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Renewing Driving License

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Thought i would pass on some info to anyone that is concerned.

I was always told that i needed a Non-immigrant visa to renew my Thai driving License, even the immigration office in Soi 8 Pattaya told me that i needed a NoN-Immigrant visa, i registered my truck in my name last week, i had to get a stamp from the upstairs department on a form, this is where they issue the driving licenses also. Whilst there i thought i would ask about my License that had expired in November last year, she said that i could get a One years renewal with a 30 day stamp, but not a 5 year renewal that i would have got with a Non-Immigrant visa, so i got a one year license renewal without a non-immigrant visa.

I was going to spend a lot of money on a trip to Brisbane just to get a non immigrant to get my license renewed, lucky i had to go up the stairs to get that stamp.

But you still need a Non Immigrant visa to obtain the license in the first place, but renewal you do not.

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I think you just got a lucky break. The rules do call for a non-immigrant visa for any drivers licence-related transaction but like anything else in Thailand, this no doubt can vary from office to office, from officer to officer. Going in the other direction, I've even read reports from people over the years that they needed a work permit to get a drivers license at certain offices and that is not technically correct either.

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I think you just got a lucky break. The rules do call for a non-immigrant visa for any drivers licence-related transaction but like anything else in Thailand, this no doubt can vary from office to office, from officer to officer. Going in the other direction, I've even read reports from people over the years that they needed a work permit to get a drivers license at certain offices and that is not technically correct either.

Like I said ... she fancied him :o I have heard that some people are asked for a work permit for a DL, but obviously your average retiree would have a problem there. T i T

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I think you just got a lucky break.  The rules do call for a non-immigrant visa for any drivers licence-related transaction but like anything else in Thailand, this no doubt can vary from office to office, from officer to officer.  Going in the other direction, I've even read reports from people over the years that they needed a work permit to get a drivers license at certain offices and that is not technically correct either.

Like I said ... she fancied him :o I have heard that some people are asked for a work permit for a DL, but obviously your average retiree would have a problem there. T i T

Well, i am incredibly good looking and sexy..................But apart from that, i speak a bit of Thai and show respect for all officials, i did offer 2000 baht for a five year but was told that for 5 years i need a Non-Imm, in all honesty i would have paid 5000 for a years license, cos if i had an accident without it, i could have been up shit creek insurance wise.And 2 officials told me that i can get a years renewal with a tourist stamp. Without any bribes.

Maybe they both found me totally irresistable....................Like i said, "I am Incredibly good looking and sexy". :D

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Maybe they both found me totally irresistable....................Like i said, "I am Incredibly good looking and sexy". :o

Begs, nobody can challenge your statement without seeing a picture, at least.

Anyway, congrats on getting the licence. I agree, it's safer in case of an accident.

Not sure which office you went and which officer helped you, however, I think I know her, about 52 yo, white uniform XXL, rimmed classes. :D

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