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"Easy Ride" for pensioners in Thailand now over, says Pattaya Radio


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6 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Perhaps I am missing something, but...


If you have the money, you will not have a problem. If you don't, what are you doing here?


Forgive me, but what is the big deal? They aren't going to toss people in the ocean, are they?


It seems like a simple administrative matter and a solution will come.




there is always the sandwich class...not enough for 800K, but enough for living in Thailand, it is the low cost of living that attract many living here aren't they?


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25 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

I actually think this is somewhat Falang motivated.

Walk down Beach road or 2nd road or in BKK and look in the bars any evening it is a bunch of Falang drinking.

While the tourists, the people they believe are spending money particular the Chinese are active.  Out going on a tour or eating.

Sorry, the general impression of Falang is not positive.  Thinking they are contributing to this country or the economy by boozing.  In their minds I guess.

It is a negative appearance to the new government officials.

Good luck to those Falang who do not actually qualify to be here.

The BIG family and familys behind the beer companies might think differently.


Also many a Isaan girl and their family that these guys support.


Also, if Thailand want to be the "dream" country it believe it is already, and be a world crackdown hub of corruption,


ok kick the farangs out, but then you must give some support/welfare, to your poorest people

who just happened to be farmers, who is the one that feeds you and also make you rich from your office in Bangkok. 

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31 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Because the guys doing so neither want to put 800k on deposit in Thailand or fly to the UK to sort out a visa each year. So using an agent is worth the risk to them.

I wish I had your ability to ignore the posts that show your pre-conceptions to be false, and so be able to continue in your own comfy sphere of mis-comprehension....

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11 minutes ago, Lewis711 said:

there is always the sandwich class...not enough for 800K, but enough for living in Thailand, it is the low cost of living that attract many living here aren't they?


800k for a Thai Sandwich,  that's got to be the rip off of the century. :giggle:

Edited by stanleycoin
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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Let's break down what's happening objectively.


The British embassy will stop issuing income letters. They are telling their nationals wanting to use an income method to show bank deposits in Thailand instead. Thai immigration officially still REQUIRES embassy income letters of all nationals. Confused? You should be. For now, it would be rational for Brits to prepare to use the 800K bank in a Thai bank method and ignore the strange advice from their own embassy.


For now, this appears to only be a British thing in stopping the income letters. 

There is no hard evidence that it will spread, only fear and rumors.


As far as CORRUPTION. As far as VISA AGENTS and IMMIGRATION OFFICERS engaging in corruption allowing applications that don't even begin to comply with the rules get accepted in exchange for cash payments, the possibility that there might someday be a CRACKDOWN has always been there. Is that crackdown going to happen soon? Maybe. Maybe not.


Personally I have always warned people not to use visa agents in that way because you never know, someday it might bite you real bad. 


As far as people doing LEGIT applications, bank or income (if not British) there is as yet no confirmed news that there is any change at all. 


Maybe there will be such changes soon, and I understand the reason that people of all nationalities are freaking out and that's including people not engaged in corruption, but I think it's time to CHILL until we actually hear confirmed news of such major changes (for all nationals). 


Brits who are going to have problems complying even legitimately, OK, it might be time for them to panic. 


I have never had an income letter from the embassy. Retiring at 50 many people don't have pensions but live off savings. An income letter is NOT required if you have 800K in the bank. Problem is for most people 800K is a lot of money and they cannot afford tp just keep it here in a savings account.

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39 minutes ago, bwpage3 said:

No it is NOT legal to borrow 800K from someone.


That money has to be shown from coming outside of Thailand and in your bank for 3 months.



only for  first time applicant converting to an O visa inside Thailand and then only for 2 months not 3 months


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3 minutes ago, balo said:

Yes that was many years ago , so never touched the money to get interest . My point was the money does not always have to come from abroad. 

And of course it is not illegal to borrow 800,000 baht!


But the money does have to be in a Thai bank account for 3 months.


At the moment, If you are using the "Proof of Income" letter route, the money can be a combination of pensions and savings - none of which has to be in a Thai bank account. However, if you are using pensions and savings in a Thai bank account then that money has to be in the bank for 3 months.



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37 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

I would suggest it is more of an irritation rather than a cause for panic given the 2 options now in front of those concerned? namely agent or 800k? Yes/No?

I've already pointed out that I pay an agent 30k bht to deal with my entirely legal visa extensions (based on income) and 90 day reports.


Why on earth should I be forced into looking for an agent that will find a way to do this illegally??


