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SURVEY: USA -- Headed in the right or wrong direction?


SURVEY: USA -- Head in the right or wrong direction?  

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6 minutes ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Unless your from America mind your business. As far as what the US had for 8 years now that was a mess. And polls are useless remember when Hillary was bound to win, ya right


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1 hour ago, JAFO said:

1) No doubt Trump has done many things, Sadly the few good things he has accomplished are negated by his behavior. I personally expect more from the leader of the United States of America.


2) As for Clinton and Obama era, Didn't vote for either of them. They served and all wasn't all that bad. Look at it now. You like what is happening now with Trump at the helm? He has made being President his own reality game show. He is too old to be President. And while we are on this discussion, Notice how the public has seemed to ignore the fact that he openly admitted he paid for sex with a call girl while married? His wife hides now as she is ashamed and probably hopes it all goes away. 


3) Building a wall is laughable. That's like building a screen dam to hold water. Ever heard of tunnels? If you feel safer and that a big 30ft wall makes you feel better then donate more money to the cause. Its a big waste of cash. Let me be clear. I hate that the US has been over ran by immigrants. It bothers me even more that they seem to get preferential treatment that born and raised American citizens aren't afforded. It needs to stop but a wall is not the answer. Its just plain dumb.


4) Do not get me wrong, I love the USA. I am sad to see it losing some of its appeal. The people you say that would love to come live there from other countries, Sure they do...initially. It all looks so good on the news. Even my wife and her friends that have lived and visited said life you see in the news is not reality at all. 


5) You made it personal. I never said I was trying to keep up with the Joneses. My observation is I have watched many many people do it. The states is all about consumerism and one up the other guy. Bigger house, better car, gated community, bragging about what school their children go to etc etc. Very few seemed comfortable living for themselves and within their means. This constant competition keeps people in deep debt. Their children suffer as all I see now is obese kids with a tablet or cell phone stuffed in their face playing video games versus the parent actually paying attention to their child. 


Do I see things getting better....No. Is that Trumps fault...Absolutely not. He is just another pawn in a big chess game. He will come and go like they all do. The American voters got what they voted for.  The ball that's in motion cannot be stopped or changed. Its up to the individual to make the cognizant decision to make it a better place.  

I like this post.  It is a fairly balanced take on things.  What it didn't do though, for me, is put forward any solutions to bring about the change for better, which is one everyone would support.  All citizens try to live, exist even, within a given system of government, and if they are able to do that, they don't really want to rock the boat or return to the status quo ante.  Who is to say which system of government is the best at any time; who can say what a better system will be, a number of years hence? The grass is always greener, on the other side of the hill.  Sometimes it is harder to chew!

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3 minutes ago, allanos said:

I like this post.  It is a fairly balanced take on things.  What it didn't do though, for me, is put forward any solutions to bring about the change for better, which is one everyone would support.  All citizens try to live, exist even, within a given system of government, and if they are able to do that, they don't really want to rock the boat or return to the status quo ante.  Who is to say which system of government is the best at any time; who can say what a better system will be, a number of years hence? The grass is always greener, on the other side of the hill.  Sometimes it is harder to chew!

Item #3 above is way off the mark IMHO

Look what walls have done for Israel?  Perfect example for preventing the terrorist access to your Homeland.

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43 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Not well it seems...that was when Germany tried to invade Russia, who lost millions of soldiers and civilians to repel the invasion...

You have a failing or selective memory.  What you asked was when did Russia try to invade western Europe or the other way around.  Germany is part of western Europe.  I provide an example of the other way.

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13 minutes ago, mcambl61 said:

actually the states refused to cooperate,hmmmm, i wonder why?

Not exactly. Many states fought to keep the privacy of their voters. The voter fraud commission was asking them to hand over names, social security numbers, voting history, party affiliation, registration status, etc. 


The reality though is that Trump made these claims and wasted all these taxpayer dollars on a lie. There is zero evidence... NONE... of widespread voter fraud. His own commission couldn't even find anything substantial. It's obvious why he made these claims. His ego couldn't take the fact that he lost by 3 million votes. So instead he claimed there were 3-5 million illegal voters. Just like the crowd size Trump's ego will force him to lie. Just like his rallies he will make up data to support his claims, even after it's been fact checked multiple times he'll keep repeating the same lies. 

