulling back American power. Let Europe take care of Europe and stop  taking  America for granted.  Europe needs to pay its share.  No more spending of American billions while Americans suffer and Europeans head for the beaches of Pattaya.


The party is over.

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...if you stereotype a country and its people....based on 'news reports'....then...


...woe to anyone that comes from any of those countries....and meets the likes of you....


...sadly...this 'mentality'.....(or lack of any)....is endemic.....


....we tell the Thai...and other students...'Think for yourself'....


...sadly...some of the 'adult' posters are too obviously not leading by example....


...racism.....blind racism...is idiocy...as we...ironically...experience here ourselves...all too often...


...complain....and do the same...or worse...???


...jeez...wake up....grow up.....

  • Like 1

One final comment on Russian history:

            Yes. millions of Russians died during that War, BUT WHY ???

1.     Stalin purged the army of many of its Generals.  (normal power play in Russia) hence unprepaired when attacked.

2.     Signed a pact with Hitler, because they wanted a slice of Poland.

3.     Ignored all the intelligence warnings.

4      And who helped them, the US and allies lost thousands of men and ships with the supplies desperatly needed 

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, grumpy 4680 said:

One final comment on Russian history:

            Yes. millions of Russians died during that War, BUT WHY ???

1.     Stalin purged the army of many of its Generals.  (normal power play in Russia) hence unprepaired when attacked.

2.     Signed a pact with Hitler, because they wanted a slice of Poland.

3.     Ignored all the intelligence warnings.

4      And who helped them, the US and allies lost thousands of men and ships with the supplies desperatly needed 

"Yes. millions of Russians died during that War, BUT WHY ???"
Hummm. ????  They were invaded?  Shades of 1812?  Sort embedded in the county's collective psyche.  Been there; done that; gotta do it again... 


"And who helped them, the US and allies lost thousands of men and ships..."

 After the Russians had turned the tide of the war at the cost of 26 Million Russians.  That was nice of them to come to the rescue at the end of the war. 

8 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

You must be pulling my leg.


Allende in Chile was a despot? Mossadegh in Iran a democratically elected despot? N. Vietnam fighting for self-rule? Iraq invaded and millions killed for non-existent WMDs?


And the hypocrisy of the US is astonishing. First, they support the brutal Shah in Iran for limitless cheap gas. But once their man is overthrown in a popular revolution and Iran escapes from US clutches they goad Saddam into attacking Iran, arming him to the teeth in the process (including with nerve gas which he also used again home-grown Kurds). Then, when Saddam gets uppity they attack him.


What the world got from the US and is grateful for are the iPhone, Facebook and some quality porn. The rest they can keep.


Apparently shooting down passenger planes killing your political opponents and Burka wearing non voting you can't drive a car and well if you get out of hand I will stone you to death is a much better way .



Flame/insulting post removed.


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15 hours ago, connda said:

"Yes. millions of Russians died during that War, BUT WHY ???"
Hummm. ????  They were invaded?  Shades of 1812?  Sort embedded in the county's collective psyche.  Been there; done that; gotta do it again... 


"And who helped them, the US and allies lost thousands of men and ships..."

 After the Russians had turned the tide of the war at the cost of 26 Million Russians.  That was nice of them to come to the rescue at the end of the war. 

    I can see this topic has got out of hand. Obviously, due to propaganda issues, 

Russians are not taught the real history 1940-1945

  • Like 1
10 minutes ago, grumpy 4680 said:

    I can see this topic has got out of hand. Obviously, due to propaganda issues, 

Russians are not taught the real history 1940-1945


15 hours ago, connda said:

"Yes. millions of Russians died during that War, BUT WHY ???"
Hummm. ????  They were invaded?  Shades of 1812?  Sort embedded in the county's collective psyche.  Been there; done that; gotta do it again... 


"And who helped them, the US and allies lost thousands of men and ships..."

 After the Russians had turned the tide of the war at the cost of 26 Million Russians.  That was nice of them to come to the rescue at the end of the war. 

So, you have never heard of PQ17? In 1942, a long time before the end of the war, British convoy PQ17 Lost over 30 of 40 odd ships trying to get help through to the Russian people. That was just one convoy.  My father served on those and other convoys.  An awful lot of men died trying to get aid through to Murmansk.  Your idiotic comments disrespect their sacrifice.

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