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Theft From Left Luggage Suvarnabhumi Airport Bangkok


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After a recent three hour flight from Manila I arrived in Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi International Airport. I made straight for the Left Luggage Department to collect the suitcase I had deposited a week earlier en route to the Philippines. The previous Monday when I checked the bag in speed being of the essence in order to make the connecting flight I did not at first question why the eager staff insisted that I open the suitcase so they could examine the contents. Now their modus operandi is clear. Because when I arrived in Phuket and opened my suitcase I discovered that all of the contents of value had been removed. About 30,000 Baht's worth in total. When the dust settled I recalled at the time I was checking the suitcase into Left Luggage an irate German and his wife were shouting and pointing at one of their suitcases. Seems now that they may have encountered the same problem especially after reporting the theft to the Tourist Police in Phuket when the officer coommented that this was not the first time such a complaint had been made. My guess is the culprits bank on the movement of the baggage thru various airlines limiting the chances of them being blamed. In my case there was no doubt what so ever. Just wondering if others have encountered similar problems and warning others to beware.

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Anything of value I keep on me or in my carry-on bag. Only clothes go in my suitcase. :o

I fully appreciate the need to and always carry valuables with me but one would expect that left luggage would be a secure place to leave such items that are weighty and cumbersome? Note the case contained mostly liquids not allowed as hand luggage wine, perfume etc. I accept critisism but am just warning others of the dangers...

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Oh you are entirely correct that they should be safe/secure especially when you pay for such a service. However this simply isnt the case. If you read the terms of agreement, they pretty much say they aren't responsible for any lost goods. :o I'd probably put a claim with the airline - least you will get some dosh back.

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Oh you are entirely correct that they should be safe/secure especially when you pay for such a service. However this simply isnt the case. If you read the terms of agreement, they pretty much say they aren't responsible for any lost goods. :o I'd probably put a claim with the airline - least you will get some dosh back.

I have made a complaint with the police and instructed them that I want the airport authority charged with theft. It seems that they have security cameras in operation in Left Luggage. The tourist police in Phuket say that this is not the first case and that the boys in Bangers left luggage are in cahoots with their counterparts in Phuket. That all said I guess they were smart enough to avoid the cameras but did not reckon I would open the case prior to travelling on and that I wont let the matter drop until I get satisfaction. I also suspect who stole the items. I was most uneasy when I checked the bag in and noted the name of a chap who was hovering around me for no aparent reason and when I collected the bag he observed me very closely from afar, Oh well a lesson learned. And you are perfectly correct they are not ressponsible for lost goods but they are for stolen goods and luckily I have a witness to the whole debacle from start to finish

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I do hope those people get jailed.

I worked at Luxemburg airport and remember a gang of cargo handling people being arrested after it became obvious how they operated, hiding stolen goods in the workers toilets and having found a way to get the goods out of the premises (throwing them over a fence).

I also left a bag at Savanaboom for the day flying in morning and leaving evening. No valuables were in there, but that is not an excuse. (Great we have smart people on this board who don't push their trolleys on escalators and don't leave valuables in checked luggage -why pay money anyway to leave unvaluable items at a Left luggage service :o )

Edited by tartempion
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FWIW there was at least one other first-hand report here documenting theft from the left luggage facility at Suvarnabhumi. So there is a trend and it is good that people continue to warn us of the problem. It's be great if the OP could document their experiences in a brief, concise letter-to-the Editor, and send it to the Bangkok Post, The Nation and AoT.

Any warnings about not being responsible for lost items refers, I believe, to the entire bag rather than individual items packed within the bag. Clearly they have to be responsible for preventing theft of items packed in the bags.

If I had to pack anything of value and leave it at that facility I might consider adding additional tamper-resistant items (locks, tape, full wrap) and pointing out to the attendant the presence of these with the full expectation that these will remain in place. Or I might consider showing the attendant items of value, and having them acknowledge acceptance of said items by signing a list with their name and identification number.

