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Breaking News: British cave divers also rescued four trapped Thai rescuers in Tham Luang Cave


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29 minutes ago, Spidey said:

I saw the same two documentaries, no mention of the Belgian or Canadian divers either. It was all about the Americans, who played a very minor role in the operation and had no divers in the rescue team.

My father fought in WW2 and wouldn't watch Hollywood war films as, in his opinion, bore no relationship to reality. He would tell the story of a battalion of American airborne, who were dropped into the sea, off the coast of Italy, to establish a beach head. They started to swim back out to sea so my father's battalion was dropped into the sea behind them to fire over their heads and force them back to the beach. He ranked the fighting prowess of the American troops somewhere alongside the Italians. 

Don't worry too much, the pommies found then and the Aussies, along with a few others rescued then, end of story. 

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Just now, Artisi said:

Don't worry too much, the pommies found then and the Aussies, along with a few others rescued then, end of story. 

As far as I know, the dive team that performed the final rescue, consisted of several Brits, an Australian, a Canadian and a Belgian.

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1 minute ago, Spidey said:

I've already said that it was the self glorifying Thai bigwigs who were overseeing the operation.

I'm sorry that the facts don't fit into your "Thai apologist" fantasy, but facts are facts.


 I am just trying to find out the facts of the story .

So, the Thai big-wigs told the rescued divers not to mention about being rescued .

Did the big -wigs also tell the rescuers not to mention anything ? 

   Did they have to sign any legal document s or was it just a verbal agreement ?

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3 hours ago, Artisi said:

What a time and place to take a nap . . . and it must have been some nap. I reckon they must have been on a Dutch Courage top-up whilst 'draining the cave' . . . a bottle of Sang Som apiece, by the sound of things.

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14 minutes ago, sanemax said:


 I am just trying to find out the facts of the story .

So, the Thai big-wigs told the rescued divers not to mention about being rescued .

Did the big -wigs also tell the rescuers not to mention anything ? 

   Did they have to sign any legal document s or was it just a verbal agreement ?

You're really clutching at straws now, verging on trolling, I can't imagine why.


The rescuers didn't mention anything about anything. Stanton and co. have only spoken to the press once, at a press conference at Heathrow Airport when they arrived back into the UK. It was clear that they were uncomfortable with the press conference and didn't volunteer any information, other than to give curt answers to the questions that they were asked and reiterated that they were in no way heroes.


That's the type of guys they are, unassuming, shun the limelight and not looking for glory.


They did what they did because they knew that they were the best men, possibly the only men, for the job.


Edited by Spidey
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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:


 I am just trying to find out the facts of the story .

So, the Thai big-wigs told the rescued divers not to mention about being rescued .

Did the big -wigs also tell the rescuers not to mention anything ? 

   Did they have to sign any legal document s or was it just a verbal agreement ?

Maybe your fairly hectic debate with your co-posters could be sorted, once you bear in mind that, at the cave entrance, there was a melee of bodies, some Navy divers, some pipe and pump technicians but at no time during the mission was there an officially appointed spokesman and, once the media had been pushed back, no-one who spoke English. The clown Narongsok, who didn't speak a word of English, wouldn't have got any info from the Brits and I doubt that the 4 rescued 'helpers' - a boss and 3 assistants - were making a song and dance about their lucky escape . . . probably just happy to slither down the mountainside and to get the hell outa there.

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3 minutes ago, Spidey said:


That would be true if I made the whole thing up but I didn't, I gave you the facts, which makes you a sad Thai apologist and a troll.


   OK, so post a source to you "facts"

At least state where you got your "facts" from .

Your failure to provide any sources leads me to believe that you just made the "facts" up yourself

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   There is nothing in the OP (or your first post) that states or gives source for that .

I do believe that you just made that up, about the authorities telling the people not to speak about it in order to save face

If you could take a cool-headed review of this thread, Sanemax, and maybe where the first suggestion of LoF was made, check post 15, and your following post (17). It does look like your 'opposition' may have made more of a thing of the LoF/keep it quiet suggestion, but I think it would be good for the pair of you to accept that you have let the LoF issue take the thread over. I don't think S is trying to big-up the issue so, for the good of the other posters on this thread can you just move on, before blood is spilt?

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3 hours ago, fvw53 said:

I have seen on this subject two documentaries made in the USA :  they only mention US rescue efforts ...no mention of British or Australians..


Apologies to our American friends but this brought back memories of a song we used to sing in the RN.



By the shores of Gitche Gumi,

On the banks of the Tripoli,

There's a buzz going round the harbour

That the yanks are going to sea.

With a bottle of Pepsi Cola and a bloody great tub of ice cream.

Well they're jolly good lads in harbour,

But oh by Christ at sea!


