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New Year present from the Thai government: Medical ganja on the way!


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28 minutes ago, hobz said:

Heard about that stuff. But governments shouldn't enforce laws based on stigma and propaganda. That makes them look incompetent and/or corrupt. 

I really don't get it who benefits from the war on drugs. 

It's not the people.

It's not the government.

The only one who benefits are the drug dealers. Why would governments enforce laws that only benefit mafia / criminals? 


Legalization on the other hand benefits everyone. People get better quality drugs. Government gets tax revenue. People can get help for their drug abuse problems without fear of being penalized. 

I could go on. 


It depends how deep you want to get into it.
For example, who do you think is helping to run and control the opium trade out Afghanistan right now, where 90% of the worlds heroin originates?
Why are drugs such as LSD, DMT and psilocybin based mushrooms highly illegal? Is it because they cause mass death and insanity? No of course not, governments do not want the masses and common person getting 'ideas above their stations' - they like effective workers who do not question orders or have notions of anything away from the agenda of society.


It comes down to money and control, power and financial benefit. It is completely obvious to anybody with half a brain that the war on drugs not only doesn't work, but it carries on anyway. Portugal though has decriminalised all recreational drugs, so that people selling them can be put away, but users are treated like people with a problem instead of criminals. This has seen a good impact in crime in general there, and the country hasn't gone drug crazy either. This won't happen in countries like the US, because there's no big bucks to be made. Make weed legal there means evil entities such as Monsanto can buy into the business and create yet another monopoly. 

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4 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

why?  for driving or riding to slow :stoner:

There is plenty of incidents where people crash and cause deaths whilst under the influence fella... 


Personally I don't touch any drugs at all and i don't condone it, but it seems that millions of people do think its a good idea so Im happy to concede I am in the minority, and therefore accept that sometime soon marijuana will be a legal, recreational and medical drug soon across the world.



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There is plenty of incidents where people crash and cause deaths whilst under the influence fella... 
Personally I don't touch any drugs at all and i don't condone it, but it seems that millions of people do think its a good idea so Im happy to concede I am in the minority, and therefore accept that sometime soon marijuana will be a legal, recreational and medical drug soon across the world.
Alcohol and cigarettes are legal
And cause so. Much deaths and sickness
And problems
Not a single person die from cannabis
Its also not addictive and used as medicine
It cure cancer and many other problems sicknesses
If it be legal
The government will benefit
On every way
Money health and less crime

Sent from my MI MAX 2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Just now, Moon6966 said:

Alcohol and cigarettes are legal
And cause so. Much deaths and sickness
And problems
Not a single person die from cannabis
Its also not addictive and used as medicine
It cure cancer and many other problems sicknesses
If it be legal
The government will benefit
On every way
Money health and less crime

Sent from my MI MAX 2 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I guess true fella. As I said, I accept it and will also consider that in this instance i am wrong and it is the right thing to do...

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14 minutes ago, Easy Come Easy Go said:

It depends how deep you want to get into it.
For example, who do you think is helping to run and control the opium trade out Afghanistan right now, where 90% of the worlds heroin originates?
Why are drugs such as LSD, DMT and psilocybin based mushrooms highly illegal? Is it because they cause mass death and insanity? No of course not, governments do not want the masses and common person getting 'ideas above their stations' - they like effective workers who do not question orders or have notions of anything away from the agenda of society.


It comes down to money and control, power and financial benefit. It is completely obvious to anybody with half a brain that the war on drugs not only doesn't work, but it carries on anyway. Portugal though has decriminalised all recreational drugs, so that people selling them can be put away, but users are treated like people with a problem instead of criminals. This has seen a good impact in crime in general there, and the country hasn't gone drug crazy either. This won't happen in countries like the US, because there's no big bucks to be made. Make weed legal there means evil entities such as Monsanto can buy into the business and create yet another monopoly. 

So if government doesn't want the masses to "get ideas above their station" that would be a form of corruption as government is supposed to represent the masses.


Good points thou

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25 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

There is plenty of incidents where people crash and cause deaths whilst under the influence fella... 


Personally I don't touch any drugs at all and i don't condone it, but it seems that millions of people do think its a good idea so Im happy to concede I am in the minority, and therefore accept that sometime soon marijuana will be a legal, recreational and medical drug soon across the world.



There's plenty of accident's where sober peoole cause the accident as well. You need to prove a correlation between cannabis abuse and increased ratio of accidents. I bet you can't because most people that use cannabis drive better, less road rage, more cautious etc. So they make up for the few that loses concentration or has diminished reaction time.