I think most people avoid putting anything of value in checked or left luggage, and use left luggage facilites to lighten their load.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The previous writer is correct in saying that the thieves know they have little chance of being caught as everyone involved just points to someone else up or down the line. Meantime the airlines and police view each (individual) case as a very minor matter and devote little/no effort to investigation. This is certainly our experience with items stolen from our luggage at either Bangkok or Chiang Mai airports by either airport staff or staff of Thai Air Asia. We reported the theft to Chiang Mai police yesterday and they seriously suggested that we travel to Bangkok to report it to police there, as that is where it was probably stolen! With that sort of response, how many cases of theft from luggage in Thailand are going unreported?

In our case we were transitting Bangkok while travelling from Krabi to Chiang Mai. Our departure from Krabi with Thai Air Asia was put back well over an hour (without notice to us) making our chances of making a connecting flight in BKK very slim indeed. Air Asia staff stepped in and offered to arrange for our luggage to be taken on to Chiang Mai, so we could run to the relevant departure gate at BKK (and make the flight). Great we thought. We were told our bags would meet us in CNX that night. We reconfirmed this arrangement with Thai Air Asia staff in BKK and again at CNX airport.

To cut a long story short, Thai Air Asia did not live up to their promise and we were seperated from our bags for the next two nights. When I could finally collect the bags I breathed a big sigh of relief - until I lifted one case off the trolley and noticed how much lighter it felt! That's right, someone had opened it and stolen many items including our child's teddy bear and clothing!

We later found out that Thai Air Asia had left our luggage circulate on the Suv. Airport carousel for god knows how many hours before BKK airport security staff collected them. In fact, the airport security sticker said they were impounded almost 24 hours after our arrival time in BKK. Not surprisingly then at some stage thieves found the opportunity to rifle through the bags.

Thai Air Asia are now hiding behind the fine-print (of the booking conditions) to avoid any responsibility. While strictly speaking they might be able to legally do so, this does not change the fact that the bags were entrusted to their care. They subsequently did not fulfil their promise (having the bags in CNX that night), and their lack of care/attention allowed the bags to be left unsecured for long periods of time, providing ample opportunity for the theft to occur. Had we any doubts at all that Air Asia would not deliver the bags to Chiang Mai the same day as promised I would have stayed with them in Bangkok and cauught a later flight. Beware all.

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A baggage handler at the local airport here was recently caught stealing meds out of an individuals luggage. When the victim got to his final destination and found the meds were missing, he contacted Northwest Airlines who investigated the incident. Police found the meds along with other drugs at the baggage handlers home. This is the way things shoud happen. Unfortunately I think it's a pretty rare instance.

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So...noting new as that occues all over the world...why should we not expect at SuwannaBoom! I guess I'll ring in with the others........Why did youi leave such stuff in you check bags... Must be a new traveler to make a rookie mistake like that and then blame the loss on something other than.......ting tong!

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OK, I have just had a call from Thai Air Asia (credit to them for coming back to me), who have concluded their investigation. They are now saying that their staff got our bags from the carousel at Suv. Airport and put them in their office. They claim that the most likely place where they were opened (and goods stolen) was a luggage lift operated by independant contractors (presumably employed by Airports of Thailand). Apparently this firm has the responsibility for moving bags from the airline offices down into the bowels of the building for loading on the planes. And apparently there is no camera in the lift they use to transport the bags.

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I have made a complaint with the police and instructed them that I want the airport authority charged with theft.

Making ridiculous demands like that will only make them dismiss you with a laugh or rolled eyes. You need to be a little more sensible when asking for (not demanding) help.

Take this as a lesson learned. This doesn't only happen in Thailand. Never leave valuebles in your luggage.

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another nail in the coffin of SUV airport specifically and another black eye for Thai touristm in general (I'm full of idioms today).

I now dread traveling, especially to the new airport - which I haven't yet experienced.

Thai authorities don't want to be bothered with doing the right things - regarding allegations of theft. There are multiple reasons, such as;

1. laziness

2. ineptitude (don't know how to really investigate)

3. not wanting anyone to lose face (baggage handlers, security guards, etc)

4. lack of testicular fortitude in busting a thief.