Edit - Although to be honest, I suspect the reason I pay so much is 'cos the agent's other clients are not here legally - and it's a 'flat' fee....  I may be about to join their ranks, if I'm no longer able to provide the necessary proof of income via the Brit. Embassy ☹️.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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2 minutes ago, notamember said:

only for  first time applicant converting to an O visa inside Thailand and then only for 2 months not 3 months


The money doesn't;t have to be shown to have come from outside Thailand. I have had 10 visa extensions without showing this. The money is just parked in a bank account and is never touched.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Let's break down what's happening objectively.


The British embassy will stop issuing income letters. They are telling their nationals wanting to use an income method to show bank deposits in Thailand instead. Thai immigration officially still REQUIRES embassy income letters of all nationals. Confused? You should be. For now, it would be rational for Brits to prepare to use the 800K bank in a Thai bank method and ignore the strange advice from their own embassy.


For now, this appears to only be a British thing in stopping the income letters. 

There is no hard evidence that it will spread, only fear and rumors.


As far as CORRUPTION. As far as VISA AGENTS and IMMIGRATION OFFICERS engaging in corruption allowing applications that don't even begin to comply with the rules get accepted in exchange for cash payments, the possibility that there might someday be a CRACKDOWN has always been there. Is that crackdown going to happen soon? Maybe. Maybe not.


Personally I have always warned people not to use visa agents in that way because you never know, someday it might bite you real bad. 


As far as people doing LEGIT applications, bank or income (if not British) there is as yet no confirmed news that there is any change at all. 


Maybe there will be such changes soon, and I understand the reason that people of all nationalities are freaking out and that's including people not engaged in corruption, but I think it's time to CHILL until we actually hear confirmed news of such major changes (for all nationals). 


Brits who are going to have problems complying even legitimately, OK, it might be time for them to panic. 


“Personally I have always warned people not to use visa agents in that way because you never know, someday it might bite you real bad. 


 I think that bite may be long, hard and affect a lot of people.

Anyone using them in the last few years, be prepared for the dreaded knock on the door. 


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3 minutes ago, Pedrogaz said:

I have never had an income letter from the embassy. Retiring at 50 many people don't have pensions but live off savings. An income letter is NOT required if you have 800K in the bank. Problem is for most people 800K is a lot of money and they cannot afford tp just keep it here in a savings account.

The most important word in the above post is "here"!

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Just now, Pedrogaz said:

The money doesn't;t have to be shown to have come from outside Thailand. I have had 10 visa extensions without showing this. The money is just parked in a bank account and is never touched.

only for  first time applicant converting to an O visa inside Thailand and then only for 2 months not 3 months

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2 hours ago, superal said:

I guess there could be a lot of new marriages about to happen with long term unmarried couples tying the knot so as to show 400k instead of double 800k .

That, of course, assumes that the good ol' Embassy aren't also planning to stop issuing the required affirmations of freedom to marry.....

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6 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

People who do not have what is a pretty low amount of money coming in, or in the bank probably should not be here anyway, for their own good.

You're missing the point, which is not the amount of money coming in, but where that money is situated - here or your home country.

Also, how many Thais do you know that have an income of 65,000 baht a month?

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2 minutes ago, JAG said:

This really is a most revealing thread isn't it?


Not because it tells us anything new about either Immigration or its requirements for a marriage or retirement extension, or anything we didn't already know about our esteemed Embassy.


Rather because it reveals, sadly,  the lack of security felt by many who live here, and equally sadly, disturbingly even, quite how unpleasant, totally self centered and lacking in empathy so many who regard themselves as in a stronger financial situation are!


Referring to people who don't, for whatever reason, have access to the funds which you do, as "scum" says a lot about you, all of it rather unpleasant.

well you cant really lay blame to why so many foriegner think like this.


As a foriegner, who live here many years, you may walk past another and you will be friendly and offer a nod or smile,  but NO, they have the nose up in the air and look away because i guess they are to good to acknowledge their own..


yet they will have no trouble to smile to a Thai..whom they love to criticise.. LO


also they are usually to arrogant to learn the language.


if you are not legal..BYE BYE



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1 minute ago, JAG said:

This really is a most revealing thread isn't it?


Not because it tells us anything new about either Immigration or its requirements for a marriage or retirement extension, or anything we didn't already know about our esteemed Embassy.


Rather because it reveals, sadly,  the lack of security felt by many who live here, and equally sadly, disturbingly even, quite how unpleasant, totally self centered and lacking in empathy so many who regard themselves as in a stronger financial situation are!