Simply being tired while driving is way worse than Driving when under influence of cannabis.


American journal of public health has published a study that shows that the legalization of recreational cannabis in Colorado did not increase traffic accidents .


Ofcourse there was an increase of accident's where someone was high. But that doesn't prove anything.. it's like if all of a sudden everyone starts wearing black shorts you will see an increase of people wearing black shorts getting into accidents. Doesnt mean that black shorts cause  accidents. It just means that black shorts are on the rise. Don't get fooled by pseudo science and fake news.


If marijuana caused accidents you would see an increase of overall accidents when they legalized marijuana in Colorado and that didn't happen. Unless ofcourse legalization doesn't mean more people using the drug..and then it doesn't matter anyway.

Edited by hobz
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As much as I advocate the legalisation of cannabis, I do not think it's an all innocent, 'be all and end all problem' solver. As with most things in this world, it has a downside and negative aspects to it. Sure, the problems that can come with the use and abuse of weed are far less than most other substances, but they do exist. I just don't think it is justified how something so destructive to the human body and society as alcohol can be so widely accepted, yet something with numerous medical properties and which is far less harmful is banned. 

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23 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

There is plenty of incidents where people crash and cause deaths whilst under the influence fella... 


Personally I don't touch any drugs at all and i don't condone it, but it seems that millions of people do think its a good idea so Im happy to concede I am in the minority, and therefore accept that sometime soon marijuana will be a legal, recreational and medical drug soon across the world.


Not going to argue with you,   its fair comment.

But I feel if you have been a pot smoker before, you maybe would see pot smoking in a slightly different light, to the rest of the drugs that are on offer.

People who are stoned, Are mostly harmless. :jap:

Marvin 001.jpg

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27 minutes ago, hobz said:

There's plenty of accident's where sober peoole cause the accident as well. You need to prove a correlation between cannabis abuse and increased ratio of accidents. I bet you can't because most people that use cannabis drive better, less road rage, more cautious etc. So they make up for the few that loses concentration or has diminished reaction time.


Simply being tired while driving is way worse than Driving when under influence of cannabis.


American journal of public health has published a study that shows that the legalization of recreational cannabis in Colorado did not increase traffic accidents .


Ofcourse there was an increase of accident's where someone was high. But that doesn't prove anything.. it's like if all of a sudden everyone starts wearing black shorts you will see an increase of people wearing black shorts getting into accidents. Doesnt mean that black shorts cause  accidents. It just means that black shorts are on the rise. Don't get fooled by pseudo science and fake news.


If marijuana caused accidents you would see an increase of overall accidents when they legalized marijuana in Colorado and that didn't happen. Unless ofcourse legalization doesn't mean more people using the drug..and then it doesn't matter anyway.

I’m all for banning black shorts-they’re far too hot in the sun.

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7 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

What a coincidence .. Only a couple o' mths before a proposed election ..


Rolling's been underway for a goodly amount of time anyway methinks given 99% have give it the thumbs up .. 


If by that they mean Spice and derivatives , the synthetic remake of weed then for sure they want to double up against it .. That'll be the last thing they want turning up here .. 

The whole country will be too stoned to vote.

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11 hours ago, helloagain said:

More deaths on the road for sure

I'm not so sure. If people switch from alcohol to pot, possibly they will be less aggressive on the road - assuming they even want to get on it.

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19 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

I think I can feel my back playing up!

If it happens, I will Happily give up the Tramadol..

And the overseas trips to get my medication. 

I know it works well for the sisters fibromyalgia in the UK. 

But CBD is expensive there. 

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12 minutes ago, dallen52 said:

Get everyone stoned,  who isn't already, or drink affected,  and the election is a no brainer. 

They will blow it in.

Like,  "wow man".

Stoned people have a long history of voting for military dictator type characters....not.


This legalization will not get people stoned that wasn't already stoned.

It Will be easier to continue buying from the black market than to find a doctor and end up in some government computer system where now your insurance company etc will know you have a medical problem...


The good news is that ppl that actually benefit from medicinal cannabis might be able to get it now. And also this is a huuuge step towards recreational cannabis because it will create a huge market and this market will have incentive to lobby for the recreational use.

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57 minutes ago, elgenon said:

The OP says for Thai people". Will farangs be able to indulge? I can't read Thai.


Somehow I doubt 99% are in favor. Thai society is very conservative. Plus 99% of any population wouldn't agree that water is wet.

Can confirm, I have a friend that thinks the water in my faucet tastes dry, and I don't have anywhere near 100 friends.

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