5. Thais don't want to bust Thais - especially if it's a farang who was wronged. (They think it's un-Thai)

6. sloughing off uncomfortable tasks (investigating is a drag. it's more fun to oggle at pretty ladies, or blab on a cell phone, or watch TV).

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Thanks a lot guys, as a regular user of Left Luggage at DM without complaint I was fully intending to use the same facility at Suvarnabhumi this coming Friday rather than spend about eight hours in the airport waiting for my international connection.

I was gonna leave the lot there, case, carry on bag, laptop and head into town for a little light shopping, relaxation etc.

So what now? :o

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I have made a complaint with the police and instructed them that I want the airport authority charged with theft.

Making ridiculous demands like that will only make them dismiss you with a laugh or rolled eyes. You need to be a little more sensible when asking for (not demanding) help.

Take this as a lesson learned. This doesn't only happen in Thailand. Never leave valuebles in your luggage.

It happens everywhere indeed, but that doesn't make it right. Stealing is against the law in every country, and I for one am gratefull for people that do not accept this and inform the police. If more people would act, maybe the police would do more, and maybe the culprits would be caught, and then maybe wannabee thieves would think twice.

The attitude of - never mind - is completely misplaced.


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Maybe I should dust of my old $500 suitcase and buy a cobra and place in it. Dress in an expensive suit, Then check it a left luggage.

Now you have a problem....IF you did get bit, why were you in my luggage, and if you do not get bit, why are you complaining about what was locked my luggage, and why were you opening it?? :o:D

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So...noting new as that occues all over the world...why should we not expect at SuwannaBoom! I guess I'll ring in with the others........Why did youi leave such stuff in you check bags... Must be a new traveler to make a rookie mistake like that and then blame the loss on something other than.......ting tong!

Ting Tong eh? Your inept post Soi Song adequately details the limited level of your aptitude! I guess the ‘song’ remains the same! Apologies if such an utterance is above your limited understanding? Cheap shots are to nobody's benefit in this forum. People leave money in the Bank for security and in Left Luggage because it similarly purports to be a secure environment protected by no less than 12 surveillance cameras. What is stolen is irrelevant the fact is I took the time to highlight the problems I encountered to others and I don’t need a brain fart like you taking an inane high ground.

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What is stolen is irrelevant the fact is I took the time to highlight the problems I encountered to others

quite right nip.

sorry to hear you lost stuff , and no you shouldnt leave valuable stuff in such places , but thanks for posting about it.

thats what these forums are for.

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What is stolen is irrelevant the fact is I took the time to highlight the problems I encountered to others

quite right nip.

sorry to hear you lost stuff , and no you shouldnt leave valuable stuff in such places , but thanks for posting about it.

thats what these forums are for.

Thanks Taxexile appreciate your reply! Actually its not that the items were individually valuable but collectively they were.

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I wasn't suggesting you ignore it, I was suggesting that making unreasonable demands of the police (that they charge the entire airport authority with theft) isn't going to get you anywhere.

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So...noting new as that occues all over the world...why should we not expect at SuwannaBoom! I guess I'll ring in with the others........Why did youi leave such stuff in you check bags... Must be a new traveler to make a rookie mistake like that and then blame the loss on something other than.......ting tong!

Ting Tong eh? Your inept post Soi Song adequately details the limited level of your aptitude! I guess the ‘song’ remains the same! Apologies if such an utterance is above your limited understanding? Cheap shots are to nobody's benefit in this forum. People leave money in the Bank for security and in Left Luggage because it similarly purports to be a secure environment protected by no less than 12 surveillance cameras. What is stolen is irrelevant the fact is I took the time to highlight the problems I encountered to others and I don’t need a brain fart like you taking an inane high ground.

Quite right Nip, the moderators should throw this clown straight off the board but it won't happen though.

An OP on lost luggage turns into a flaming match?

You work it out.

Edited by sceadugenga
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