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What price a little girl's life? One million say family, too much says dog owner


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7 hours ago, Mark mark said:


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"Unfortunately this very important thread has been hi-jacked by:

1) People who have never owned and don't understand dogs

2) People who are shit scared of dogs

3) The "Kill, Kill, Kill" keyboard warriors

Lets not forget a small UNSUPERVISED child was killed by dogs..."


...  Well I am sorry mate, but Unsupervised Children should be able to ride their bikes in heir own streets, the dogs owners should be jailed, and the Dogs Euthanased. They killed a human being. End of story.


And it should be applied, every where, and in every country in the would.


People, and in particular Children are important, our next generation, ... and not Dogs, any other Animals, or some sad peoples egos. 


If the dogs owners disagree, and physically cause more trouble, then their prison terms should be increased.


This Little girl did not deserve to die, ... supervised, or unsupervised.

Sorry but no, kids should not be able to ride their bikes on the street unsupervised. Streets still have cars and bikes and it’s not their street but public street.

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1 minute ago, Artisi said:

Yep public street, not a dog roaming area, an area for normal people to go about normal things, and kids on bikes, playing, or out and about is fairly normal in most countries. 

Question is not if the street is for dog roaming area. Question is kids should not be allowed unsupervised , as there are dangers such as cars. And no , it is not normal in any country to let your kids ride on roads unsupervised , unless you come from some village or small country town .

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22 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Bargaining, reducing sentences, compensation, good old 'compromise'- the whole thing stinks.  A child has been killed and now its about money not real punishment and deterrence. the 'culture' here is rotten sometimes.

What culture?  The people in this country are just about money! They sell their daughters for money... I'm not surprise about the valuation by the mother.  She probably now see this as a blessing if she gets that million bath (which to me is nothing- she should have asked for a million DOLLARS US!!!)

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5 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Continue what, answering your inane comments, no thanks I've got better things to do than time wasting. 

So the brain incapable of working . Should have said so in the beginning to save time and internet speed .

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21 hours ago, Pete1980 said:

Dog attacks don't happen in your country of birth?

And when they do, do the dog owners cough up the equivalent of a small house to say sorry?


Don't understand why it is called Thai "bashing" it is just Thai slagging. Most computer warriors would be to weak to bash a Thai.

Yes, dog attacks happen in my country of birth and yes, if a dog kills someone the owner will be coughing up the equivalent of many small houses.

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22 minutes ago, Artisi said:

Certainly looks like village or country area to me - any more nonsense justification or are you done. 


Right on brother, it is a Lane, and not a road, ... A place where children should be able to play, without any threats from Cars, OR  (Derogatory word, not even posted) DOGS ! 


....  Dog owners should take direct responsibility for their animals actions, like human do. Well are supposed to do,    Dogs are Pack animals but though they can be man’s best friends, in 99.9% of cases, as the Intelligent people here have posted, they are still animals and are capable of losing it, and doing very bad things like in this instance, being basically hunting animals, if you want to admit it or not.  ...


Like, one other poster said, I think that they must be put down, as TIT, they almost certainly will try to do it again, dogs are not Moral, they do not compromise, … and this owner has, as others say, … got a very big FAIL here.    And a totally innocent little girl is tragically, Dead.  When she should not be !


All dog owners should be held directly responsible for their dogs actions.  ... …  This is a Lane, and the Kid should have been able to rid her bike down to the end of it, … then, care taken as she got there, near the more serious traffic, ... this is the parents responsibility, … NOT be killed by dogs, before she ever got there !!!  ...


This is a case of total irresponsibility by the dogs owners.   


Back in the lead article it was said … "A Thai Breed" ?    So were they these Brown and white, specially bread, Lagosian Fighting (Killer) dogs ?  ...  Which should be all back, and locked up, in Laos, … And not here in Quiet side Sois Thailand, ... Like the very capable killers, the Samoy Cross, Malamuts breed, (Which killed my Aunties dog, while she was walking it on a lead down the foot path in Melbourne, and the dog owner only got a $300 fine and the dog was let go !!!) …  They all should be back in the arctic pulling sleds, as they were bread to be doing, … not living in big cities, where they are a threat to people, and other Dogs.   


