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Bangkok Post


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What advantage does the BKK Post have over the net? If I see a free copy in a shop I will read the Thai news and letter section, nothing else. The sport is about a day and a half late.

My particular favourite BKK Post trick is when they have half page adds in the Thai section, to make up for a lack of news.

No news today - so here's a Rolex advert!

you are aware that newspapers survive by advertising arent you?

a rolex ad on page one means rolex paid top money for an ad on page 1. some "trick".

it really isnt a difficult concept.

Yes, until you turn to page 3,4,6,8,9 and also see full page Rolex ads and no news :o

What an utterly fatuous argument. Criticise the Post for not having news or for being spineless by all means, but don't criticise them for having advertising. It's how they exist.

Have you picked up any of the foreign (UK, US, Australia) newspapers recently? They have much more advertising than the Bkk Post or Nation.

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I read both the BKK Post and Nation since 1995. Sure, typos abound, but as some posters pointed out, the juxt of the story is often either at the bottom or so mangled there was no point to the article. Real national news is lost somewhere; like other countries with English-language papers, only certain stories are printed to save face or keep the dirty laundry from exposure. The international news is decent, especially compared with hometown newspapers in the Western world, where any story away from home soil gets an inch of column, maybe. The weekend crosswords are good!

Trink's stuff was fluff, but he had good jokes and updates on folks. He added a bohemian family charm to the Post.

And I don't give a hoot!

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I think the Bangkok Post is perhaps slightly less nauseatingly kissing the current government's behind than The Nation is. Would I pay money for either? Nope.

Well, not since Trink left, anyway. :o

Long Live Trink, those were the days! I have stopped my subscription as of tomorrow after five years!

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Spelling and grammar errors disturb and yet you post on Thaivisa, classic oxymoronic behavior eh?

You have to admit it has been fun to watch Stan from Expatistan, Leo beer in hand, barracking Toxcin all the while reading the Bangkok Post, Toxcins very own lapdog press.

The Nation on the other hand is going through some amazing evolutionary steps; it’s almost a voyeuristic experience reading it these last few months. And Sorry Chan they haven’t arse licked the current goverment any way comparable to the years of Bangkok Post rim jobs on Thaksin. (and you REALLY have to love a farang editor who fires a thai journalist because he digs a little to deep and says unkind things about da LEADER – CLASSIC farang HYPOCRISY) Now the Nation has become a bit pathetic what with their pleading for reform yet the longer, deeper they go the more it is like a self-realization process. Nation editors may dimly have started to understand all they are doing is pissing in the wind. Corruption is so deeply ingrained that the idea throwing out old Taksin would start a reform and clean out corruption in Thai politics, Thai society is sadly naïve. Government bureaucracies, the men in tight brown, mega projects it goes on and on and always 'has'. A recent op ed piece stated the term ‘unthai’ was used more often as a pejorative for someone who wouldn’t take part in or cover up for corruption than a person who would. Wow ! Fascinating stuff.

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