Referring to people who don't, for whatever reason, have access to the funds which you do, as "scum" says a lot about you, all of it rather unpleasant.

I am very, very glad my family and I are out of Thailand and do not have to dance to their frequently changing tunes but I truly feel sorry for those whose lives and futures are being jeopardised by these rules


TBH I do not blame the Brit embassy as they are reacting to new stuff the Thai's have suddenly decided is now vital, knowing what most of us know about Thai bureaucracy who would be naive enough to believe any of this has been fully thought out?


For all the 'don't affect me' chaps out there having a good gloat all I would say is to be prepared for the next excellent plan as there is sure to be one along soon as it is clearer day by day that they just don't want you there....


ps. cannot get my head around the amount of people who have not even bothered to listen to the radio report Tommy linked, true might not be completely correct but surely the closest to the truth as it stands at the moment, says a lot about the head in the sand group mentality

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7 minutes ago, sambum said:

You're missing the point, which is not the amount of money coming in, but where that money is situated - here or your home country.

Also, how many Thais do you know that have an income of 65,000 baht a month?

More than you can possibly imagine.

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10 minutes ago, overherebc said:

More than you can possibly imagine.

Ah, so you move with the "Hi-so's"! Good for you!


I am talking about your average working class Thais - much like your average working class farang pensioners living here.


The last time I heard, the minimum wage here was less than 10,000 baht a month.

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5 hours ago, connda said:

Too bad our own governments don't reciprocate with quid pro quo for Thais living in our countries.  But - in our own countries, if the same system was implemented for Thais as applied to us here in Thailand - it would be called a human-rights abuse by the media and most of the so-called 'leaders' in government who would simply be shocked and abhorred.


Personally, the Thai government is simply shafting itself.  Each pensioner spends their pension in Thailand.  That amount is multiples of what an average Thai earns and spends each year.  So kicking out pensioners is basically cutting off their nose to spite their face.  But talking about face - there's the ugly, ugly face of xenophobia, nationalism, and racism that has gone 'over the top'.  This country truly hates outsiders even as they grovel for tourist money from we hated outsiders.  But those of us living here and dumping 500K to a million THB into the economy each year.  "Get Out!!!" 


The xenophobia in this country gets worse by the day.  That's pretty pathetic. 

You would be hard pressed then being a Thai in the UK. The visa costs about 2500 quid every two years. Think about it and thank your lucky stars.

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12 minutes ago, JAG said:

This really is a most revealing thread isn't it?


Not because it tells us anything new about either Immigration or its requirements for a marriage or retirement extension, or anything we didn't already know about our esteemed Embassy, and their pathetic approach to consular service provision.


Rather because it reveals, sadly,  the lack of security felt by many who live here, and equally sadly, disturbingly even, quite how unpleasant, totally self centered and lacking in empathy so many who regard themselves as in a stronger financial situation are!


If you refer to people who don't, for whatever reason, have access to the funds which you do, as "scum", it says a lot about you, all of it rather unpleasant.

Edited 10 minutes ago by JAG

Speaking of Lack of empathy .... Pattaya Radio comes on like gangbusters ... they are crowing about it. Given the realities of Pattaya, they need every foreign pound, euro, shekel, yuan, yen and dollar but that doesn't matter. Nope these are guys are rejoicing. You can tell expats this again and again but they don't get it tell it looks them in the eye. You better have more than a 800K ready. You better have a plan B and a plan C locked in and ready to go, in case you need to pull the eject lever. The only real fools out there are the ones who fool them self.

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Just now, Pedrogaz said:

You would be hard pressed then being a Thai in the UK. The visa costs about 2500 quid every two years. Think about it and thank your lucky stars.

and I would make them all report to the police station every 90 days.

Just to piss them off, like they do to us. :thumbsup:

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6 hours ago, poanoi said:

but i had, the right amount of money etc,

but the officer just kept asking for additional proof until my visa was up and i had to leave country applying for another visa

My experience also.  I ended up coming home to the US for about half a year and getting a new retirement visa at the consulate in Chicago, IL USA.  The big immigration place just kept saying no and offering a short 30 day extension that they kept saying I could come back and get again and again.  I put all documents together properly each time for the consulate and got the 1 year retirement visa both times.  I could not get the immigration in Bangkok to do it.  Don't know why.  Don't care!  I am home again and really not sure I will do a winter in Thailand anymore.  So many other places to visit that are glad to have winter tourist. At my hotel in bangkok I talked to a retired Aussie that had the same problems.  He had to return to Australia to get a retirement visa.   He is not going to stay in Thailand anymore once his visa expires.


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