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Boy gets on bike to flee beatings, is reunited with mum


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Boy gets on bike to flee beatings, is reunited with mum





NO ONE KNEW what a 14-year-old boy had in mind when he decided to ride a bicycle from the house where he lived with his father in Pathum Thani province on Saturday.


One thing was for sure, however – he could no longer tolerate alleged repeated assaults by his stepmother.




The boy, whose name has been withheld, was well aware that his mother, Naruekamonwan lives in Rayong province after separating from his father, a Navy official.


He got on his bike with his first goal being Victory Monument, about 42 kilometre away, because his mother had told him that it was a public mini-van hubs for trips to Rayong. He had earlier called his mother to collect him from Pathum Thani but she had said she had no money.


The boy spent about three hours getting to the Bangkok landmark, from where he called his mother and again asked for her to fetch him. At that point his mother remembered one of her neighbours drove a taxi in Bangkok, so she asked him to give her son a ride to Rayong … and luckily he was available and agreed.




When she met her son on Saturday, she burst into tears. It was not only because she had finally been reunited with him, however – but because of the visible scars, bruises and wounds that covered his body.


“I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw the scars and traces of the assaults on the body of my son, who is only 14 years of age,” said Naruekamonwan.


The story of the boy’s escape came to light after his mother posted it on her Facebook page, asking readers to help bring her son to her. The shocking story provoked an outpouring of sympathy for what the boy had endured, with several hundred people sharing the post.


The boy told his mother that throughout the seven years he had lived with his father, he had been repeatedly assaulted by his stepmother by whatever means she could think of.


A social worker at Rayong’s Children and Family shelter, who visited the boy at his mother’s house on Sunday, said she was stunned by the wounds he had suffered.


“There are old and new wounds on the body. Some are so fresh the blood is still bleeding,” the social worker said.


The boy said his stepmother punished him by many ways for no reason. The assaults included pressing a hot iron on his arms, hitting his head with hard objects and twisting his lips with pliers. 


He lost a piece of his lips from the assaults and sometimes he even passed out after the stepmother strangled him.


From what the boy told his mother, it appears that when the stepmother tortured him, his father and paternal grandparents refused to intervene to help him.



The boy used to telephone his mother, begging her to pick him up but the mother could not, saying she had no money.




On the day he decided to leave the house, his stepmother hit him several times with the edge of a steel ruler until he bled. Then she forced him to clean the house.


The boy was not the only one assaulted by the stepmother, the mother said – his sister had also fled the home to live with his birth mother after enduring the beatings for three years.




Yesterday the boy and his mother went to Pathum Thani’s Klong Luang district to file a police complaint about the alleged assaults.


Police spent about four hours talking to the boy in the presence of children’s welfare officials. Pol Major Boonsing Suthi of Klong Luang police said officers would talk to the boy again in the presence of the public prosecutor, possibly as early as this week. 


Police will have the boy examined at a Rayong hospital, Boonsing said. A social welfare volunteer visited the house in Klong Luang district but found the building locked. Neighbours said they did not know much about the family that lived in it. 


The public is being urged to call a hotline 1300 if they witness any acts of violence.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30356481

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-10-16
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56 minutes ago, AlQaholic said:

A boy repeatedly calls his mother for help, and her excuse is "no money"? after knowing the sister was beaten and tortured for three years before escaping, she didn't have any suspicion what might be happening with the boy?

Thinking, reasoning, and coming to a meaningful conclusion is unfortunately not a strong point for many Thai's. 

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56 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

Bring in the stepmother give her a life jail sentence and also his father they are evil scumbags.

Put their photos up of these child molesters.

A couple of wai's and I'm sorry should fix the problem... ????

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

From what the boy told his mother, it appears that when the stepmother tortured him, his father and paternal grandparents refused to intervene to help him.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Lashings all around!

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and?? what will happen to the <deleted> up step mother and father and others that allowed this vicious beating this young boy endured???

again a slap in the wrist, some apologies, a 10 000 baht in an envelope and all gone and forgotten??

c'mon Thai authorities, do something and arrest those wrongdoers with a really hard fine and jail sentence and set this as an example!!!

but father is in navy so...

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The biggest problem now is the boy getting some mental health support so that he doesnt end up flogging the bejesus out of his kids or spouse when he is old enough. He has endured enough pain and suffering to have life long issues himself if he doesnt get that addressed. 


As for the step mother and his father....jail time is the only recourse worth considering.

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In my country immediately based on this evidence that <deleted> would be in Jail and so would be the pathetic  father.

All Kids would never to be returned to them.

No lame ass bail options that doesn’t even exist where i am from.  The investigation would continue while that child molesters and the father who did nothing are safely tucked away in jail waiting for their trial.

Now why doesn’t the same happen here?

Why did the neighbors and the school not reported anything to the authorities?? they all knew about it and they may be held accountable too all of this is sickening and

Makes my blood boil !!

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On 10/17/2018 at 8:28 AM, Destiny1990 said:

In my country immediately based on this evidence that <deleted> would be in Jail and so would be the pathetic  father.

All Kids would never to be returned to them.

No lame ass bail options that doesn’t even exist where i am from.  The investigation would continue while that child molesters and the father who did nothing are safely tucked away in jail waiting for their trial.

Now why doesn’t the same happen here?

Why did the neighbors and the school not reported anything to the authorities?? they all knew about it and they may be held accountable too all of this is sickening and

Makes my blood boil !!

Yes, especially school, but then some teachers are no better. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/17/2018 at 8:28 AM, Destiny1990 said:

In my country immediately based on this evidence that <deleted> would be in Jail and so would be the pathetic  father.

All Kids would never to be returned to them.

No lame ass bail options that doesn’t even exist where i am from.  The investigation would continue while that child molesters and the father who did nothing are safely tucked away in jail waiting for their trial.

Now why doesn’t the same happen here?

Why did the neighbors and the school not reported anything to the authorities?? they all knew about it and they may be held accountable too all of this is sickening and

Makes my blood boil !!

Unfortunately this is not Your country neither mine or the majority of the posters on this forum either which we often seems to forget…


Back in time not that far our western countries were not that different from Thailand in settings like this, but we seems to have forgotten that fact. Thailand is behind and how Our countries were some time ago so to expect that Thailand should be and react exactly how we are used to falls on its own extravagance - though its understandable that we do....

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On 10/16/2018 at 5:23 AM, Anca said:

I feel so very very sorry for this boy ???? how can we help? Anyone have his moms Facebook name? 

Mate . please dont ask for help on this site , I too felt sorry for a girl who had nothing and we got the response of ... my hand is in my pocket....how can I help .. etc etc ..... my wife and I drove 100 klm to give her food and clothes , and then later brought her a bike and paid for her school bus pick up as she was walking to school .. I ask the posters now they can help her as I have made contact ... What do you think happened ?? nothing. We will be making the trip again soon as we have done  before ...

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I strongly believe that the majority of people are good by nature, but some are just rotten to the core. His stepmother isn't fit to be near kids, his father appears to be a pathetic excuse for a parent who failed to protect his flesh and blood and I honestly don't have any sympathy for his useless mother.   

Another child who doesn't have a single caring, responsible guardian in his life to help and protect him through childhood. 

Very sad. 

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