  (So which is the most irresponsible, and ugliest thing, about these obviously more aggressive and often ugly dogs ? …  Them ?    Or their owners ?    The ugliness of the belligerent aggression of Humanity, … deliberately threatening others, in some cases, … just using their dogs to do it, so that they can get away with it  ?)

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24 minutes ago, moutamine said:

What culture?  The people in this country are just about money! They sell their daughters for money... I'm not surprise about the valuation by the mother.  She probably now see this as a blessing if she gets that million bath (which to me is nothing- she should have asked for a million DOLLARS US!!!)

They do not sell them, they rent them !!! ... The girls always return home, ... if they want to. ... The Majority of Thais are not all about Money, you, just do not see them d/t your location. ...


I feel more concerned about the grand Mother, who had been charged with looking after her, while the mother was probably working for their living !

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52 minutes ago, Kalasin Jo said:

The statutory compensation award in the UK for bereavement caused by the negligence of another is £12,980. On that basis about 500,000 baht would be appropriate. Plus any criminal conviction and fine. 

What happens in UK ( or elsewhere ) completely irrelevant to Thailand.

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20 hours ago, Bluespunk said:


Here is the quote I responded to.


"Lt Col Thongsuk Ratsiwon said that this was the first compensation meeting between the two sides.


He said that this was separate to the ongoing criminal offense matter though the court might use its discretion to give a lesser sentence if the two sides can agree on compensation"


My point is quite simple.


Compensation should not result in a more lenient sentence in a case like this.


The killing of a child by dogs, because of an owners negligence, should result in the harshest penalty, regardless of who has been paid what.

I agree with you blues but surely you aren't trying to reinvent the wheel? You must know in Thailand that paying money to the family, regardless of the crime, and some a lot worse than this permits the perpetrators to walk free. 

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10 minutes ago, starky said:

I agree with you blues but surely you aren't trying to reinvent the wheel? You must know in Thailand that paying money to the family, regardless of the crime, and some a lot worse than this permits the perpetrators to walk free. 

Probably but that's not going to stop me raging when I read crass statements, such as the lt colonels.


We are who we are...

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23 hours ago, snowgard said:

Easy to say. Dogs are hunters. They protect their property and the place around. If you are a big person they will respect you much more as a small kid. Not forget also that almost all dogs here never haved been teached something. If you feed them you must take care that they not eat your fingers.  


So if someone like the grandma violates the duty of supervision / duty of care and let a 4 year old kid let play allone in the streets things like this can be happen. It looks like the kid drive in the front of the property of the dog owner. Maybe she want drive away from the dogs and their hunting / protecting instinct come out and they hunted, catched and killed the kid.

I am sure if the grandma took care it not were happen.

And for all the Thai bashers here: If you google a little bit, you would find out that the fines/penalties and compensations for accidend like this in your own countries not much more higher as here in Thailand. 


Not so.  Most dogs will protect the young, even of other species.  Something else triggers this behaviour.

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1 hour ago, car720 said:


Not so.  Most dogs will protect the young, even of other species.  Something else triggers this behaviour.


If it's your own dogs I would think so too. But this was the neighbours dogs what in normal was on a fenced property and not have contact to the kid.

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13 hours ago, Naam said:

generalising rubbish and Thai bashing! not all people in this country sell their daughters for money.


True ! people who already have money don't need to sell them ! They just rent them to a rich husband for a large dowry !



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18 hours ago, car720 said:

Not so.  ........Something else triggers this behaviour.


Yes crazed vicious dogs probably due to breeders practicing inbreeding, this practice is "an irresponsible action with unpredictable consequences." 

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