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Fair play to the international rescuers, they stayed focused on the main mission at the time and saved lives when it mattered 


If they want to tell the story  now they have  every right to imo.... 


Why shouldn't they be able to write books or make a few bucks for risking their lives to save others? 

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Absolutely outstanding what the British cave divers and their international compatriots accomplished -- with full backup from the local support services.


Full kudos also to the Thai government -- especially the governor -- for quickly asking for competent foreign help rather than trying the rescue on their own. I'm really glad that "face" did not get in the way but that pragmatic common sense prevailed.


I consider Vernon Unsworth -- the British diver living in Chiang Rai -- as the key person instrumental in getting the international rescue effort going. Without him, it could have been a totally different story.


For what it's worth, in this case I felt very proud of my adopted home country.

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I am pretty certain that these 4 people were in fact Navy Seals or Military.....I remember reading an interview with Vern Unsworth where he said something along the lines of “not only did we have to get the kids out but we also had to get the navy seals out too”.....this makes sense now in this context. That’s probably why it was hidden by authorities...because these guys were either Navy Seals with no clue or were Military....I mean really, “4 men working for the water authority”..,.really!

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7 hours ago, bowerboy said:

I am pretty certain that these 4 people were in fact Navy Seals or Military.....I remember reading an interview with Vern Unsworth where he said something along the lines of “not only did we have to get the kids out but we also had to get the navy seals out too”.....this makes sense now in this context. That’s probably why it was hidden by authorities...because these guys were either Navy Seals with no clue or were Military....I mean really, “4 men working for the water authority”..,.really!

This is on the amusing side to be sure, but all's well that ends well

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8 hours ago, bowerboy said:

I am pretty certain that these 4 people were in fact Navy Seals or Military.....I remember reading an interview with Vern Unsworth where he said something along the lines of “not only did we have to get the kids out but we also had to get the navy seals out too”.....this makes sense now in this context. That’s probably why it was hidden by authorities...because these guys were either Navy Seals with no clue or were Military....I mean really, “4 men working for the water authority”..,.really!

Funny Post, but Jules Vern seems to have a Gob on Him, not content with Musk he found Navy Seals as well. Perhaps hes Ronnie Pickerings friend too.

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3 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Are you suggesting it's not true, please don't forget there was at least one reliable witness to that particular rescue

What i am sure of is that real heroes keep their trap shut. No doubt he did some good, then made a fool of himself yappin about an eccentric showman..

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1 minute ago, HAKAPALITA said:

What i am sure of is that real heroes keep their trap shut. No doubt he did some good, then made a fool of himself yappin about an eccentric showman..

As I have already said all's well that ends well, as far as the overall rescue operation is concerned

People have ego's and different personalities that's life, it will get sorted no doubt

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29 minutes ago, HAKAPALITA said:

Funny Post, but Jules Vern seems to have a Gob on Him, not content with Musk he found Navy Seals as well. Perhaps hes Ronnie Pickerings friend too.

The navy seals that Vern was referring to were the seals that were positioned along the escape route, to help with the rescue. After the 13 were extracted then the Thai navy seals were extracted. End of mission.


Absolutely nothing to do with the four guys in the OP who had got lost, trapped and rescued before the Thai Navy Seals arrived.


If you research it, you'll realise that Vernon Unsworth has actually said very little. You seem to have much more of a gob on you.

Edited by Spidey
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7 minutes ago, JAG said:

Of course it was chaotic. Thailand has virtually no tradition, or practicioners of spealiol..., Spelio..., bugger it, potholing! 


No one, absolutely no one, in authority had any experience, knew what was needed or where to find help. Of course they didn't, it would  be like expecting Switzerland to know how to salvage the Titanic!

It wasn't until Mr Unsworth popped up and started pushing ideas and solutions that things started to move...


That the result was the successful multinational operation that it became is a tribute to the bravery and skill of all the participants,  Thai and foreign and to the leadership of the ( sadly former) governor of this province who ensured that things were done by the appropriate individuals and agencies, and the "usual suspects" were left on the sidelines flapping their paws and bumping their gums.




Well said.

But don't forget the input from the TV forum experts who are here to comment, criticise, point out all the errors made, and how it should have been done from day 1.

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19 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

Ronnie who?


You don't know who "I'm Ronnie Pickering" is?


Here's a short video showing the real Ronnie Pickering! (Referred to as "Pickle" in the video).



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32 minutes ago, Spidey said:

You don't know who "I'm Ronnie Pickering" is?

Here's a short video showing the real Ronnie Pickering! (Referred to as "Pickle" in the video).

I remember Ronnie Pickering, as in, "Who?", "Ronnie who?".

That was why I asked, Ronnie who?

The guy who was floored - is that the same Ronnie Pickering as below? Looks different to me:


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