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6 minutes ago, patsfangr said:

And that, Mr Smart, is why you dangerously misguided. You simply fail to understand human nature. Greed, envy, and lust for power exist in every human being; more strongly in some than in others. Competition is an absolutely inescapable element of human nature. We ARE part of nature. Nature is, as you said, dominated by the "Law of the Jungle". Human intelligence has, over thousands of years, produced the realization that we must have laws to regulate our behavior. But it is absolutely impossible to remove competition from our psychological base. And THAT, Mr Smart, is why socialism will always ultimately fail. People WILL compete. People will ALWAYS want have more, and to be "better" than their peers. I believe that you are a decent person, who truly believes what you are saying. But you are terribly naive and misguided, my friend, if you believe that the world you dream of can ever exist. Socialism is nothing more than the dream of the naive and inexperienced who refuse to accept the realities of life. 


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4 minutes ago, ReMarKable said:

You have a failing or selective memory.  What you asked was when did Russia try to invade western Europe or the other way around.  Germany is part of western Europe.  I provide an example of the other way.

My bad...didn't read correctly.


All this to say thaf projection (the mental state) is as valid for nations as it is for individuals...people, or nations, see in others their own flaws...

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31 minutes ago, patsfangr said:

Just curious, Brunolem. Did you consider Obama an autocrat?

No...Obama didn't admire or envy leaders like Putin or Xi, and never said that a lifelong mandate (Xi) was a good idea.


Obama was a pure politician, with all its good and bad sides, whereas Trump is an opportunist who happened to be at the right place at the right time, like most autocrats...


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6 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

My bad...didn't read correctly.


All this to say thaf projection (the mental state) is as valid for nations as it is for individuals...people, or nations, see in others their own flaws...

Possibly, but in projection one does not recognize what they hate in others is actually what they hate in themselves.  A stranger attacking someone for no reason is a reason to ask, who does he remind you of?  Your papa or mama?

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2 hours ago, jcsmith said:

How exactly is he putting America First? By picking fights with the rest of the world and tearing down alliances? The stock market has continued to rise out of its slump from the recession created under Bush, but it was trending that way already under Obama. Corporate profits have skyrocketed but it hasn't trickled down to most American's, wages are completely stagnant while entitlements are being decreased, and the cost of living is rising. You mention unemployment, it was already trended down from 10% to 5% under Obama. See attached image to illustrate that. 

How can you say America is doing better now? We've been condemned by the U.N. over human rights violations. Our allies world wide are wondering if they can trust us? The U.S. image around the world dropped from 48% to 30% favorable, and unfavorability rose from 28% to 43% in Trump's first year in office. To put that in perspective that's 4% lower than it was after the invasion of Iraq. He's started trade wars, imposed tariffs on allies, attacked the justice system, and made a mockery of the office of president. Hyper-partisanship. Family separations. Increasing wealth distribution gap. Neutering of healthcare and entitlements. That's winning to you? 





Well, that's a lot of generalizations to throw out. We're obviously in significant disagreement over both definition and results on some of those points. Since the Trump administration is less than 2 years old, we're going to have to wait a few years to see which of us is closest to being correct. I support his agenda; and believe that he will lead America to a better place, if the voters allow him to do so. Much will depend upon the elections on November 6. If he loses the House, it will become much more difficult to fulfill his agenda. If he keeps both Houses of Congress, that, combined with a much more "Constitutionally conscious" federal court system, should help him proceed with it. 

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6 minutes ago, iroc4life said:

The US is headed in the right direction and I hope it keeps going, just need to stop the southern invasions after red wins in November, get out of the UN and clean up the rest of the immigration and trade problems. The watch the world start speaking Chinese 

The only problem with your line of thinking about watching the rest of the world start speaking Chinese is that it would leave America in a very difficult position because it would only be a small country on its own, just like a flea on a dogs back. America needs allies.

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